Asthma Outline

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    Pneumothorax Essay

    At the time of the exam the patient seemed to be in fair condition, while previously having had a lobectomy of the right lung due to a malignant neoplasm. After taking the initial PA radiograph, it was clear that the patient had a large amount of air in their right lung cavity. Radiographically, this appeared as an area of the lung apex which had none of the typical lung markings you would expect to see. This is a sign the patient had a condition known as pneumothorax, (pg. 75) which was later

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  • Premium Essay

    Mary's Joint Pain: A Case Study

    Mary’s joint pain seems to be well controlled by her current use of paracetamol and diclofenac. The expected outcomes of Mary’s asthma treatments however, are not being achieved. Poor control is evident in night-time symptoms, and nightly requirement of Salbutamol (1). Beclomethasone has been prescribed at a moderate dose. While this dose is safe, it is too high to be prescribed without the pairing of a long acting Beta2 agonist (LABA) (1). The therapeutic guidelines stepwise approach to treatment

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  • Premium Essay

    Allergy Research Paper

    When I was thirteen years old I developed a gluten allergy. In the United States, over three million people are diagnosed with food allergies a year, and over 50 million people have a food allergy. So, even though it was hard to me to make this change in my life and it effected me in many ways, I was not the only person that ever had to go through it. However, there is a much smaller population of people that develop allergies later on in life. Roughly 6% of Americans are born with and food allergy

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  • Premium Essay

    Acute Asthma Case Study

    preventing the asthma attacks (O) in school settings during physical education (T) Key words: exercise induced asthma, albuterol, teenage, school setting, and physical education Assignment Questions Guidelines What two guidelines were used? (AHRQ, n.d.) “Pathogenesis, prevalence, diagnosis, and management of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction: a practice parameter.” (John M. Weiler, September 26, 2010) “Evidence-based care guideline for management of acute exacerbation of asthma in children aged

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  • Premium Essay

    Hygiene Hypothesis Essay

    expectations, in America, peanut and tree nut allergies encompass almost 90% of all food allergies, and the occurrence of peanut allergies in children has increased 21% since 2010 and is projected to increase in the future (American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, 2017). One explanation for this is the Hygiene Hypothesis; the idea that children in developing countries are exposed to more allergens in their environment, and are therefore able to develop more resistance to allergens, while American

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  • Premium Essay

    Asthma Research Paper

    Asthma is a respiratory condition in which a person’s airways become inflamed with mucus making it hard for an individual to breathe. Asthma in some cases can lead to death if not treated properly. According to, more than 5,000 Americans have lost their lives due to asthma. The number of asthma patients continues to grow until this day; it is more than common you will come in contact with someone with the disease. This essay will focus on what asthma is, a few signs of asthma

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  • Premium Essay

    COPD Vs Asthma

    In the article, Is It Asthma, COPD, or Both by Bill Pruitt, it is discussed that many patients that experience symptoms relating to both asthma and COPD can be categorized as having asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS). All three lung conditions are prevalent and rising in the United States and because of the similarities between the symptoms of each disease, most patients are likely misdiagnosed. Although, it is extremely difficult to distinguish asthma and COPD from ACOS, Pruitt uses research data

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  • Premium Essay

    Bronchodilator Response Essay

    I have caught up with Gerrit in person three months since the last appointment. Around a month after I last saw Gerrit, he ceased Symbicort due to a lack of benefit. Since that time, he has had further assessment with Andrew Teh and I note Andrew is happy with Gerrit’s cardiac status with a recent echocardiogram showing normal systolic function, no significant diastolic dysfunction and trivial mitral regurgitation. Gerrit has since undergone repeat lung function testing that demonstrates some

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  • Premium Essay

    Patho 370 Signature Assignment

    Patho 370 Signature Assignment 1. What clinical findings are likely in R.S. as a consequence of his COPD? Clinical findings in R.S. as a consequence of COPD, would be difficulty breathing (dyspnea), chronic cough, excessive sputum production. R.S. has chronic bronchitis, or Type-B COPD, in which “…The inflamed bronchi produce a lot of mucus. This leads to cough and difficulty getting air in and out of the lungs. Cigarette smoking is the most common cause. Breathing in other fumes and dusts over

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  • Premium Essay

    Auscultate Pneumothorax Case Study

    1 - Explain the correct way to auscultate a patient’s lung fields. To auscultate the patient’s lung fields use the diaphragm of the stethoscope, and place firmly on the skin. Ask the patient to breathe slowly and deeply through the mouth, exaggerating normal respiration. To auscultate the back, ask the patient to sit with the head bent forward and arms folded in front, and then have the patient sit more erect with the arms overhead for auscultating the lateral chest. Finally, ask the patient to sit

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