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You Decide


Submitted By sussy6
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You Decide

FI561 – Mergers & Acquisitions – Week 3
Scenario Summary This is based on Merck’s Acquisition of Medco: Case 5.1, pp. 124-125. Your Role/Assignment You are the Chairman and CEO of Merck. Make a recommendation to the Board of Directors of Merck & Co. regarding this acquisition based on the recommendations of the three associates and your own analysis. You are the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Merck & Company, and you will make the final “yes” or “no” recommendation to the Board of Directors of the company. You are listening to the advice of various department heads regarding this acquisition. Based on your evaluations and additional analysis of the recommendations of your three associates, make your recommendation to the Board of Directors. What will you recommend? Yes? No? Yes with some conditions? What are the reasons for your recommendation? Activity Write an 8-10 page paper (double-spaced) of written analysis, including tables of financial calculations. Key Players Key Players Image Title/Role/Character Chief Operating Officer Script – Text & Audio I’m concerned about synergy and integration issues between our highly research-oriented development of pharmaceuticals here at Merck, and a prescription medicine marketing company like Medco. I am concerned that the cultures and operations of the two companies aren’t going to mix well, and that this deal would result in an expensive failure. I’m all for this acquisition! It will open new marketing leverage opportunities in the Managed Care market. Medco’s marketing database will create market expansion opportunities. This is the perfect answer for the current competitive environment, where other pharmaceutical manufacturers are acquiring drug marketing companies.

Executive Vice President, Sales & Marketing

Page 1

You Decide
Chief Financial Officer This is my concern; I want to make

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