Differences Between Religion And Ethnic Groups

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    Eth/125 Week 4

    Religion and Ethnic Diversity Denise McDonald ETH/125 July 12th, 2015 Ramona Taitano Loughran Religion and Ethnic Diversity Everyone in the world comes from different backgrounds, has different religions, and overall has different beliefs, morals, and views. I am white with a Roman Catholic religious background. I will be discussing the Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) religion as well as the Pacific Islander (Polynesian Descent) ethnic group. It will show the differences that these two groups

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    Ethnic Diversity

    Diversity can be defined as people coming together from different races, nationalities, religions and sexes to form a group, organization or community. A diverse organization is one that values the difference in people. It is one that recognizes that people with different backgrounds, skills, attitudes and experiences bring fresh ideas and perceptions. Diverse organizations encourage and harness these differences to make their services relevant and approachable. Diverse organizations draw upon the

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    Diverstiy Worksheet

    sex, religion, or group. Which it us leads to accept and respect of every individual. We come to understand that each individual is different and unique and to accept our own differences from others. This is because there are different ethnicity, genders, cultures, sex orientation, socio-economic status, and religion among everyone in this country. Diversity is valued because the multicultural education is a big asset to this country. It highlights the contributions of every culture, group, religion

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    Hispanic Diversity

    very wide and diverse ethnic group. Many misunderstand how diverse Hispanics actually are. Out of all the groups included in the ethnic group term Hispanic, there are four that stand out the most. . Mexican Americans, Central and South Americans Puerto Ricans, and Cuban Americans are the four largest Hispanic ethnic groups respectively. These four diverse groups are very different, though somewhat similar in many aspects. One can see the many unique differences of these four groups when viewing the linguistic

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    Eth125, Wk4

    |Definition | |Ethnic group |A group set apart from others because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns. | |Anti-Semitism |Hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group. | |Islamophobia |Fear or hatred of Muslims, their culture, or their politics.

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    for all the sources you use. 1. What is diversity? Why is diversity valued? ❖ According to the Department of the Interior, the term diversity is used broadly to refer to many demographic variables, including, but not limited to, race, religion, color, gender, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, education, and geographic origin. Diversity is valued because it introduces different customs and beliefs of various cultures . It also allows an open door to new ideas and perspectives

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    The Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Cultural Society of Malaysia

     Multi-­‐ethnic  and  multi-­‐cultural   society  of  Malaysia   Maryam  Azizullah  |  3010210   Excursion  to  Kuala  Lumpur  SS  2014   H C U   H a m b u r g     D r .   –   I n g .   M i c h a e l   B o s e     Multi-­‐ethnic  and  multi-­‐cultural  society  of  Malaysia     Maryam  Azizullah  –  Excursion  Kuala  Lumpur  2014     Multi-ethnic and multi-cultural

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    Identity Alone

    Identity Alone From a Primordialist perspective, differences in identities can be enough to cause violent conflict (Hammond & Axelrod, 2006), but if this was true then we would expect that most, if not all, multi-ethnic/cultural/identity societies will experience high levels of violent identity-based conflicts – which is not the case. Indeed, there are many examples of highly diverse societies with many ethnicities, religions, cultures and identities that are relatively stable and are not experiencing

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    Assess the Claim That Ethnic Differences in Educational Achievement Are Primarily the Result of School Factors.

    Assess the claim that ethnic differences in educational achievement are primarily the result of school factors. It is important to start by recognising that it is hard to measure the education achievement in different ethnic groups, as there are other factors apart from school factors that affect the achievement in pupils from different ethnic groups. Sociologists have identified several factors that could suggest that school factors are a big part of ethnic differences in educational achievement

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    Eth 125

    Material Michelle Mora Milwaukee, WI Date: 6-13-13 Diversity Worksheet Answer each question in 50 to 150 words. Provide citations for all the sources you use. 1. What is diversity? Why is diversity valued? Diversity is refer to race, religion, color, gender, disability, age and more. Diversity is valued because is a condition of being different and unique. Diversity Help us respect and learn from others. 2. What is ethnocentrism? In what ways can ethnocentrism be detrimental to

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