...others are key components to effective educational leadership. These are the foundation as to what leadership lies upon. This continues to be important in education, as accountability in schools and its workers are constantly being increased. In order to work well within the organizational environment of a school, superintendents, coaches, teachers, parents, community members and students must be able to communicate in a variety of effective modalities (Razik & Swanson, 2010). These modalities gives school leaders the tools that they need to make effective decisions that can improve a school and all it’s components. Without an understanding of human relations and how it pertains to communication, this cannot happen. The increased use of technology has changed these interactions to a great extent, it is important that up and coming leaders are familiarized with these shifts; so they can communicate effectively with those they work with. Empowerment- Empowerment is a huge proponent of human relations. It is imperative that educational leaders allow their staff and stakeholders to feel empowered in order to make those powerful decisions that can shift how a school is run. “When teachers build collaborative partnerships, they are empowered to foster more democratic ideals and embody transformative classroom practices such as inquiry, reflection and critique” (Razfar, 2011, p. 27). At my school that was recently redesigned, all of the staff was rehired or newly hired in order to...
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...Brooke Boyle Professor Kilgore English 10803 22 September 2013 Education: Expectations through Technology Changes Have you ever stopped to think about how our environment shapes a certain expectation? The world is constantly changing around us with new technologies and ideas. The differences in education have dramatically changed from my generation to a generation 10-20 years ago regarding how teachers teach and in the ways we decide to learn. The biggest factor in this dramatic change in education is the new technology that we decide to incorporate in schools. After talking to Sarah Liles, a Writing Specialist from the Athletic Academic Services Office, the contrast on technology from her generation to mine is so much more evident. Figure 1: Sarah Liles, Writng Specialist Figure 1: Sarah Liles, Writng Specialist Sarah Liles says, “Education was more difficult in my generation because fewer resources were available,” while the computer was invented, the Internet wasn’t. This caused her to have to delve deeper into hardcover books and not be able to “Google” things with one click of a button. The extent of technology used in the classroom in her generation was the projector that they would take notes from. Sarah’s greatest resource as she put it was books. A point Sarah brings up is, “Because of the greater influence of books, then I was personally more self-driven where now people read a lot less and depend more on others to lecture them.” In contrast, though...
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...Advantage or Disadvantage for Pre-School Children Chan Jia-Qi Janice, Chan Kar Kei, Darius Shu Chen Keong, Naik Shiang Jen, Siau Yeu Jiun, Wong Chin Hui, Yap Huey May School of Communication Taylor’s University Index 1.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………………… 3-5 1.2 Research Questions …………………………………………………………… 5 1.3 Methodology Selected ………………………………………………………… 5-6 1.4 Data Analysis / Findings ……………………………………………………... 6-13 1.5 Final Discussion of Insights ………………………………………………… 13-15 1.6 Conclusion …………………………………………………………………...15-16 1.7 References …………………………………………………………………... 16-17 1.8 Appendices ………………………………………………………………… 18-29 1.1 Introduction Today, children are spending most of their time being occupied by iPad, iPhone and pad-based gadgets that have the access to the Internet. According to Romeo (2003), the emerging in technological development had allowed computers and touchscreen devices to be added into our lifestyle. For example, touchscreen devices like iPod, iPad, Samsung Tab and etc are used to check emails, surf the Internet, connect with people, either for work purpose or personal purpose, and also used in education purposes in pre-school and colleges. Anderson mentioned this in his research in 1999, “The computer has become recognized tool in education of young children, particularly where it is used to promote problem-solving skills and social interactions amongst children” However in Romeo’s report, it has...
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...responses, according to Jeffrey Goldhagen, director of the Duval County Health Department in north Florida (Krisberg, 2011). Before, during and after a hurricane, public health workers are responsible for, among other things, the safety of the sick and elderly, preventing diarrheal diseases, education on food and water contamination, and watching for the spread of infectious diseases in shelter. The impact of the demographics in this situation is affected by many factors. Some elderly may not have access to the internet or other mass media channels that are emerging today. Healthcare costs and services can vary depending on how many people are in need versus those who cannot afford the coverage they need. Because many elderly have chronic illnesses this affects their ability to afford specialized care. With advance technology people are expected to begin living longer, however the most pressing challenges facing the population of 55-64 years is mainly related to awareness, accessibility and health coverage. Like the retirees in Charlotte County, Florida healthcare...
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...parents itself. One argument presented in the article is, “These findings imply strongly that there is very little impact of the physical environment that parents provide for children and very little impact of parental characteristics that must be essentially the same for all children in a family” (Harris). Meaning, parents characteristics have minimal effect on the characteristics or personality of their offspring. We do not have time for family that we used to. This only relates to young children transitioning into young adults. That is the peak time where kids get caught up with having an interactive social life and building a strong foundation for their future. Time to interact with parents is important, even though it is natural to drift from them to have a social life. Not only that, children raised in the same household for majority of their lives tend to be different from one another. I agree with the argument demonstrated in Judith Harris’ article and I strongly believe that it is all dependant upon the era we are living in. Children do not receive the same quality time or valuable life lessons from their parents as children from generations ago did. This falls under the fact that both the mother and father have to work long hours to provide a stable living for their family. Starting at a young age, kids are being dropped off at the daycare, rather than be cared by family and friends because they are simply not available. Like the saying, “everybody has their own life...
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...Anna Pellingra WMS 436 Final Paper December 9, 2010 Where are all the Women? The subject of technology is a very challenging subject that is constantly evolving over time. It is one of the most difficult subjects to conquer, and often times it is the one with the highest paying careers. With an abundance of career opportunities and a lot of money to be made, why is it that women make up such a small percentage compared to men in this field? Is it because they are not capable? Or that they do not want to be associated with the “geek” culture of science technology? Women make up more than half of the college population in America,and today women are beginning to major in majors such as math and science in impressive numbers, but with computer science and technology it is a whole different story. On top of the small numbers of women entering the field, the typicality of a women to enter the field only to leave it after a few short years is extremely common. The number of women in computer science and technology who enter and remain in these fields is very low because of underlining cultural stereotypes and the higher demand on women to be in the home juggling with multiple responsibilities. Men compromise a whopping eighty to eighty-five percent of people who enroll in computer science related fields in the university level. Carnegie Mellon University in particular has a ten to one ratio of men compared to women in the field. In 2004-2005, the number of women pursuing...
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...MKTG203: Assignment 1 Thursday7.00_MR_17 New trends in consumer behaviour and brand personality have gained increased global attention, particularly in cosmetic products. This report will critically analyse the rapidly growing beauty and cosmetics market in China through the consumer behaviour concepts of consumer materialism and brand personality. Both of these aspects will be examined in relation to the similarities and differences present within the Australian and Chinese context. By exploring these two essential concepts of consumer behaviour, the report will highlight China’s growing interests and demands for imported skincare and beauty products, as well as a potential marketing opportunity for Australian cosmetic companies such as Aēsop. Background With an estimated worth of $19.49 billion, the cosmetic market is one of the largest industries stimulating the Chinese economy today (Datamonitor, 2013). A substantial growth of 18.7% in 2012 and a forecasted growth of 48.7% by 2017 (Euromonitor, 2013), has enabled the nation to become Australia’s largest trading partner including other Australian exports. Due to its dominant presence in the world economy, the general level of per capita income has increased progressively with minor improvements in chronic income inequalities between rural and urban populations in China. With higher disposable incomes and the endless choices in distinct cosmetics, many individuals are now seeking high-value...
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...socialization processes. HAVO is one of the four streams of secondary education in Holland referred to as Senior general secondary education (HAVO). The stream takes five years and qualifies students to enter higher vocational education (HBO). Some students can also choose to enter pre-university secondary education VWO or MBO education (Dutch Education Journal, 2007). The analysis is based on both qualitative and quantitative findings from Focus Group Discussions (FDGs), structured and semistructured interviews, drawings, observations and questionnaires. This study considers both the advantages and disadvantages of youth engagement in new media. The study also attempt to contribute to the wider development discourses in the field of children and youth. The conclusion for this book highlights how new media has played a role in the youth cultures in structuring their peer relationships. Throughout the study, pseudo names are used for ethical reasons. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Before delving deeper to this study, it’s important to have some background understanding on what led me to conduct this particular study and the context to which the study was conducted. The full importance of the context background will be appreciated in the later chapters when disaggregating the study findings that informed the writing of this book. My initial topic of study was on the applicability of...
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...Through the years, video games have become a daily routine for many teenagers, college kids, and even adults. Many of the first videos games such as, Tennis for Two and, SpaceWar, all were very simple. Each generation of games always uses the newest technologies available, leading to more impressive graphics and realism. Along with these new technologies come more realistic violent acts and situations. Also with each new generation of video games, people are spending more time and money on them. In this article the term video games will be used to define any interactive multimedia in which the human game player has control over the main "character" in a simulated game world. This can include all types of video games such as those played on...
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...Science, Engineering and Technology (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 2, Issue 12, December 2013 The Mobile Phone Usage Among Teens And Young Adults Impact Of Invading Technology Krithika.M1, Dr.S.Vasantha2 Research Scholar, School Of Management Studies, Vels University, Pallavaram Chennai, India1 Professor, School Of Management Studies, Vels University, Pallavaram Chennai, India 2 Abstract: The development and modernization of technology has made people‘s lives easier and contributed positively to social well-being so far while it has also brought about some problems and threats stemming from irresponsible use of mobile phones among teens young adults. There is a critical and pathetic state prevailing over the sky of our youth. The whole youth population or student community is passing through the chaos, disturbance and mental incapacitation. This study focuses on exploring the pattern of mobile phone usage among teens and young adults in Chennai. It also attempts to examine the extent of addictive behavior towards the usage of mobile phones Questionnaire survey method was used to elicit the responses. Higher secondary students and first year college students were considered as population and simple random sampling technique were used to select the sample of 201 students. The collected data were analyzed with the help of various tools and techniques to draw meaningful inferences and conclusion. Keywords: cell phone, behavior, teens and young adults, parents conflicts...
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...Abstinence only versus Sex education in preventing teen pregnancy Anamika Laddha Chamberlain University Abstinence only versus Sex education in preventing teen pregnancy Introduction United States has the highest level of teenage pregnancy amongst the industrialized nations – nine times as high as Netherlands or Japan, twice as high as England and Wales or Canada. Over eight hundred thousand teenage girls get pregnant each year, most unintentionally (The Alan Guttmacher Institue, 2000). Four out of ten young women become pregnant at least once before age 20. Moe than 80% of these pregnancies are to unmarried teens (National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, 2004). Teenage pregnancy usually refers to girls who have not reached legal adulthood. World Health Organization defines Teenage Pregnancy as “any pregnancy from a girl who is 10-19 years of age,” the age being defined as her age at the time the baby is born. It is not limited to any social, economic, racial or ethnic groups. It is a serious issue that has effect on all of us and should be a concern from obstetric and socio-economical point of views. Factors Contributing to Teen Pregnancy The reasons behind teen pregnancy are complex, varied, and typically interconnected. As Sisson (2012) points out that teen pregnancy should not be looked as isolated issue and it must be understood within context of social complexities and inequities all of which needs to be effectively addressed in order to be one step closer...
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...CASIO IN LUXARY WATCH INDUSTRY Market Analysis The mission of Casio's product development is to create something where there was nothing before - what Casio calls going from "0" to "1." By creating totally original products, Casio strongly believes that they add fun and convenience to daily life and pioneers new cultural trends. "Demand-creating" products, which Casio’s opinion will create markets of their own, produce economic and technological ripple effects. Strategic advantages of Casio in product development are realized by focusing on the following two core areas: 1. Superb product planning driven by accurate assessments of people's needs 2. Superior technologies to make products that meet those needs Competitive strategy in the luxury watchmaking industry: Per Michael Porter, the three fundamental competitive strategies for outperforming competitors in a long term perspective in luxury watch market are (i) differentiation, (ii) overall cost leadership and (iii) focus. These strategies are defined using the criteria of strategic advantage and strategic target. In order to implement these strategies correctly, companies need to develop different skills, gather particular resources and have an adequate organization of the company as in the following figure. Each of these strategy provide defense against the Porter’s five forces. Companies usually set one of these strategies as their primary target, but it is rare to find these strategies totally “pure”...
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...Money, laws, and health care alone is obviously not enough to produce fruitful results. Obesity is an on-going concern that will require a joint effort across the country from private and public parties in order to achieve long-term success. As mentioned before, financial aid, policies and research alone is not enough to make a significant change to reverse the rising epidemic of obesity in America. It is up to the individual to take initiative and for children; it is up to the parents/guardian to be held accountable for the health and prevention of childhood obesity. "A...
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...Neuron Perspective Children, Wired: For Better and for Worse Daphne Bavelier,1,* C. Shawn Green,2 and Matthew W.G. Dye3 of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, USA of Psychology, Center for Cognitive Sciences, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA 3Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA *Correspondence: daphne@bcs.rochester.edu DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2010.08.035 2Department 1Department Children encounter technology constantly at home and in school. Television, DVDs, video games, the Internet, and smart phones all play a formative role in children’s development. The term ‘‘technology’’ subsumes a large variety of somewhat independent items, and it is no surprise that current research indicates causes for both optimism and concern depending upon the content of the technology, the context in which the technology immerses the user, and the user’s developmental stage. Furthermore, because the field is still in its infancy, results can be surprising: video games designed to be reasonably mindless result in widespread enhancements of various abilities, acting, we will argue, as exemplary learning tools. Counterintuitive outcomes like these, besides being practically relevant, challenge and eventually lead to refinement of theories concerning fundamental principles of brain plasticity and learning. Introduction It is Monday morning at 7:58 a.m....
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...#what is social networking? Social Networking - perhaps you've heard of it before, but are not quite sure what it means. Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighbourhood subdivision, if you will. Although social networking is possible in person, especially in the workplace, universities, and high schools, it is most popular online. This is because unlike most high schools, colleges, or workplaces, the internet is filled with millions of individuals who are looking to meet other people, to gather and share first-hand informationand experiences about any number of topics . . . from golfing,gardening, developing friendships andprofessional alliances. A broad class of web sites and services that allow you to connect with friends, family, and colleague's online, as well as meet people with similar interests or hobbies. When it comes to online social networking, websites are commonly used. These websites are known as social sites. Social networking websites function like an online community of internet users. Depending on the website in question, many of these online community members share common interests in hobbies, religion, or politics. Once you are granted access to a social networking website you can begin to socialize. This socialization may include reading the profile pages of other members and possibly even contacting them. The friends that you can make are just one of the many benefits to social networking...
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