Gun Control Team Debate Paper BCOM/275 May 7, 2013 Gun Control Gun control is a hot topic in the United States with primarily two sides of the conversation advocating for either more control of guns or more freedom of guns. The current laws on gun control or gun rights are disagreed upon by these individuals essentially based on the interpretation of such gun control laws. Firearms and the effects of gun rights has many cases that call for the strictest form of gun control. Some of these
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Gun Control Gun control is a hot topic currently, turn the news on and there is something to do with President Obama’s proposed gun control policy or a new shooting that has taken place. Obama’s released his new plan January 2013 for stronger and stricter laws for Americans being able to own guns. It is hard to ignore this topic with the recent shootings taking place, all with people who should not have had access to guns. The question we must ask ourselves is taking our right to bear arms or
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Gun control is not one issue, but many. Some people see gun control as a crime issue, rights issue, a safety issue, an educational issue, and a political issue among others. Within each of these issues there are those who want more gun control legislation and those who want less. On both sides of this issue opinions range from moderate to extreme. The issue of gun control has come up recently as an important decision opportunity for our country. Many people are asking whether guns really are the
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Crime is extremely prevalent and occurs often. Most people want to avoid talking about crime, out of fear. Whenever an act of violence happens, most people turn to the news to provide them with information regarding the incident. The information gets twisted, and a whole group of people get shamed for something out of their control. The negative ideas about mental health that come from the public are heavily influenced by the media’s negative portrayals when crime is committed by those with mental
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school shootings (Ahmed & Walker). Gun violence is greater in the US than in any other first world nation. In fact, when compared to other nations, the number of gun-related murders in the United States are at an all-time high ( This goes to show that more government involvement has been shown to be necessary for the current political climate. In the past, when Congress became more involved and banned assault rifles, there was a fewer number of gun-related crimes (Ingraham). Stronger background
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regulations governing their civilian consumer purchases. According to CBS news article “Gun Sales: Will The "Loophole" Close?” the author writes, “In the national debate over the right to bear arms, the election of Barack Obama was seen as a victory for those who want stricter gun controls.” This victory in the eyes of anti-gun activists has currently set off a “feeding frenzy” of gun purchases nationwide. Guns stores are logging back orders for Assault style weapons and
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Fallacies of the Assault Weapons Ban Abstract Violent crime is a growing problem in our country. Politicians are always looking for new laws to impose on their people in order to combat the problem. Unfortunately, some of these laws are written by individuals who do not possess a thorough knowledge of the topic they are attempting to regulate. One example of these laws is the Federal Assault Weapons Ban that was in place from 1994-2004. This law made it illegal to produce or purchase a firearm
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Gun Control Rebuttal Robert Brown University of Phoenix BCOM/275 Shawn Castle February 17, 2014 Abstract Today, with all of the publicity that crimes involving firearms receives there is a lot of controversy over whether or not stricter gun control laws are needed. This essay will discuss one author’s belief that stricter gun control laws are needed and my rebuttal to his argument. I will analyze the reliability, credibility, and validity of the data used by the author. This essay will
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Right to Bear Arms and The Second Amendment October 20, 2010 Should only the criminals be allowed to own guns that they buy from the Black-market? Ask yourself this question next time you vote. A coalition of gun control groups and some politicians are trying to get the Second Amendment changed so that millions of Americans can’t and won’t be able to own guns legally in the United States. The Second Amendment reads: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State
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Tougher gun-control laws would not reduce the numbers of murders. It would increase it. Meanwhile it would not reduce gun-related crimes in the United States. In my opinion, in most states gun-related crimes would increase because of the stricter gun-control laws. As you can see in document 2, 5 and 6 you can see the increase of gun use and murders. In document 2 in Australia ever since they banned all guns. The amount of gun violence had increased exponentially. Also in document
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