Attachment Report

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    TITLUL CURSULUI: CURS PRACTIC – LIMBA ENGLEZĂ Fundamente de gramatică şi vocabular Limba engleză - “English for Social Sciences” Curs pentru învăţământ la distanţă Asist.univ. DANIELA NICULESCU- ZDRENGHEA [pic] 2005 INTRODUCERE 1.Coordonatorul cursului este asist.univ.Daniela Niculescu-Zdrenghea, titular la Facultatea de Psihologie a Universităţii Titu Maiorescu, autoare a numeroase traduceri a numeroase studii

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    Analysis of Timothy's Case Study

    failed a grade and was not able to continue to 6th grade with his peers and was even suspended for instigating a fight. Secure attachment is the term used to support the instance of infants using their parents as a sense of security, or base. This then causes infants to feel relaxed and protected as opposed to fearful and agitated. Parents can foster this healthy attachment relationship through affection and positive interaction. Four factors that can have an impact on security are: “early availability

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    The Impact of Foster Care on Child Development

    to include foster homes. However there is a controversy over the effectiveness of the foster care system in regards to child development. Foster care has been linked to negative impacts in child development to include; physical and sexual abuse, attachment disorders, and behavioral problems that eventually lead to children being placed in multiple placements and in some cases the juvenile justice system,. Children who are in foster care are a vulnerable group due to the being removed from their home

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    Weekly Therapy

    sense of trust has been severely shaken, as was her sense of a secure base. I hypothesised that LG would not only have suffered from the experiences of loss, domestic violence, physical abuse and neglect, but from emotional neglect and broken attachments. After meeting with LG at her foster carer’s house 5 months ago, weekly play therapy sessions began. Throughout this time I have reviewed the therapy regularly with LG’s foster carer and regularly discussed the therapy with LG’s social worker

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    Unresloved Grief

    UNRESOLVED GRIEF AND CONTINUING BONDS: AN ATTACHMENT PERSPECTIVE Much of the contemporary bereavement literature on the continuing bond to the deceased (CB) has emphasized its adaptiveness and given limited attention to when it may be maladaptive. The attachment literature on disorganized– unresolved attachment classification in relation to loss, or ‘‘unresolved loss,’’ is informative in identifying CB expressions that are indicative of failure to integrate the death of a loved one. In this

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    Outline the Influence of Childhood and/or Adolescents Experiences on Later Adults Relationships

    Q. Outline the influence of childhood and/or adolescents experiences on later adults relationships (8+16) Individuals differ in their relationships; psychologists have researched whether adult relationships are related to early experiences in life. Bowlby believes that the type of relationship the individual has with their primary caregiver gives a basis of a future relationship. This is called the internal working model. The fear of strangers represents an important survival mechanism

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    Social Relationships

    and Ainsworth characterize affectional bonds, attachments, and internal working models? Bowlby and Ainsworth distinguished between an affectional bond and an attachment, which involves feelings of security and having a safe base. An attachment is deduced from the existence of attachment behaviors. Once established, an attachment relationship becomes the basis of an internal working model that the child applies to future interactions with the attachment figure and with others. 2. What factors influence

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    Collaborative Language Systems

    Collaborative Language Systems Johnny L. Burns Governors State University An interesting aspect of this week’s readings was the exposure given to a current trend in family systems therapy: the integration of postmodern therapy with traditional Buddhist teachings. This new approach to the therapeutic relationship involves meshing and integrating an understanding of the relationship of clients to life’s inevitable suffering

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    Mary Ainsworth

    her exploration into the significance of the mother-child bond. Contribution to Psychology Ainsworth later developed a Strange Situation which is a technique used to examine the pattern of attachment between a child and their mother or caregiver. This method of measuring the child’s specific attachment characteristics is highly respected and well established and variations of it are used throughout the clinical world of psychiatry and psychology today.

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    Characteristics and Environments of Human Service Organization

    Characteristics and Environments of a Human Service Organization Paper Latischa Harris BSHS 462 April 8, 2012 Jane Flournoy Characteristics and Environments of a Human Service Organization Paper Kids Resource Network was founded in 1985, moving into El Paso County, Colorado in 1992. In 2001, Kids Resource Network (KRNCS) broke into two separate offices making KRNCS its own child placement agency. KRNCS works with many diverse children and families, who all have different and special needs

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