U.C.!Berkeley!–!Haas!School!of!Business,!Independent!Study! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Kiva!Case!Study! ! Sarah!Anderson! Joel!Ramirez! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! December!6,!2007 1 Introduction! ! It!was!a!beautiful!morning!in!November!2007!when!Jessica!and!Matt!Flannery,!the! founders!of!Kiva.org,!walked!into!their!San!Francisco!office!to!greet!the!rest!their!ever" growing!team.!!Kiva.org!(Kiva),!the!world’s!first!person"to"person!micro"lending!website! had!seen
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reduce systemic risk through stronger capital bases designed to act as a buffer during periods of financial instability and avoid bailouts. Sustained European government efforts to reduce debt through austerity have largely failed, and focus is now shifting to growth strategies. Entrepreneurial start-ups are a key route to driving long-term sustainable growth, but have been hit hard by sluggish consumer demand, tightening credit and scarce, expensive capital. This report discussed some of the implications
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AVB 10-K 12/31/2013 Section 1: 10-K (10-K) Use these links to rapidly review the document TABLE OF CONTENTS PART III UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-K ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013 Commission file number 1-12672 AVALONBAY COMMUNITIES, INC. (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) Maryland (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation
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interest expense measured if the stated interest rate does not reflect the market interest rate? When is interest part of the cost of an asset instead of an expense? Liability financing is an integral part, perhaps even a dominant part, of the capital structure of many companies. For example, Shaw Communications Inc. reported total assets of $8.9 billion in 2009. Of this amount, only $2.5 billion is financed through shareholders' equity, with the balance, $6.4 billion, provided by debt in various
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KNOWLEDGE. INNOVATION. INSIGHT. 2012 Annual Report THE SCIENCE OF RISK Company Profile Verisk Analytics (NASDAQ: VRSK) provides information about risk to professionals in many fields, including insurance, healthcare, financial services, supply chain, and others. Through its renowned ISO brand, the company has delivered data, analytics, and decision support services for the property/casualty insurance industry for more than 40 years. Using advanced technologies to collect, analyze, develop,
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INTRODUCTION In many developing countries, risk management techniques are underdeveloped or insufficient for institutions to efficiently lend to activities in the agricultural sector. Information on borrowers’ credit histories is rarely available, resulting in information asymmetries that make accurate credit risk assessment difficult. In addition, while agricultural client’s major assets are production and land, it is often difficult for banks to use these as collateral, and particularly difficult
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Federation of European Accountants Fédération des Experts comptables Européens Impairment of Financial Assets The Expected Loss Model DECEMBER 2009 This paper has been prepared jointly by FEE and EFRAG as part of their pro-active work to provide European constituents with a perspective on the IASB’s proposals for the impairment of financial assets. It is intended to promote discussion and debate on these proposals. The paper describes the proposals but does not represent the views of either
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Federation of European Accountants Fédération des Experts comptables Européens Impairment of Financial Assets The Expected Loss Model DECEMBER 2009   This paper has been prepared jointly by FEE and EFRAG as part of their pro-active work to provide European constituents with a perspective on the IASB’s proposals for the impairment of financial assets. It is intended to promote discussion and debate on these proposals. The paper describes the proposals but does not represent the views
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Taxation Finance Act 2009 Alan Melville S IT IN TH W EEN ON NO IFT ITI F ED ● ● 15th Annual Edition ● ● Class Tested Over 250 Worked Examples ● Over 250 Exercises and Questions On ACCA, CIPFA, AIA and IFA Reading Lists Taxation Supporting resources For instructors Visit www.pearsoned.co.uk/melville to find valuable online resources • Complete, downloadable Instructor’s Manual For more information please contact your local Pearson Education sales representative
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Taxation Finance Act 2009 Alan Melville S IT IN TH W EEN ON NO IFT ITI F ED ● ● 15th Annual Edition ● ● Class Tested Over 250 Worked Examples ● Over 250 Exercises and Questions On ACCA, CIPFA, AIA and IFA Reading Lists Taxation Supporting resources For instructors Visit www.pearsoned.co.uk/melville to find valuable online resources • Complete, downloadable Instructor’s Manual For more information please contact your local Pearson Education sales representative
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