Acute Care Patient Reports

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    Urinary Tract Infections in Older Men

    The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e Clinical Practice Caren G. Solomon, M.D., M.P.H., Editor Urinary Tract Infections in Older Men Anthony J. Schaeffer, M.D., and Lindsay E. Nicolle, M.D.​​ This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem. Evidence supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines, when they exist. The article ends with the authors’ clinical recommendations. From the

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    Long Work Hours Leading to Increased Medication Errors

    Nurses and Patient Safety” published in Health Affairs, July/August 2004. Her study followed 393 registered nurses working over 5,317 shifts. Each nurse tracked hours worked, time of day worked, overtime, days off, sleep/wake patterns, errors and near misses.   According to Dr. Rogers, fatigue results in: * Forgetfulness * Slowed reaction time * Diminished decision making * Reduced vigilance * Apathy, lethargy * Impaired communication.  Delivery of health care requires

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    System Structures Overview

    aforementioned that I was previously employed with hospice within the health care industry for several years. Within that experience, I have had the pleasure of using a few information systems. I have also had the pleasure of gaining insight and a better understanding of these systems and how and why they were implemented within the industry as well as how beneficial they have been throughout the years. If I may, I would like to report on a system that was not discussed during Week 2 of this course but is

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    Accreditation Options

    is whether to participate with a regionally or nationally accredited organization. Committee looking at their options are not only concerned about the healthcare organization. The patients they serve are also very important, as their expectations of the accreditations that are held by the organization they receive care in must be considered. The cost of the accreditation organization’s services, and what each bring to the table in terms of their processes and communication they deliver is vital.

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    Wtt 1

    be comprised of several members, each with a specific job. The first member selected would be a Clinical Nurse Informaticist. This team member would be charged with giving valuable input on the software needed for nurses to properly care for and chart on their patients. With the knowledge of nursing practice and informatics, this team member would very valuable in bringing the two together in the most efficient way possible. The next team member would also be from the IT department. A Director of

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    Health Informatics

    is the term used to describe the science of information management in health care and its application to support clinical research, decision-making and practice, Pearson C,and Severs M (1999). McCormick, Saba, (2001) state nursing informatics and information technology to be an integral part of the nursing information system and the nursing profession. Improving IT is an essential part of delivering patient centred care in the NHS. Ball M, Hannah K, Newbold S, (2005) state that the extent to which

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    A Traumatic Quinceañera Case Summary

    no known flatus for 2 days. On the day of presentation, she was seen by her pediatrician who ordered an abdominal CT and subsequently referred her to the emergency department. Of note, 1 week prior to her presentation the patient celebrated her Quinceañera where she reports wearing a very tight corset and restricting her oral intake prior to the party to fit into her dress. Her discomfort may have persisted after her

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    Health Care

    It is devastating to think about not having the right supply of air to help me to breath. How many times we have been told to take care of our body and lungs, and fell to do so. I have learn, not maintaining  a healthy way of living dealing with your lungs will led to major problems in the long haul. The disease I will discuss is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease {COPD}. COPD is the resistance to airflow as a result of airway narrowing. Airway obstruction may result from accumulated secretions

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    The Future of Nursing

    States is facing the largest health care reform in recent history. Nursing, along with other disciplines, will be at the fore front of this enormous transition. Up to this point nursing has played an essential role in the delivery and management of care. To continue to play a pivotal role nursing must elevate its practice to meet the needs of an ever changing health care delivery system. Advances in nursing practice will aide in changing and making health care more affordable, safe and effective

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    Theory Analysis

    Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort Introduction Today’s healthcare focus is on providing patient-centered, safe and effective care for improved patient outcomes. This focus is not only important for the patient’s health, but has become vital for the financial well-being of healthcare organizations. The United States has consistently ranked among the highest in healthcare costs and the lowest in improving patient outcomes when compared to other industrialized nations (Davis, Stremikis, Squires, &

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