EBAY INC FORMReport) 10-K (Annual Filed 01/31/14 for the Period Ending 12/31/13 Address Telephone CIK Symbol SIC Code Industry Sector Fiscal Year 2065 HAMILTON AVENUE SAN JOSE, CA 95125 408-376-7400 0001065088 EBAY 7389 - Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified Retail (Catalog & Mail Order) Services 12/31 http://www.edgar-online.com © Copyright 2014, EDGAR Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distribution and use of this document restricted under EDGAR Online, Inc. Terms of Use. UNITED
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2012 Annual Report Our “bottom line” ultimately depends on our ability to satisfy all of our stakeholders. Our goal is to balance the needs and desires of our customers, team members, shareholders, suppliers, communities and the environment while creating value for all. By growing the collective pie, we create larger slices for all of our stakeholders. Our core values reflect this sense of collective fate and are the soul of our company. Selling the HIGHEST QUALITY natural and organic products
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¤, Inc. 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Dear Shareholders, I look forward to leading dELiA*s in rejuvenating the business and ultimately providing a strong foundation for profitable long term growth. We believe that dELiA*s has enormous potential as a specialty retailer with great brand recognition among teens. One of our biggest assets as a company is our deep understanding of the dELiA*s customer. We know who she is and what she likes. And we have an incredible opportunity to capitalize on dELiA*s’
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We gratefully acknowledge permission to quote from the past examination papers of the following bodies: Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examination Board (KASNEB); Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA); Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). We also wish to express our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation to Mr. Geoffrey Ngene MBA, B.COM (Finance), CPA (finalist), CFA (East Africa). He is a senior lecturer at Strathmore University
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We explore, we discover, we’re the first to conquer. We make our own uncontested space which others follow. And create new pathways where no one exists. Dr. Lalit Khaitan - Chairman & Managing Director Abhishek Khaitan - Managing Director Dear Shareholders, I write this at a time when the world has begun to heave a sigh of relief as the first sign of the end of recession start appearing on the horizon. With this positive transformation taking place at the macro level, your company too has
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Bulls Eye Analyst A Valuation of Target As of November 1, 2006 Kyle Barkel Kyle.Barkel@ttu.edu Jerry Boroff Jerryjboroff@hotmail.com Ryan Campbell Ryancampbell85@yahoo.com Peter Carini Peter.J.Carini@ttu.edu Leslie Mitchell Leslie.Mitchell@ttu.edu Camille Ricci Camille.N.Ricci@ttu.edu Table of Contents Executive Summary………………………………3 Business & Industry Analysis Company Overview……………………………………...…5 Five Forces Model ……………………………….….6 Competitive Analysis……………………………………
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HOW TO ACCESS TRADE FINANCE A GUIDE FOR EXPORTING SMEs EXPORT IMPACT FOR GOOD © International Trade Centre 2009 The International Trade Centre (ITC) is the joint agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations. Street address: ITC, 54-56, rue de Montbrillant, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland ITC, Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland +41-22 730 0111 +41-22 733 4439 itcreg@intracen.org http://www.intracen.org Postal address: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Internet: HOW TO
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25 October 2010 The Manager Company Announcements Office Australian Stock Exchange Limited PO Box H224 Australia Square SYDNEY NSW 2000 Dear Sir/Madam 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Please find attached Navigator Resources Limited’s 2010 Annual Report which is being dispatched to shareholders today. A copy will also shortly be www.navigatorresources.com.au. Yours sincerely NAVIGATOR RESOURCES LTD available on the Company’s website at GERRY KACZMAREK Company Secretary Ground Floor, 45 Richardson Street
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2010 annual report RXU stakeholder philosophy Our “bottom line” ultimately depends on our ability to satisfy all of our stakeholders. Our goal is to balance the needs and desires of our customers, Team Members, shareholders, suppliers, communities and the environment while creating value for all. By growing the collective pie, we create larger slices for all of our stakeholders. Our core values reflect this sense of collective fate and are the soul of our company. RXU core values VHOOLQJ
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Harvard Business School 9-898-171 Rev. December 11, 2000 Nantucket Nectars Well, we knew we were in an interesting position. We had five companies express interest in acquiring a portion of the company. Sometimes you have to laugh about how things occur. Tropicana (Seagram) and Ocean Spray became interested in us after reading an article in Brandweek magazine that erroneously reported that Triarc was in negotiations to buy us. (See Exhibit 1 for a copy of this article.) At the time, we
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