Capacity Planning

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    Detroit Case

    1. In my mind, Wriston has two major decisions. First, Wriston must first decide if it wants to keep the Detroit plant open. Second, Wriston must decide if it will continue producing all of the product groups. When considering shutting down the Detroit plant, Wriston should probably evaluate the NPV (as Harvey pointed out) of the "no change" case versus the NPV of a shutdown case. Wriston may save fixed costs from shutting down Detroit, but may forego sales opportunities by not being able to meet

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    Sport Obeyemer

    thereby allowing more time to utilize existing capacity. Since the business strategy should emphasize Dependability more than Cost, lead-times can be reduced using some or all of the following methods: Choose suppliers of raw materials more on the basis of D than C. Expedite orders through information sharing with suppliers. Expedite shipments using faster (but more expensive) shippers. Establish some local (but more expensive) production capacity for “last minute” production. Other ways to reduce

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    Enviroment Test 1

    chaos that is brought forth when energy transforms. 6. I believe that yes the term carrying capacity can apply to both the ecosystems and human beings. The definition is explained in the book using human population growth. But I also believe that many ecosystems can destroy themselves with over population so in order for them to survive they need a equal “birth” rate and death rate. This carrying capacity would allow an ecosystem to survive. 7. CFC’s are Chlorofluorocarbons. They are used in refrigerators

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    Time Driven Activity Based Costing T OOL K IT Time-Driven Activity- Based Costing by Robert S. Kaplan and Steven R. Anderson • Many companie s abandoned activity-based costing because it did not capt ure the compl exity of their operations, took too long to implem ent, and was too expensive to build and maintai n. Here’s a way ar ou nd th ose problems. R eprint R0411J T OOL K IT Time-Driven Activity- Based Costing by Robert S. Kaplan and Steven R. Anderson harvard business

    Words: 1955 - Pages: 8

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    Case Study

    2/16/2015 2/16/2015 JieKang(JK) Zhou 301238383 Vincent Yu 301180899 Nancy Dong 301184488 Bo Pang 301184541 Ivan Zhang 301156657 Tao Zhang 301184502 JieKang(JK) Zhou 301238383 Vincent Yu 301180899 Nancy Dong 301184488 Bo Pang 301184541 Ivan Zhang 301156657 Tao Zhang 301184502 * Case

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    Generic Approaches to Service System Design

    Generic approaches to service system design production-line approach routine services can be delivered through this approach, services are provided in a controlled environment to ensure consistent quality and efficiency of operation. a service taking this approach could gain a competitive advantage with a cost leadership strategy. this approach attempts to translate a successful manufacturing concept into the service sector. limited discretionary action of personnel a feature that contributes

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    Applichem Presentation

    AppliChem Case 4 - AppliChem Performance Measures Capacity Raw material cost Operating cost ($ Utility cost ($ per ($ per 100 lbs of per 100 lbs of million lbs of Total Cost Release-ease) Release-ease) Release-ease) Utilization rate (%) Production Avarage yield on raw material (%) Mexico 27 17,2 63,7 75,05 13,7 12,012 88,75 94,7 Frankfurt 47 38 80,85 53 15,91 11,116 68,91 98,9 Gary 26 14 53,85

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    Space Utilization

    Utilization Rate: * a function of a frequency rate and an occupancy rate Frequency Rate: * measures the proportion of time that space is used compared to its availability Occupancy Rate: * measures how full the space is compared to its capacity Utilization rates can be assessed in terms of both actual use and individual use. Note that a low frequency rate doesn’t mean that a room is not being utilized efficiently or effectively, nor whether any processes need to change. A low frequency

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    Ecological Footprint and Carrying Capacity

    The rapid increase of population is very threatening to the limited carrying capacity of our earth.  Our ecological footprint ­ already disastrous ­ will become much more detrimental with the staggering  population growth.1 Our ecological footprint is largely comprised of three main elements of  consumption: food, wood, and land. However, components such as energy consumption also need to  be accounted for.2   Food availability, to a great extent, determines the carrying capacity for every population of  species. The growth o

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    Out of This Storm

    sports, where someone overshoots the ball reaching the goal. In financial terms, someone can overshoot their cash limit. When flying, you can overshoot the landing strip. Ecological overshoot occurs when a population exceeds the longterm carrying capacity of its environment. Another way to define ecological overshoot can be said by stating that the increase in the Earth’s productivity is not enough to compensate for the demands of this growing population. Our worlds population has grown at an

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