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    Loss Of Faith In Raven's Peak

    It seems 3 little girls who are rescues have come up missing and 3 of the council's hunters are dead. One of which was Arthur's own. Abigail; a rescue he himself had taken in as his own and trained himself. Arthur agrees to help but to avenge her death by getting his hands on her killer. Once in Raven's Peak after passing two of the bodies he realizes that his Abigail is not among the dead. He starts to find hope that he may be able to find her but as he enters the church he is face to

    Words: 1250 - Pages: 5

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    has out threw the town. And what she can do with that power she has now. Abigail decision puts fear in people life. She tells the girls, “Let either one of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other thing, and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you!” (1268) Telling them that she would kill them puts fear in all of the girls heart. Abigail gains power every time she speaks. The lies she spits out are so convincing

    Words: 454 - Pages: 2

  • Premium Essay

    Examples Of Heroism In The Crucible

    biggest sins was having an affair with Abigail Williams, which he eventually admitted to. This inevitably unraveled the whole story, and heavily weighed into the reason for his death. Had he not had a relationship with Abigail, Elizabeth Proctor would had never been accused of witchcraft. The act of adultery however, is not a tragic flaw. A flaw is a mere imperfection, not an act whose punishment was often death. When John Proctor cheated on his wife with Abigail Williams, it was not because of a flaw

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    The Girl Who Is Manupulate

    Abigail Williams Of the major characters, Abigail is the least complex. She is clearly the villain of the play, more so than Parris or Danforth: she tells lies, manipulates her friends and the entire town, and eventually sends nineteen innocent people to their deaths. Throughout the hysteria, Abigail’s motivations never seem more complex than simple jealousy and a desire to have revenge on Elizabeth Proctor. The language of the play is almost biblical, and Abigail seems like a biblical character—a

    Words: 273 - Pages: 2

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    The Crucible Movie Comparison

    really are these two mediums in The Crucible? Despite the altering of some elements of scenes in the movie version of The Crucible, characters tended to remain more similar than they did different. One example of this is portrayed in the character of Abigail Williams.

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    What Role Does Elizabeth Play In The Crucible

    wife and mother. Abigail pulls initially on the heartstrings due to her parents' horrible death, forcing her to live with her uncle who is a reverend. Abigale is a lying, manipulative, deceitful and just all

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    Importance Of Reputation In The Crucible

    as: John Proctor, Abigail, and Reverend Parris. In the book Crucible by Arthur Miller, one of the main characters that happens to be concerned about their reputation is Abigail. From the start, Abigail had a vendetta against Elizabeth Proctor. In the Crucible, by Miller, Abigail states to Proctor, “She is blackening my name in

    Words: 666 - Pages: 3

  • Premium Essay

    Examples Of Motivations In The Crucible

    characters had dissimilar motivates to falsely accuse others of witchcraft. For example: Abigail Williams who is a huge part of the novel, her motivations were: staying out of trouble and taking Elizabeth Proctor place. While, Thomas Putnam was motivated to accuse others of witchcraft, because of his greediness and selfishness. Lastly, Mary Warren accused others with the motivations of fear from Abigail. Abigail who is fair to name as the evilness

    Words: 359 - Pages: 2

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    Who Is John Proctor The Protagonist In The Crucible

    John Proctor In Arthur Miller's The Crucible, John Proctor is a protagonist who is a brave man with some very dirty secrets. Because he has had an affair with Abigail Williams, Proctor would do anything to protect his name. He represents integrity and helps to stop the hysteria by dying to protect his name. Integrity motivates John Proctor to deny that witchcraft exists in the village. The reverend’s say they think he is a witch because he don’t go to church like he is supposed to. Proctor doesn’t

    Words: 314 - Pages: 2

  • Premium Essay

    The Crucible Summary

    concerned about Betty, Parris' daughter, who has fallen "a victim of witchcraft." We find out that Betty, her cousin Abigail, Tituba, a slave, and other girls in the town had been cavorting and practicing witchcraft, naked in the woods, the night before. Since this occurred, Betty had been in a coma-like trance that was suspected to be caused by witchcraft. We soon find out that Abigail has control over the other girls and blackmails them into lying which eventually leads to unnecessary murders of

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