4 Managing Cross Cultural

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    Culture Differences in India

    Globalization Note Series Pankaj Ghemawat and Sebastian Reiche National Cultural Differences and Multinational Business The eminent Dutch psychologist, management researcher, and culture expert Geert Hofstede, early in his career, interviewed unsuccessfully for an engineering job with an American company. Later, he wrote of typical cross-cultural misunderstandings that crop up when American managers interview Dutch recruits and vice versa: “American applicants, to Dutch eyes, oversell themselves

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    succeeds. It is known fact that employees from various cultures contribute more effectively to organisations success than organisation working with single culture employees. But the authors of the article “Managing Multicultural Teams” (henceforth referred as core article) are of the opinion that cultural differences are sometimes capable of exacerbating challenges associated with effective team work. With the belief that multiculturism is timely need of 21st century, this essay strongly emphasises that

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    Journal Article

    The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/1755-4217.htm Managing bilingual employees: communication strategies for hospitality managers Mary Dawson, Juan M. Madera and Jack A. Neal C.N. Hilton College, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA Abstract Purpose – One out of four foodservice employees speaks a foreign language at home. Furthermore, 37 percent of those employees speak limited English. Given this, hospitality managers must

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    Moto Coming to America

    Discussion 1. Did Vitro and Corning do enough research before engaging in a joint venture? 2. Was it wise to start with such a large venture? 3. Could some of the problems have been mitigated through cultural training during the joint venture? 4. Was two and one half years long enough to try to make the joint venture work? Was it too long? 5. What can the two companies do to prevent such situations from occurring in the future? Case 1B–Joint

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    PREFACE 3 Int. Studies of Mgt. & Org., vol. 36, no. 4, Winter 2006–7, pp. 3–8. © 2007 M.E. Sharpe, Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN 0020–8825 / 2007 $9.50 + 0.00. DOI 10.2753/IMO0020-8825360400 Preface Globalization and Its Effects on International Strategy and Cross-Cultural Management Globalization is one of today’s most controversial buzzwords, though the spread of this term worldwide since the early 1990s may be testimony to its own significance. Skeptics argue that the entire discussion

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    Chapter 5. MANAGING ACROSS CULTURES Strategic Predispositions Most MNCs have a cultural strategic predisposition toward doing things in a particular way. Four distinct predispositions have been identified: ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric. A company with an ethnocentric predisposition allows the values and interests of the parent company to guide strategic decisions. Firms with a polycentric predisposition make strategic decisions tailored to suit the cultures

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    Cultural Differences

    MSc Management Cross-cultural Management module Cross Cultural Study of China and America Name of Student Name of Instructor Dated: Table of Contents S. No. | Topic | Page No. | Cross Cultural Study of China and America | | 1- | Introduction | 3 | 2- | Chinese Culture | 3 | 3- | Leadership styles and skills of China | 4 | 4- | Motivating others | 4 | 5- | Trust Builder | 5 | 6- | Talent retention | 5 | 7- | High Performance team | 5 | 8- | Management Style of China

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    determine the convergence, divergence and cross-vergence of culture in IHRM, by looking at recruitment and selection in Nigeria as well as the Pension Scheme. It will also focus on the political, economic, social, technical and legal environment a number of factors that influence human resource policies and practice in Nigeria. International human resource management(IHRM) is the term used to refer to the instance where an organisation`s HRM entails managing employees in more than one nation .(Ngo

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    Globalization Note Series Pankaj Ghemawat and Sebastian Reiche National Cultural Differences and Multinational Business The eminent Dutch psychologist, management researcher, and culture expert Geert Hofstede, early in his career, interviewed unsuccessfully for an engineering job with an American company. Later, he wrote of typical cross-cultural misunderstandings that crop up when American managers interview Dutch recruits and vice versa: “American applicants, to Dutch eyes, oversell themselves

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    Cultural Value Dimensions

    the challenges of operating in different national cultures for international managers by using Hofstede’s theory. In addition, the essay explains international skills and knowledges required by managers to be successful in different countries. Cultural Value Dimensions Culture in a global economy is one of the most important factors in global economy. In international management research, Hofstede defined culture as "…the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one

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