Running head: IMPACT OF THE IOM REPORT ON NURSING Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing Grand Canyon University: NRS 430V April 27, 2012 Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing On October 5, 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM), in collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), released the report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” This detailed report explores the need of the nursing profession to evolve and prepare for the impact that
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commonly reported adverse event among adults admitted to inpatient setting. Up to twenty percentages of patients admitted, reported falling of at least once during an inpatient hospital stay period” (Oliver, Healey, & Haines, 2010). The author works at a city hospital located in Gilbert, Arizona and encounters a great amount of orthopedic patients along with other general surgery patients. All patients that are on that floor are at a risk of falls during the first 48 hours after surgery due to anesthesia
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Crandall Grand Canyon University NRS-430V Professional Dynamics February 25, 2012 In 2010 the Institute of Medicine released the results of a two year study of the role of the largest workforce in the nation’s health care system: nurses. The first key message of the IOM report is that “nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2010, p. 2).” Expanded educational prospects and advanced training and practice opportunities will create more
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statement of the Institute of Medicine report of 2010, the future of Nursing: Leading Change and Advancing Health. Currently, the health care system in the United States is facing the greatest storm fir reform, with the enactment of comprehensive health care legislation and the signing of the Affordable Care Act(ACA), which focuses on supplying super quality, safer, more assessable and much affordable care. Nursing being the largest portion of the health care workforce has an eminent role to play
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Veterans Administration hospital in February 2000. Known as Barcode Medication Administration (BCMA), this software proved useful in generating fast and accurate medication administration as well as online patient medication records preservation. The application created by the Eastern Kansas Health Care System in association with Colmery-O’Neil VA Medical Center has been modified a number of times to meet the general requirements in all U.S. Veterans Health Administration medical centers. The implementation
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Health Care Reform: Impact on Patient Safety, Quality of Care, and Economics November 7, 2015 Health Care Reform: Impact on Economics, Patient Safety and Quality of Care With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010, never before in the history of the United States has there been a more opportune time to cater to the stakeholders, American citizens, and health care industry to improve quality and the way in which health care is delivered. Health care reform has
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Patient Education Plan Paper NUR/427 2/26/12 MSN Patient’s description Patient is a 45 year old male that presented to the family physician office to follow up on his recent diagnosis of high blood pressure that was noticed during his annual physical examination at the company he is working for. He has a high pressure position at his job and he is expected to meet certain sale quota each month and admitted to feel
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It has been said many times that American population is getting sicker and sicker. A report published by American Hospital association indicates that Medicare covers more than 48 million people, and the number is only increasingly growing. For example baby boomers are reaching the critical age of 65 which calls for diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and mental health conditions. Apart from this aging population, the younger population is getting sicker too
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Adherence to Antibiotic Therapy in Primary Care Grand Canyon University Introduction To Nursing Research Terese Verklan July 6th, 2014 Adherence to Antibiotic Therapy in Primary Care Problem Statement “The term compliance or adherence can be described as the extent or correlation between the patient’s obedience to the therapy and the advice of health providers. Thus, it is related to the patient’s drug-taking attitude. Even when appropriate treatment is prescribed successful results
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Community Interest Company: a Social Enterprise Organisation Project Report Health Needs Assessment: Stroke in South West and South East London Author: Version: Date: Client: Ref No: Dr John Hayward, Sarah Martin, Dr Michael Soljak Final Version 16.03.09 South West and South East London Cardiac and Stroke Network Boards P132 A Social Enterprise organisation and Community Interest Company Registered office: PO Box 1295, 20 Station Road, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, SL9 8EL English Company
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