Japan, much has changed in the post-war period, especially in regard to the role of women in the workplace. What has changed for women during this time? How and why are these changes positive or negative? What will be the larger impact of these changes? 4) With Russia’s recent invasion of Georgia, Putin’s reputation comes under question. Though he has made great strides to move Russia firmly from Communism to capitalism, what struggles will future leaders face given Russia’s new reputation? I believe
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Gender= socially constructed (construction of masculinities / femininities) Parsons: men are instrumental, women are expressive Stanley and wise: they question the view that gender is socially constructed. Behaviours are connected to how we are brought up and the influences around us Femininities: Blackman – study wc girls assertive Passive: traditional / stereotypical views on how women should be and act Jackson: normative physical appearance is key Seidler: questioning (Asian girls living
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Past Crime and Deviance Questions Sept 2008 Read Item A below and answer the question that follows. ------------------------------------------------- Item A ------------------------------------------------- Situational crime prevention (SCP) involves intervening in the immediate situations in which crime takes place to reduce its likelihood or seriousness. It often involves ‘designing crime out’ of products, services and environments, for example by use of anti-climb paint, CCTV and security
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Manifestation 3.9.5 Cyber Feminism challenges and its future 3.10 Let Us Sum up 3.11 Answers to Check Your Progress 3.12 Unit End Questions 3.13 References 3.1 INTRODUCTION The second half of the twentieth century has seen a new impetus to the women‟s movement. There are many factors responsible for this. One of the main factors, however, has been the recognition of
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Unit 1 Sociologists Willmott and Young: - Bethnal Green study - The symmetrical family trends away from segregated roles. Due to changes in the household (working women, men helping with domestic tasks, spending leisure time together) and social changes (technology, position of women, standards of living, geographical mobility) - Take a March of Progress view Elizabeth Bott - Two types of conjugal roles (segregated and joint) Gershuny - The longer the wife spends in paid work, the more
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The Second Industrial Revolution changed America’s character by creating them as the largest economy in the world. Unfortunately, conflicts involving currency, tariffs, political scandal, and economic crisis became serious. This time period consists of two waves of Panics or depressions. The 1873 panic was caused by over-speculation in the railroad industry. The Panic of 1893 was marked by the collapse of railroad overbuilding and shaky railroad financing which set off a series of bank failures.
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a firm hold on social norms, cultural expectations, and business practices, the machines replaced human artistry. Precisely because of this transition, individual craftsmanship became outdated and obsolete; the big department store, an emblem of capitalism, continued to emerge, dominate, and swallow up smaller competition. As a contemporary issue for its time, Émile Zola’s The Ladies’ Paradise comes as no surprise in its concentration on the struggle of smaller shops against the immense success and
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the price ? • Management Education - Is it necessary to succeed in business • The role of NGOs in economics and politics • NGOs - Do they serve peoples interests or are they pressure groups? • Death of Socialism • Role of women in development • Kids today are not what they used to be • Casteless India - A pipe dream • Should Trade Unionism be banned in India • Repeated elections - Should taxpayers pay for it? • Indian bureaucracy - foundation strengths
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There is much debate in sociology about whether class is still important. Many argue that class is no longer important as an individual’s identity and life chances are based more status and cultural factors such as lifestyle, values, intelligence, education and the like, the post-modernists state that class has ceased to be the prime determinant of identity and suggest that societies are now organised around consumption rather than production, consequently people now identify themselves in terms
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We are arguably living in the aftereffects of a country that reached its heights of Capitalism during the Industrialization era. Prior to the introduction of machinery and rail road systems to America, the economical framework relied on a warped version of lasseiz-faire and featured wealthy descendants of British merchants who joined the colonies. Others worked menial jobs and apprenticeships to guarantee their source of income and it is safe to say that many were unhappy with their predicament ---
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