MBA – II WINTER 2011 COURSE: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (MGT 604) INSTRUCTOR: PROF. F. A. FAREEDY TEACHING ASSOCIATE: HAADIAH QAISER SYLLABUS 1. Case Study Method: How to prepare and present a case analysis. Why to do case studies? Traditional/Lecture approach versus the Case Method, Oral Presentations and Preparing a Written Case Analysis. Constructing Visual Aids and Answering Questions. 2. Introduction to Human Resource Management: Human Resource Management at Work. The changing
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Euthanasia is the ending of a ill person's life in order to alleviate them of their pain and suffering. A person who goes through euthanasia normally has an incurable condition, but there are other situations where some people desire their life to be terminated. In many cases, it is carried out at the person's desire but there are instances when they may be too sick and the arrangement is made by relatives, medics or, in some circumstances, the courts. Euthanasia brings up a number of difficult
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early nineties, Stella Liebeck won a 2.7 million dollar lawsuit for spilling coffee in her lap. This article will reveal the facts, issues, laws, and affects about this case. Many believe that our legal system is out of control. What do you think about this news story? After reading this article you will be a more informed citizen about this case and you will think twice about judging someone based on a news headline. What are the Facts? In 1992, Stella Liebeck purchased a cup of hot coffee
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edge. If you find yourself drawn to an attractive co-worker, be aware of company policy and relatively new trends in office romance management. Lester Jones, attorney and law partner with the law firm of Littler Mendelson in Los Angeles, says employers have been approaching labor and employment law firms for years about work romance issues. Many companies now ask “involved” employees to sign Consensual Relationship Agreements, more commonly known as “Love Contracts.” Love and the Law “These types
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First of all, owning a PVC pipe is illegal?! The laws in Missouri couldn’t get much crazier. The law stating that social networking between teachers and students is prohibited that was passed by Missouri Governor Jay Nixon is based on a situation that happened DECADES ago, when a girl was molested by her teacher. Missouri was the first state to do this. But things have changed over the decades, and banning student-teacher social networking relationships isn’t going to stop any creepy teachers from
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Employment-At-Will Doctrine The United States of America is one of the few countries where employment is primarily at-will. All states except Montana presume such employment relationship in the U.S (2005, Ewing, North, Taylor). Most countries of the world allow employers to dismiss employee only for cause. Some of the reasons given for the retention of the at-will presumption include respect for freedom of contract, employer deference, and the belief that both employers and employees favor an at-will
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Independent Contractor Employee – If the employer exercises a considerable amount over the details of the work, you have an employee status. If the work is usually done under the employer’s direction, you have an employee status. The employer supplies the tools. If the person is employed for a long period of time, you have a employee status. If the method is by time period, you have an employee status. An employee may not require as much skill as an independent contractor. * Employer exercise
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TRUCT ACADEMY SUCCESS IN BUSINESS LAW FOR C.I.S, Z.I.M CERT., ZAAT, IAC, I.C.M M. MAVHUNGA LLB (S) (UZ) 3RD EDITION 2000 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS` I would like to thank the Director of Trust Academy, Mr Mataka, The Principal, Mr Sauti and the Registrar Mr Kucherera whom without their support this study pack would not have been a success. To them I say keep the god spirits for enhancing the college and making it a force top reckon with according to international standards. Would also like to
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DEFINITION A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a business structure allowed by state statute. Each state may use different regulations, and you should check with your state if you are interested in starting a Limited Liability Company. Owners of an LLC are called members. Most states do not restrict ownership, and so members may include individuals, corporations, other LLCs and foreign entities. There is no maximum number of members. Most states also permit “single-member” LLCs, those having only
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since the beginning of said war. As Judge James P. Gray from the Superior Court of Orange County has so plainly put it: “Where did this policy come from? Unfortunately I have conducted an inquiry into this and I have determined that drug prohibition laws came for reasons of racism, empire building, and ignorance.”(Booth) The War on Drugs is politically motivated as a means of profiting. One may ask them self how government can financially benefit from such policies. In fact, they benefit in a myriad
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