Advocacy Project Proposal

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    50 Hurt Plaza, S.E., Suite 595, Atlanta, GA 30303‐2915 • 404‐523‐6220    Georgia Humanities Grant Guidelines, Fall 2015   Application deadline:  September 30, 2015  Maximum Grant Amount:  $2,000  Projects can begin on or after January 30, 2016    Georgia Humanities invites 501(c)‐3 nonprofit organizations to apply for a program grant of up  to $2,000 to support local humanities programs. The National Endowment for the Humanities  defines the humanities as: The study of history, literature, language (modern and classical)

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    KOMBASES WATER PROJECT Enhancing community water and sanitation services P.O BOX 2186-30200. TEL: 0722 759918 KITALE OUR REF:KWP/PF/VPL.1/2014/ (5) Date 8th Match 2014. The chairman, CDF committee Trans -Nzoia East Constituency P.o. Box Kitale Dear Sir, RE: REQUEST FOR FUNDING: KOMBASES COMMUNITY SAFE CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION INITIATIVE 2014 We refer to the above initiative detailed in the attached proposal for funds from your CDF

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    Keystone Brochure

    company provides comprehensive business solutions to private businesses, financial institutions, investors, bilateral and multilateral institutions. A special strength of Keystone lies in its ability to help prepare for and implement energy sector projects both with regards to conventional and nonconventional energy sources. Keystone is also particularly strong in the areas of financial modeling and conducting legal and technical due diligence. These strengths are applicable in a wide variety of fields

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    What Is Bar?

    Bureau of Agricultural Research  The Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) is one of the staff bureaus of the Department of Agriculture (DA) which was established to lead and coordinate the national agriculture and fisheries research and development (R&D) in the country. BAR is committed to consolidate, strengthen, and develop the agriculture and fisheries R&D system for the purpose of improving its effectiveness and efficiency by ensuring customer satisfaction and continuous improvement through

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    Health Advocacy Campaign

    Health Advocacy Campaign Childhood obesity is considered one of the major pressing health issues of our century. The rate of childhood obesity has increased alarmingly, with the number of obese children under five globally standing at over 42 million today. Approximately 35 million of obese children are living in the developing countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) children who are obese and overweight are very likely to stay obese into their adulthood; further, they stand

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    Mid South Chamber of Commerce Case Study

    MidSouth Chamber of Commerce Case Study #1 MidSouth Chamber of Commerce (MSCC) was created to be an advocate for the business community and, under the leadership of Jack Wallingford became one of the most powerful advocacy organizations in the area. With business membership growing and staff increasing, the computer technology that was in place was no longer able to keep up with the demands of the organization. This study outlines what MSCC went through to procure and implement a new Information

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    Financial Literacy for El Paso

    2013 Dr. Juan Gomez Superintendent YISD 123 Fake Street El Paso TX, 79936 Dear Dr. Gomez: Financial Literacy of El Paso (FLEP) is pleased to present this proposal for services to support the City of El Paso in achieving its goals for improving the financial literacy from youth to senior citizens by providing advocacy, research, standards and educational resources. The objective of the proposed personal high school finance class is to help high school students develop the ability to

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    Cisco Case

    initiatives that impacted the entire company. Since its first meeting in 2002, BPOC had focused its attention on several major enterprise-wide projects such as upgrading the company’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) system and developing a comprehensive customer database. As these projects started to wind down, the committee began considering new proposals that typically fell into one of three categories: “one-off” programs with specific short-term goals, “must-have” programs mandated for regulatory

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    Pilsen Resilience

    challenging the gentrification was formed by Nicole Marroquin and Paulina Camacho, both educators and artists. They recently received a Propeller Fund Grant to create an action research project with a group of youth from Benito Juarez High School (located in Pilsen). “They (leaders and students) are to present radical proposals for development without displacement, and for a future where they are still here.” This research is still in progress and no updates have been posted on the Propeller Fund website

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    Ethnic and Anti-Oppression Mental Health Practice

    INTRODUCTION The focus of social constructionism is to uncover the ways in which individuals and groups participate in the creation of their perceived reality. It involves looking at the ways social phenomena are created, institutionalized, and made into tradition by humans. Socially constructed reality is seen as an ongoing, dynamic process; reality is re-produced by people acting on their interpretations and their knowledge of it. Social phenomena include all behavior which influences or is

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