Cause Effect Bulimia

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    Bulimia Nervosa: Destruction of the Body

    Bulimia Nervosa: Destruction of the Body Bulimia nervosa, more commonly known simply as bulimia or binge and purge disorder, is an eating disorder that affects 1 in 4 college-aged women in America, or 1 in 10,000 Americans (Stoppler, 2008). In the state of Mississippi up to 4% of women will struggle with Bulimia(Healthwise) . The most common misconception concerning bulimia is that it is simply a physical or mental problem. Many people do not understand that bulimia is a disease that affects

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    Eating Disorders Research Paper

    different types of eating disorders, the three most common types are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Eating disorders are a very serious emotional and physical that can be a life-threatening consequence for both men and women. Eating disorders are usually caused by bullying, self-esteem, and disliking your body. Anorexia Nervosa is a serious eating disorder that can cause long- lasting effects on the body. Some symptoms are extremely restricted eating, extreme thinness, and

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    Bulimai and Anorexia

    BULIMIA Definition: Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating and compensatory behaviors, such as self-induced vomiting, excessive exercise or misuse of laxatives, to prevent weight gain. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders lists the following diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa: * Recurrent episodes of binge eating (characterized by eating, in a discrete period of time, an amount of food that is definitely larger than most would eat in that

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    Anorexia & Bulimia

    Anorexia & Bulimia Every night, in every country of the world, both males and females cry themselves to sleep. Some even wish they were dead rather than suffer with poor self-image and the belief of being overweight. People that have this problem may have a disease known as Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa. Anorexia and Bulimia are serious eating disorders that have similarities and differences including symptoms, causes and treatments. Anorexia Nervosa is classified as an emotional disorder

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    Eating Disorders In America Essay

    of disorders is not talked about as ample as they used to be. If anything eating disorders have become extremely stereotypical to people in the United States. People assume that only models or “goth teens” have anorexia or obese people only have bulimia, but is that really the case? Anyone can be vulnerable to any type of eating disorder. There are countless types of these such disorders. “Ten of 15 Americans suffer from some type of serious eating disorder” (mirosol).

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    Diagnostic Criteria

    Symptoms Because bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder, it is important to first understand the true definition of an eating disorder: “a persistent disturbance of eating behavior and/or a behavior intended to control weight that impairs social function or physical health significantly, but is not caused by a medical or other psychiatric disorder” (Eckert, 2008). Specifically, according to the DSM-V, there are multiple diagnostic criteria that a patient affected with supposed bulimia nervosa needs

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    Eating Disorders and the Psyche

    percent of anorexia and bulimia nervosa cases occur in females, with a majority of them being from middle and upper class backgrounds (Michel & Willard, 2003). Symptoms include a refusal to keep a healthy body weight, an intense fear of weight gain or being fat, feeling fat even though the person is underweight and extreme concern with one’s body weight and image. Feeling out of control after a binge, frequent dieting and purging after a binge are exclusive to bulimia. It is not known for sure

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    people who are more than twice their desirable body weight. The effects of obesity on health were further clarified by the Nurses’ Health Study, in which Harvard researchers have followed more than 120,000 women for over 16 years. It found that even mildly overweight women had an 80% increased risk of developing coronary heart disease compared to leaner women. This study also confirmed that to reduce the risk of dying prematurely of any cause, maintaining a desirable body weight is important. The distribution

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    Bulimia Nervosa Research Paper

    Socio-cultural influences have traditionally been thought of as the leading cause of disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. However, this explanation alone doesn’t seem sufficient. We are all exposed to the same “thin is in” messaging and to live in a westernized society more or less means residing in a virtually inescapable landscape that pushes thinness as a valuable possession. Yet, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa affect only an estimated 0.3 to 0.7 percent, and 1.7 to 2.5 percent

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    Mental Illness

    240 5/18/2014 Mental Illness Paper In this paper we will explore the background of Bulimia nervosa, myths, misconceptions, and past treatments. We will discuss the different symptoms, signs, neurotransmitters that may be associated with the illness. The paper will go over the ways that this mental disorder can be treated, and the ways that the environment in which the person may live could have direct effects to the success or failure of their treatment. Describe the way the illness is treated

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