Advantages Disadvantages Historical Cost Accounting

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    Advantages and Disadvantages of Historical Cost Accounting

    Advantages and disadvantages of Historical Cost accounting Historical cost accounting has been a controversial method that experienced many criticisms over a period of time, especially since it considers the acquisition cost of an asset and does not recognize the current market value. Merits and demerits of this method are as follows. The most obvious advantage of HC accounting is objectivity. It is a predominantly objective system, which records the original cost of an item when it was purchased

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    Fair Value

    * Limitation of historical cost accounting Historical cost accounting: assets are recorded at the amounts paid/ received at acquisition Problem: +) inflation, +) increase in asset values are not reflected in financial statements (wearing out of assets, increase in market value) Advantage: +) objective method: documentary evidence to prove the purchase price of an asset, or amounts paid as expense. +) costs can easily be verified. * Alternative method of accounting that have been

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  • Premium Essay

    Hca vs Fva

    Executive Summary Accounting concepts are the rules and guidelines used in accountancy and one of these is the historical cost accounting. This concept is an accounting technique that values an asset on the balance sheet at the price paid for the asset at the time of its acquisition. Moreover, the historical cost accounting is the situation in which accountants record revenue, expenditure and asset acquisition and disposal at historical cost. This means the actual amounts of money, or money’s

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  • Premium Essay

    Historical Cost Account

    1 historical cost accounting (hca) is the situation in which accountants record revenue, expenditure and asset acquisition and disposal at historical cost: that is, the actual amounts of money, or money's worth, received or paid to complete the transaction. 2 nature of historical cost accounting this is one of those idiosyncratic headings that teachers dream up (me too, probably!) that meant nothing to me without further explanation 3 the big advantage of hca is that it leads to absolute certainty

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  • Premium Essay

    Historical Cost Disavantage

    In accounting, historical cost is the original monetary value of an economic item.[1] Historical cost is based on the stable measuring unit assumption. In some circumstances, assets and liabilities may be shown at their historical cost, as if there had been no change in value since the date of acquisition. The balance sheet value of the item may therefore differ from the "true" value. While historical cost is criticised for its inaccuracy (deviation from "true" value), it remains in use in most

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  • Premium Essay

    Historical Cost

    Accounting Communication Tatiana Egipti ESSAY "What are the arguments for and against continuing the use of historical costs in accounting?" Under Historical Cost valuation method all assets are presented on the balance sheet at their nominal (original) cost at the time of their acquisition. The Historical Cost method is the method prescribed by US GAAP for use by US companies. The proponents of the Historical Cost method often point out that one of the main advantages of such method is verifiability

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    M & M Assignment

    with job responsibilities distinct from those in public accounting. The Value of CMA to the Company IMA raises awareness of management accounting, which includes jobs in decision support, plan, and control positions. Some common job titles for management accountants include: Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Treasurer, Vice President of Finance, Controller, Treasurer, Finance Manager, Internal Auditor, Corporate or Division Planner, Cost Accountant, and Staff Accountant. The four-part CMA exam

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  • Premium Essay

    Exploring the Pros and Cons of Fair Value Accoungting

    FAIR VALUE ACCOUNTING Abstract The speed of globalization in the capital markets and the increasing complexity of financial instruments have caused financial statement users to question the relevance and usefulness of historical cost accounting (HCA). The propensity to use fair value accounting (FVA) is imminent as we enter into a borderless economy and as financial markets evolve that require more current and relevant financial information. The U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

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  • Premium Essay

    Land Securities

    Financial Accounting Homework Case I: Land Securities Group Should Land Securities choose the cost or fair value model for reporting its investment property in its consolidated financial statements? a) Explain the financial statement effects of the different models b) Consider the perspectives of management, (current and potential) shareholders and lenders, as well as auditors c) Take into account the different objectives of financial reporting d) Conclude with a well-reasoned decision

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    Advantages And Disadvantages Of Current Purchasing Power (CPP) Method CPP method is useful for finding out real financial position of organization. Following are the advantages of CPP method. 1. CPP method adopts the same unit of measurement by taking into account the price changes. 2. Under CPP method, historical accounts continue to be maintained. CPP statements are prepared on supplementary basis. 3. CPP method facilitates the calculation of gain or loss in purchasing power due to the

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