Chapter 1 The Nature And Purpose Of Accounting

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    Syllabus Ac611

    Financial Accounting Problems I Fall 2015 INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Yannan Shen CLASS: HB3: Thur OFFICE: Location: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Hours: AAC 222 781-891-2652 781-891-2896 (best way to contact me) Thur 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM, and by appointment 7:30 PM – 9:50 PM SMITH XXX REQUIRED RESOURCES: Intermediate Accounting with Wiley Plus software (15th edition) Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield, John Wiley & Sons, 2015 Introduction to Financial Accounting, an online

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    Aicpa Principles

    Of the six Principles in the AICPA Code (Responsibilities, The Public Interest, Integrity, Objectivity & Independence, Due Care, and Scope & Nature of Services) I believe the three most important are Responsibility, Integrity and Due Care. While most of the principles are inter-related it is the customer/ public that must be taken care of first and not our personal interests. To protect the client we must first understand the responsibilities as a CPA. “The overriding responsibility

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    Ebook - Intermediate Accounting - Chapter 2

    OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, you should be able to: •1 •2 •3 •4 Describe the usefulness of a conceptual framework. Describe efforts to construct a conceptual framework. Understand the objective of financial reporting. Identify the qualitative characteristics of accounting information. Define the basic elements of financial statements. •6 •7 Describe the basic assumptions of accounting. Explain the application of the basic principles of accounting. Describe the impact that constraints

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    Annual Report

    BUSN7050 Corporate Accounting Lecturer: Dr Sorin Daniliuc Course details • This course covers: – the characteristics of the Australian accounting environment and its financial reporting requirements for companies – accounting for owners’ equity (share capital and reserves) – accounting for liabilities (with a focus on debentures) – accounting for income tax – accounting for leases – accounting for non-current assets (revaluation, impairment) – accounting for intangible assets – a comprehensive

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    Business Week

    Accounting Changes and Error Corrections Chapter 20 Review Notes The accounting profession has identified two main categories of accounting changes: 1. Change in accounting estimate: these are considered to be part of the normal accounting process, not corrections or changes of past periods. Examples of changes in accounting estimates include bad debt expense, depreciation, residual values, and warranty obligations. A change in depreciation method is considered a change in

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    Introduction to the Theory of Accounting and Control

    Introduction to the Theory of Accounting and Control ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Three ideas are central to understanding accounting and control in organizations. First, all organizations are sets of contracts among individuals or groups of indi­ viduals. Second, provision of shared information among the contracting parties helps design and implement these contracts. Finally, control in organizations is a sustainable balance or equilibrium among the interests of its participants

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    GOVERNMENTAL AND NONPROFIT ACCOUNTING-ACC 431 FALL 2014 Section 01, T 7-945 PM (SBS G126) Dr. Reza Mazhin Office: SBS C-302 Telephone: (310) 243-3576 Email: RMAZHIN@CSUDH.EDU Hours: T/TH: 430-530 PM Other times by appointment Catalog Description And Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ACC230 The course covers the nature of fund accounting system used by governments and nonprofit entities. Topics include principles underlying fund accounting, budgeting procedures

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    1 Financial Reporting Overview Chapter 1 is an overview chapter covering accounting users, financial reporting, GAAP, accounting organizations, the conceptual framework, accounting careers, and ethics. The topics are wide ranging and very heavy on the new terminology side of things. Although it is a good chapter for introductory purposes, the concepts and organizations covered are so extensive that it will make a good chapter to come back to later, or at the end of intermediate accounting

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    Accounting for Governmental and Nonprofit Entities

    ACC591 GNFP Spring Term, 2013 Prof Orpurt Homework #3 Due: Friday April 19 by 5pm. I prefer that you drop off a printed or NEATLY written paper version of your homework. Question 1: A wealthy donor promised $1 million to the local art museum to expand the size of its building, contingent on the museum obtaining a grant from the State Endowment for the Arts of at least $500,000. Upon completing the signed agreement with the donor, the museum should: A. Record a debit to Contributions Receivable-Temporarily

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    Financial Statements

    expenses, and revenues are of interest to users of accounting information. This information is arranged in the format of four different financial statements, which form the backbone of financial accounting (Intro. to Financial Statements, 2010). Businesses and organizations simply cannot do business, make money, or grow without proper accounting and record keeping. This summarization will identify the four basic financial statements, the purpose of each statement, how they are useful to internal

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