WEBSTER UNIVERSITY • WESTPORT, ST LOUIS, MO • GEORGE HERBERT WALKER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS & T ECHNOLOGY • BUSINESS DEPARTMENT BASIC FINANCE FOR MANAGERS BUSN5200 SU 2015 Section 07 3 Credits 06/01/2015 to 07/31/2015 Modified 05/20/2015 MEETING TIMES Thursday, 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM, Westport Campus CONTACT INFORMATION Mike Boland Email: michaelboland57@webster.edu (mailto:michaelboland57@webster.edu) Phone: 6362363636 DESCRIPTION Managers and human resources management
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ACC 201 - Financial Accounting Fall 2015 Syllabus (updated September 27, 2015) Contact Information: Professor: Michelle Yetman Email: mhyetman@ucdavis.edu (type “ACC 201” in the subject line in email correspondence) Office: Gallagher Hall, room 3408 Office phone: 530-754-7808 Office Hours: by appointment – email to schedule Class Sessions: Class sessions will be held Tuesdays from 9 AM to 12:50 AM in room 1213 Gallagher Hall. Course Content: This course will develop your knowledge of
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Code | I do not recommend old editions of this book, but you make the final decision. You are required to purchase the Connect Access Code since some exercises and homework will be assigned, turned in and graded on Connect. You can also find more exercises there. A video that help with the Connect registration: http://screencast.com/t/Dzo9LxjAJ Please register at the following website: http://connect.mcgraw-hill.com/class/y_gao_copy_of_spring_2014
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Elder and Beasley 14ed Publisher Pearson/PrenHall ISBN 978013257595 |2013 |Topic |Assignment/Chapter to read | |Thursday September 5th |Introduction to the CPA Profession and the Auditing |Chapters 1 and 2 | | |Environment | | |
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Spring Quarter, 2016 Updated: April 4, 2016 CREDIT HOURS: 4.0 CONTACT HOURS: 40 (40 Theory, 0 Lab) (40 Online) Instructor: Dr. Peggy Bilbruck Email: pbilbruck@ssu.edu (inquiries will be responded within 24-36 hours). For any urgent technical problems with Moodle, contact the SSU-Moodle Administrator: ssumoodle@ssu.edu Office Hours: Wednesdays on Moodle from 11 – 12 pm ONLINE TIME ESTIMATE: This course requires four (4) hours of online activities every week
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ANTHROPOLOGY 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Queens College / CUNY, Spring 2015 TuTh 12:15-1:30PM, Kiely 150 Professor: Ramona Lee Pérez, PhD Email: ramona.perez@qc.cuny.edu Office hours: Th 2-3 PM, PH 315H COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is an introduction to the range of human diversity through an exploration of the peoples of the world. We will cover the basic concepts, theories, and methods that anthropologists use to study variations in cultural norms and social practices
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BA 380N: OPERATIONS Management Fall 2012 SYLLABUS Rev. August 5, 2012 Professor Edward Anderson Office: CBA 3.430 Phone: 471-6394 e-mail: Edward.Anderson@mccombs.utexas.edu Office Hours: By appointment Mail Box: IROM Dept., CBA 5.202 Fax: 471-0587 Web: All web material is at www.EdAnderson.org or can be reached via Blackboard. Personal/Research Web: www.EdAnderson.org COURSE DESCRIPTION Operations Management involves those aspects of your firm that provide the goods or services in your firm’s
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2015-2016 ECON2102CD/2220CD Instructor: C. Chen Office: 901 KKL Office hours: Monday 1:40am – 3:00pm and Tuesday 4:40pm – 6:00pm E-mail: ccfour@hku.hk Semester: 2 Class meeting: ECON2102C/2220C: Monday 9:30am – 12:20pm in LE6 ECON2102D/2220D: Tuesday 1:30pm – 4:20pm in MB201 Mid-term Exams: ECON2102C/2220C: March/14th. (Mon.) 9:40am – 12:10pm in LE6 ECON2102D/2220D: March/15th. (Tue.) 1:40pm – 4:10pm in MB201 Teaching assistant: Mr. Yuk Kwan Wong. One extra class for ECON2102C: Please choose among March/7th
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Course Objectives 1. To gain an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. 2. To learn to work with other class members as part of a multi-disciplinary team. 3. To apply knowledge of ethical concepts in a practical sense. 4. To understand the impact of engineering problems/solutions in a national and global context. 5. To understand and incorporate ethical precepts into present and future professional assignments. Place/Time: EC 2420; 6:25-7:40 pm on Friday.
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Management BSHS 401 Week 3 DQ 1 BSHS 401 Week 3 DQ 2 BSHS 401 Week 3 Individual Assignment Journal Entry Three BSHS 401 Week 3 Individual Assignment Thirteen roadblocks to communication BSHS 401 Week 4 DQ 1 BSHS 401 Week 4 DQ 2 BSHS 401 Week 4 Individual Assignment Journal Entry Four BSHS 401 Week 4 Learning Team Partnering with families of children with special needs BSHS 401 Week 5 DQ 1 BSHS 401 Week 5 DQ 2 BSHS 401 Week 5 Individual Assignment Documenting and Monitoring BSHS 401 Week 5 Individual
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