...Business Ethics and Globalization February 27, 2013 XMGT 216 Susan Ferguson Business Ethics and Globalization It is very common for a business to expand globally due to competition within the domestic market and transfer employees to different countries to carry this out. In addition, this can run a high chance for ethical risks and consequences due to the difference of environments, cultures, laws, customs, along with numerous other aspects that are different from country to country. Furthermore, “because of the diversity between countries, actions that may be illegal or unethical in some countries may be acceptable behavior in others. Thus, people tend to act “unethically” because each individual is a product of his or her culture, up bringing, training and various other influences.” (Panda, 2007) Additionally, this is why a variety of ethical issues can arise due to globalization. For example, an ethical issue that could arise from globalization is an American manager gets transferred overseas where the laws and regulations for working conditions are different and his employees are put in poor working environments. Although it is unethical to him as an American it is the norm where he is now located. Another ethical issue that could arise is child labor laws might not exist or be very different from here in America and where the manager is now located children are allowed to work at a very young age. Also, a manager...
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...Ethic Awareness Inventory Vanessa Gemelli XMGT /216 October 28, 2011 University of Phoenix Ethic Awareness Inventory After doing the Ethical Awareness Inventory I realize that this is a tool in which helps us realize what ethical standers we stand by. The Inventory consists of four different types of characteristics. These characteristics are characters, results, obligation and equity. Once I was done taking the Ethical Awareness Inventory, it showed me that my perspectives were equity and obligation. I have learned that my perspective of ethics is mostly based on the obligation and duty to do what is morally right. I believe everyone has the right to individuals respect. I do not support or approve a policy at the best interest of society as a whole if any individual is denied the opportunity to which she/he is entitled as a human being (University of Phoenix) (William Institute for Ethics and Management) I do not judge of a person’s ethical behavior based on what is behind their action. I do not seem to care of the result of the action I only focus on what happened behind it. It is very simple a person has a choice on the way we act and what rule we are willing to follow. I work with different people and many different cultures and for sure I could use what I have learn in my job. The main thing that I would apply it would be that the choices I make not only to be the right one but also benefit the decision mater. I will also apply on how I am coming...
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...Business Ethics across Cultures Etumie Morris January 27, 2013 XMGT/216 Beverly Isaman Business Ethics across Cultures In both The United States and China there have been many ethical dilemmas reported, though some are the same there are numerous difference in which both countries classify as either being ethical or unethical, they to have some things in common. Some of the bigger differences are in their life styles and culture. In this paper I have outlined one of the larger ethical differences and ethical perspectives in relation to business. In china most main ethical concerns are based upon how they live their lives, their goals in life, and also how to conduct themselves if ever they should hold a position of power. However in the business world china has on numerous occasions been found unethical with the way they run their businesses. In plain terms they often violate the essential rights of humans. “During the late 1980s and the early 1990s, China was routinely cited by various international; organizations such as Amnesty International and Freedom Watch for major human rights violations, including torture, beatings, imprisonment, and executions of political dissidents” (Ekonomi, 2007). Despite this, in the late 1990s and early 2000s China received record levels of foreign direct investments, mainly from firms based in democratic societies amongst these was the United States (Ekonomi, 2007). Meanwhile in the United States our ethical issues are of a totally...
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...Business ethics across cultures Karen Lovelist XMGT 216 07/25/2010 Elizabeth Berg Business ethics across cultures Urdu is Pakistan’s official language and most widely spoken but in regard to businesses in the country English is generally used. Communication and building relationships are important to Pakistanis they prefer working with people they already know they believe the relationship they have with people they trust is worth more than trying to develop new ones it provides them with a strong foundation which is necessary for business relationships. In the Pakistan culture third party introductions are needed in the relationship. Pakistanis are hospitable people and are bound to ask some personal questions it is their way of getting to know you better. It is best to answer them because it helps in building trust that is important to any business relationship and all business related commitments. Pakistanis are indirect communicators in a group meeting and usually speak in round about fashion, direct communication only happens with people they know and trust Pakistanis are known for their diplomatic talk and would rather say they will try rather than refusing the business deal so be prepared to flatter and be flattered because Pakistanis go out of their way to praise business partners. Business in Pakistan is like doing business with a friend, businessmen feel that telephone numbers are an impersonal way of maintaining a business relationship. Business meetings...
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...Business Ethics Across Cultures Article Review XMGT/216 March 5, 2012 Leat Kodua BUSINESS ETHICS ACROSS CULTURES ARTICLE REVIEW Business Ethics Across Cultures This paper will focus on the two articles that I chose to discuss, ‘Business Ethics in Australia and New Zealand1’ and ‘Business Ethics in Japan.” This paper will provide a brief summary of both articles and try to explain some of the primary ethical perspectives of the countries. In the contents of this paper there will also be a discussion on how the articles contribute to understanding global ethical perspectives and will briefly describe the similarities and differences of the business ethics in these two countries and the United States. Although the first article is titled ‘Business Ethics in Australia and New Zealand’ I will discuss only Australia as New Zealand is considered a separate country. Australia This article discusses the effects of the scandals of the 80’s and extending into the 90’s on Australia and New Zealand as both countries have always claimed to be open, fair and honest societies and the scandals that erupted during the 80’s and 90’s shocked the people of Australia exposing the corruption and dereliction of duty that existed where they felt none did. These scandals brought to light the need for ethical codes within the private and government businesses within Australia, however chief executives and senior government officials still are finding it difficult to accept...
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...Business Ethics across Cultures Jeff Christison XMGT 216 / Organizational Ethics and social Responsibility (AXIA) Carolyn A. Fuentes December 5th, 2010 The first country I chose to research was Germany. I chose them because the world already knows about their personal morals and ethics in history, and how they could be swayed by one individual. They systematically set their morals aside and allowed one man to dictate the country’s ethical stand. They were subsequently able to recover and even improve what had been so easily given away. When it comes to current ethics in German businesses, they are becoming more and more influenced by American business and international trade. While Germany had, in the past, been recognized as a model for personal and business ethics, it was a little more than fifteen years ago that their clean image began to show signs of wear. It is hard to know for sure, though, if it is a case of new issues with ethics, or if globalization is simply shedding a new light on an age old problem. It seems feasible, to me, that businesses have been dealing with their own issues without allowing the public to have knowledge of what is going on. Even with their clean image they have been allowed to practice behaviors that other countries see as illegal. “For example, insider stock trading became illegal only this year, as the Government and investment community tried to respond to pressure from international investors” (Nash, 1995, para. 15). ...
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...Business Ethics Across Cultures Article Review | XMGT/ 216 | | | | RENEE | 9/4/2011 | | What business ethics are in today’s world? What ethical issues within today’s business environment affect our community and organizations? These topics will be addressed in the following paragraphs. Before one can begin to address ethical business issues that affect our community and organizations, one must first define what business ethics are. Business ethics is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and business organizations as a whole. Applied ethics is a field of ethics that deals with ethical questions in many fields such as medical, technical, legal and business ethics. Business ethics can be both a normative and a descriptive discipline. As a corporate practice and a career specialization, the field is primarily normative. In academia descriptive approaches are also taken. The range and quantity of business ethical issues reflects the degree to which business is perceived to be at odds with non-economic social values. Historically, interest in business ethics accelerated dramatically during the 1980s and 1990s, both within major corporations and within academia. For example, today most major corporate websites lay emphasis on commitment to promoting non-economic...
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...Business Ethics Across Cultures Article Review Ken R. Johnson XMGT 216 May 27, 2012 Instructor: Deborah McCafferty Business Ethics Across Cultures Article Review Globalization has been an ongoing event for many centuries; ever since the first traders and merchants sought out other countries to bring back uniquely different food and goods, countries have been sharing their culture and perspectives with those they visit or those that come to their borders. Today, with the widespread use of Internet, digital information, and focus on international business, the positive effect of globalization is much more apparent as well as the challenges it presents to countries with different ethical cultures. While most would assume that people in another land speaking a different language, following a different religion, and eating different food would more than likely perceive and behave differently from than our own; the truth is that even though these differences may be perceived, very little is done to actually understand them appropriately unless it is deemed necessary. However, what is quickly becoming equally apparent, for international businesses and corporations to deal successfully with a foreign contractor, business, or even government; the proper measures must be taken to understand the differences in ethical perception and to work to accommodate those differences. Failure to do so leave many of these companies and businesses...
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...Business Ethics Across Cultures Article Review XMGT/216 Steven Cusick This discussion on the business ethics in China and Canada are going to be covered using a pair of articles written on the business ethics in these two countries on opposite sides of the world. This could be a difference due to the difference in cultures as well as a difference between the economies of the two different countries. These are both articles that cover where these countries are with their business ethics and some reasons that they have or are seeing some issues with this particular topic of the business world. The first is “Business ethics in China: A human resource management issue?” which is an article on the dismal ethics code that is heading toward improvement in the country. There is a discussion on the relationship between the poor business ethics in China and the deep traditions that are directly related to the ancestry of the country and its people. Along with these traditions there is also a comparison to the economy of China being in a transitional phase and there being a higher want to get rich quick as it was more about taking advantage of these lower ethics to reap the larger benefits. In the article “Business ethics in Canada: Distinctiveness and directions” there are some distinct influences in this business community. This article discusses how Canadian business communities have gone the route of incorporating all aspects of social life as well as the economic life...
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...Business Ethics Across Cultures Article Review XMGT/216 Business Ethics Across Cultures Article Review The first article I reviewed was titled Islamic finance: Notion of stewardship imbues business ethics. The author discussed the global economic crisis of 2008 in Islam. He reviewed how the lack of training of Islamic employees in ethics contributed to the economic crisis. Several of the ethical lapses that occurred during the ethical crisis were caused by risk also known as gharar and gambling. Both gharar and gambling are banned by Islamic law (Smith, 2012). The author argues that religious beliefs not limited to Islam can influence more responsibility within a business’s leadership. Omneya Abdelsalam, the director of the El Shaarani Research Centre for Islamic Business believes the belief of god and his power brings an acute level of accountability and responsibility (Smith, 2012). The suggestion of Dr Abdelsalam is that the belief of religion has a direct power of the way individuals conduct business. Islamic businesses primary ethical perspectives are to fulfill social responsibility of the business to the best of its capabilities, have fair treatment for employees, care for the environment and customers, and fulfilling the obligation toward shareholders and other stakeholders (Smith, 2012). Challenges faced by Islamic businesses are the views of tangible assets and some principles. Cedomir Nestorovic, a professor of Islamic business and management states that...
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...Business Ethics across Cultures Raul Torres XMGT 216 Daniel Anderson 1/8/2012 America has not always had the same working conditions and ethical guidelines it has today. We know from history that in the early 1920’s American industries had a very different outtake on what was ethical on tolerable. During those times there were no child labor laws so children were allowed to work in order to be able to provide another source of income for the family. In today’s society we have laws and guidelines that an employer needs to follow in order to be able keep the business from being fined or closed on. Going back to the 1920’s there were no safety guidelines set so if the main provider of the family became injured then the oldest son would have to fill in, in order to keep the family with an income. Employers did not have to follow certain hours in which kids were going to be working such as in today’s society. Aside from children working long hours with no protection women did not work at all outside the house. With no women working outside of their home then we can say that there were no laws on sexual harassment against women. This was something that America was dealing with when they were trying to establish great ethics in our country. Other countries have dealt with much more than sexual harassment and child labor. The first article being reviewed for the Business Ethics across Cultures article review was about issues with Wal-Mart and China. Nearly every...
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...------------------------------------------------- Business Ethics across Cultures Article Review Meghan Kraft XMGT/216 Deborah Pryer November 22nd 2015 Business Ethics across Cultures Article Review For centuries countries have been sharing their goods, services, cultures, and ways of life with those who visit or decides to do business with their country. While most would assume that people in another land speaking a different language, following a different religion, and eating different food would more than likely perceive and behave differently from than our own; the truth is that even though these differences may be perceived, very little is done to actually understand them appropriately unless it is deemed necessary. It is obvious that through globalization, that not just one, but each and every country has its own problems with ethics regarding business. It is made quite clear that there is a common scourge in business practices worldwide. It is also very clear that we are victims to the same faults that occur in humanity on a global scale. However, what is quickly becoming equally apparent, for international businesses and corporations to deal successfully with a foreign contractor, business, or even government; the proper measures must be taken to understand the differences in ethical perception and to work to accommodate those differences. Failure to do so leave many of these companies and businesses vulnerable for international ethical dilemmas that are quickly...
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...XMGT/216 Business Ethics Across Cultures In this paper, I will be reviewing the business ethics found in two countries, each from a different continent. The two countries I have chosen are China and Mexico. The articles I have located for this research are both drawn from the University Library, the first one being Business Ethics and Social Responsibility in Contemporary China, by St. Clair and Norris, the second being Introduction to Central America and Mexico: Efforts and obstacles in creating ethical organizations and an ethical economy, by Collins and Whitaker. I will be reviewing China first, followed by Mexico. Chinese Business Ethics In their article, St. Clair and Norris examine the source of Chinese business ethics from multiple angles. Socially, culturally, and politically, the business atmosphere is quite different in China than it is here in the US. There is, really, no formal culture or system of business ethics for the general, private business sector (St Clair & Norris, 2011). Since its induction into the World Trade Order in 2001, China has modified its business regulations quite significantly to ensure that its businesses operate within the WTO guidelines. However, transition and reform aside, centralized decision making, internal bargaining, and bureaucratic red tape still seem to be the norm, despite the decentralization of many industries and the growth of consumerism. This turn towards progressive business ethics could be due to the recent scandals...
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...Business Ethics across Cultures Article Review XMGT/216 3/24/13 Jennifer Moore Globalization is a process which has taken place since the first traders and merchants began visiting other countries to bring food and goods back for sharing with their country. Countries take pride in sharing their culture and perspectives with any person whom enters their country. In today's economy we have the Internet, and the use of digital information to help focus on globalization. The updated technology helps create a well-planned business strategy for merging with organizations in different organizations. Creating a business transaction with organizations is difficult because most countries have different religious beliefs, they eat different foods, and speak a different language, and this becomes a difficult task to accommodate to what people of other countries are wanting from the business transaction. Organizations that choose to work with companies in other countries make take caution in how they communicate with one another. Through time organizations doing business with other countries have begun taking all steps necessary to make business transactions with international businesses. Many large corporations have begun doing successful transactions with other large corporations, and governments of various countries have begun working together to help better businesses throughout the world. If two international businesses choose to combine practices to better both parties involved...
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...Business Ethics across Cultures Article Review Clarissa R. Hoover XMGT/216 August 4th, 2012 Dr. Frank Czarny, Ph.D. Business Ethics across Cultures Article Review Business ethics and perspectives play a major role in how every business operates on a daily basis. This essay will examine two articles of foreign countries business ethics and perspectives. In addition, the essay will provide a brief summary of the articles. Also, the essay will demonstrate the primary ethical perspectives of the two countries. In addition, the essay will discuss the contributions to understanding global ethical perspectives. Furthermore, the essay will illustrate how the business ethics of a foreign country compares to that of The United States of America. Even though, some business ethics and perspectives differ from country to country generally they are the same. It is very important to uphold an elevated level of ethical behavior when conducting business in a foreign country. There are four main ethical perspectives that one should empathize with which are: character, obligation, results, and equity (Bullard, 2009). When examining ones character individuals should establish their thoughts on what shall be perceived as good versus what is good to accomplish. Furthermore, each individual should realize everyone has a different perspective on how businesses work in a global market. Another ethical perspective one should examine is obligation. Obligation can be described as doing...
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