participation activities and discussions, individual projects, research and writing, students will gain insight regarding their own potential as school leaders. Students will be expected to begin developing their individual Professional Development Portfolios(PDP). Thisenables you to focus on your future developmental needs as an education leaders. The PDP will be a useful guide in your professional development throughout future EDA courses in general, and in particular will be used in conjunction
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Evaluate Yourself and Be a Better Leader Why do people behave the way they do? I have asked myself this question over and over in the past without coming up with a definite answer, until I read this powerful article, “Why People Behave the Way they Do” by James G. Clawson. The article builds a set of relationships among perceptions, beliefs, conclusions, defense mechanisms, and behavior. Based on James Clawson’s concept of “three level leadership” the leader must first understand their own behavior
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Categorizing Leaders on the basis of service, conflict resolution and collaboration Servant leader – A leader who serves others’ needs while strengthening the organization Bridge leader – A leader who bridges conflicting value systems or different cultures Shared leadership – Rotating leadership in which people rotate through the leadership role based on which person has the most relevant skills at a particular time Lateral leadership – Style in which colleagues at the same
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Final Paper The 5 Steps to a Successful Organization Jacob Dunnichay Indiana Tech University Table of Contents TOC \t "Heading, 1" Introduction PAGEREF _Toc \h 3 Value and Vision PAGEREF _Toc1 \h 4 Direction and Alignment PAGEREF _Toc2 \h 7 Motive and Empower PAGEREF _Toc3 \h 10 Learning and Change PAGEREF _Toc4 \h 13 Leading in Global and Multicultural Society PAGEREF _Toc5 \h 16 Summary PAGEREF _Toc6 \h 19 References PAGEREF _Toc7 \h 20 Introduction For the purposes
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to display their strengths and their weaknesses without having to “act” in the way a traditional organization may expect them to. From there, an effective leader could use these strengths to empower the organization and allow the employee to be at their most productive. The key concept was that to be authentic, they needed to work for an authentic organization. This model then leads us to the “Organization of Your Dreams.” These ideals may all sound like common-sense objectives, but several of these
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Accessing the results of the Seven Habits Profile, I find that I hold others accountable as I do myself and I should put some focus setting attainable goals within the workplace. 3 Leadership Strengths and Weaknesses I will apply the Authentic Leadership theory to examine my three strengths and three weakness, and propose three modifications I can apply to boost my possibilities to successfully oversee organizations and direct persons in the future. 3.1 Strength No. 1 I attribute some
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contents and assignments of Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, week 5, and week 6 respectively. Week 1 deliberated on the qualities of leaders: Planning, monitoring, controlling, evaluation, performance, policy formulation, decision making, motivation, recruiting, and implementation of decisions. This has helped me to better understand leadership role. Week 2 discussed that leaders and followers must complement each other for a successful business. The two parties combined to balance the mathematical equation
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charged with the mission to maximize on the steady momentum and sales growth of 30% per year in the United States and abroad. As new product lines with a noticeably different look were about to emerge into the market, the challenge was to retain the authentic elements and loyal customer base that had been established, while continuing to grow the brand in a mass-market setting. PROBLEMS: * In the beginning, Burt’s Bees relied heavily on a word-of-mouth operation style, with little to no marketing
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knew that they are strong reflections of my parents’ beliefs and practices. Self-reflection is essential in knowing who I am. My Advanced Leadership course from New York University has taught me that a leader is not born to have a specific characteristic or trait to be great; likewise, a unique leader has leadership gifts within him or her. To use this leadership gift to inspire and motivate others, George, Sims, McLean, and Mayer (2007) stated that I must come to understand who I am and my life stories
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Analyze and describe the founding leader(s), leadership style, and major business principles of a profit-oriented entrepreneurial approach in which the primary goal is to provide a product or service to consumers and to make a profit. The following leaders , Larry Page, Sergey Brin (Google), Thomas Edison (Light Bub), Vicor Kiam (Remington Electric Shavers), Peter Drucker (Management Thinking), Blake Mycoskie (TOMS) and Anita Roddick (The Body Shop). The leaders all had a similar leadership style;
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