difficult to define. The dictionary defines good in a great many different ways: 'having the right or desired qualities; satisfactory, adequate. (of a person) efficient, competent. (of a thing) reliable, efficient. (of health etc) strong. kind, benevolent. morally excellent; virtuous. charitable. well-behaved. enjoyable, agreeable. thorough, considerable.' Moral philosophy also uses the word 'good' in a variety of ways, sometimes as a noun, sometimes as an adjective. GOOD CAN MEAN: A
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Intellectual Education It has been emphasized in earlier chapters that education is not only an individual process, but a social process as well. The individual is born into the family and through the family, becomes a member of society. Society is an aggregate of many individuals, institutions, and functions, diversified in themselves, yet capable of a high degree of unification and integration for the social good. Man must live in society, conform to the customs of his group, and make the necessary
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RERUM NOVARUM ON CAPITAL AND LABOR ENCYCLICAL OF POPE LEO XIII MAY 15, 1891 To Our Venerable Brethren the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, Bishops, and other Ordinaries of Places having Peace and Communion with the Apostolic See. That the spirit of revolutionary change, which has long been disturbing the nations of the world, should have passed beyond the sphere of politics and made its influence
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Specific (Catholic) Literary Principles for Interpreting the Bible What is the literal sense? Speaking of the “literal” sense or meaning of the Bible from a Catholic perspective can be very confusing because the Catholic Church does not mean by the term literal what is often meant by the word “literal” in popular American culture and vernacular. “Literal” as used by modern twenty-first century Americans assumes that the words of text describe something that factually happened. This restrictive
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York University College of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Department of Humanities AP/HUMA 1860 6.00 The Nature of Religion: An Introduction Term Y Section A Course Director: Dr. Jason C. Robinson Y: Fall/Winter 2014-2015 Office: 126 Founders CollegeOffice Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment | Email: jasonro@yorku.ca Class Time: Tuesday 4:30-6:30 | Classroom: Curtis Lecture Halls (CLH) C | Tutorial Leaders and Times | Type | Day | | Start Time | Duration
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I. INTRODUCTION Ancestors during their times are known for being disciplined and decent citizens.[1]Ancient law makers had filled the Philippines through instituting laws, rules and regulations to provide the citizens a peaceful and orderly way of life. Through the obedience of the Filipinos, they had practiced to be always properly conducted every time in accordance with the place they dwell with. Later on, Filipinos have found the conclusion which is to include the value called Delicadeza
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become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, they beconme your destiny.” ANONYMOUS Preliminary Notions: A. Etymological: The word ethics comes from the Greek word “ethos” ,meaning : custom, a habitual way of acting character, a meaning that the Latin terms “mos” , “moris” also connote. Among the Greeks , “ethics” meant what concerns human conduct/human action. B. Descriptive: Largely a concern of cultural anthropologists and sociologists. Its task
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A2 Religious Studies Revision Booklet To be used alongside the textbook and your classnotes. Contents G581: Philosophy of Religion Religious Language......................................................………p.1 Religious Experience........................................................…...p.7 Miracles..................................................................…………...p.12 Nature of God.....................................................
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foundation of ethical theories. We can talk about two main general categories in which we can place the ethical theories: teleological and deontological. From the first category we enumerate the Aristotelian perspective or the one developed by J. St. Mill, while the Kantian perspective is exemplary for deontological ethics. According to the teleological perspective, a form of human behavior is described as moral or non-moral according to the goals explicitly set. The mere achievement of these
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an English word that can be used in one specific way and capable of being defined precisely or adequately. | T. F | 3. | In its general usage, the word “law” is used only to express the sense ofabsolute certainty about the occurrence of a certain phenomenon. | T. F | 4. | In today’s modern period, owing to their individualistic as opposed to communal existence, human beings no longer need one another. | T. F | 5. | For centuries jurists and lawyers have come up
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