A Study of Mathematics Infusion in Middle School Technology Education Classes 1. CITATION. What report study is this? Record a complete reference citation. Burghardt, D. M., Hecht, D., Russo, M., Lauckhardt, J., & Hacker, M. (2010). A study of mathematics infusion in middle school technology education classes. Journal of Technology Education, 22(1), 58-74. 2. PURPOSE AND GENERAL RATIONALE. In broad terms what was the purpose of the study, and how did the author(s) make a case for its
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students in their procedures of study in the various school subjects. Many methods of supervised or directed study are being tried. The socialized recitation is now a part of the regular classroom routine in many high schools. By this method pupils "take an active part, in defining the problem under consideration, in securing data, in presenting these data for class criticism, and in raising questions. Classroom study is now eliminating much of the former home study, especially in the elementary and
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25 UNDERSTANDING ON RESEARCH PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION & DEFINITION Relationship between macroeconomic variables and broad market index: A causal relationship between Nifty CNX and macroeconomic variables in India ABSTRACT The relationship between macroeconomic variables and broad market index by now are well documented in the literature. However a void in the literature relates to examining the causal relationship between Nifty CNX and macroeconomic variables such as FDI, FPI, weighted average
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exploratory study is to increase the understanding of the determinants for adoption of E-commerce in SCM within Kenya and its apparent industry of this study. The study will also aim at testing the value of supply chain structure and company strategies in explaining E-commerce adoption. Questionnaires, mail and email surveys will be conducted to collect the data. Simple interviews and regressions will be used to achieve the objectives and answer the questions generated. The results of this study will be
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journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jom Qualitative case studies in operations management: Trends, research outcomes, and future research implications Mark Barratt, Thomas Y. Choi ∗ , Mei Li Department of Supply Chain Management, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-4706, United States a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Our study examines the state of qualitative case studies in operations management. Five main operations management journals
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JÖ N K Ö P I N G I N T E R N A T I O N A L BU SI N E SS SC H O O L JÖ N KÖ P IN G U N IVERSITY F actors A ffecting C onsumer R esistance t o Innovation -A study of Smartphones- Master Thesis within Business Administration Author: Kamran Khan Kim Hyunwoo Tutor: Desalegn Abraha Jönköping May 2009 Abstract Background: In mobile phone industry, Smartphones are gaining popularity as an effective communication tool, providing users with “Smart” functionalities of both cell
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cooperations into account. Third, we show empirically that self-commitment is particularly important in international cooperations by applying a PLS analysis to a sample of 146 Austrian, Czech, and Slovenian cooperating SMEs. ª 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction Internationalization is an issue that – until recently – was in most cases only relevant for large companies (Wright et al., 2007). A major reason for
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than ever before. For this reason, there is an intrinsic need for people to “get along” with one another that is often undermined by the realities of human conflict. Certainly, conflict seems to exist even in the most intimate and close of human relationships such as between a child and their parent. Its existence is a testament to the widespread issue of conflict, and the major role it plays in shaping the character of both society and culture. This paper will provide an overview of parent-child conflicts
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Journal ofEngineering and Technology Management, 10 (1993) 229-264 229 Elsevier Impacts of programmable manufacturing technology: A review of recent studies and contingency formulation Jeffrey K. Liker”, Ann Majchrzakb and Thomas Choi” “Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA bZnstitute for Safety and Systems Management and Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA Abstract
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www.ccsenet.org/ijbm International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 5, No. 9; September 2010 A Study of the Impact of Business Process on the ERP System Effectiveness Wen-Hsien Tsai (Coresponding author) Department of Business Administration National Central University, Jhongli, Taoyuan 320, Taiwan E-mail: whtsai@mgt.ncu.edu.tw Shu-Ping Chen Department of Business Administration National Central University, Jhongli, Taoyuan 320, Taiwan E-mail: irwin26@mail2000.com.tw Elliott T.Y
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