How does a Multipoint circuit differ from a point to point circuit? Multipoint is also called a shared circuit. In this configuration, many computers are connected on the same circuit. This means that each must share the circuit with the others, much like a party line in telephone communication. The disadvantage is that only one computer can use the circuit at a time. When computer is sending or receiving data, all others must wait. The advantage of multipoint circuits is that they reduce the
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Modernization of NTUC Income MIS NO.2 9936002連孝容、9936017陳思瑄、9936026王晶婷 ★ 個案背景 NTUC Income創立於1970年,至今已成為新加坡最大的保險公司,其擁有180萬名客戶,總資產將近213億,旗下有3400位保險顧問及1200名員工。 NTUC Income所承辦的業務包含人壽保險、健康保險、一般保險、商業保險及儲蓄投資等服務。 ★ 面臨問題 1. 保險流程 在2003年以前,NTUC Income的保險流程非常冗長且以紙本為主。整個保險流程從客戶與保險代理人接洽、填完表單並提交文件開始,之後保險代理人員會將文件送交公司,再從分公司快遞至服務部,期間可能會延遲二至三天的時間。當服務部門收到資料後會登錄文件並排序,然後將案件資料送交負責承保的部門,而每份案件資料會隨機分派給承保人員。如要歸檔,將會有七位員工花二至三天的時間將送來的文件登錄與歸檔。目前總共有4500萬份的保單文件裝在超過16000個紙箱當中,不論何時要取出文件或要將舊文件放回原處都需要花費兩天的時間。
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Spa Trade Top 10 Consumer Trends for 2011 May 9, 2011 Accounting to American spa in this 2011 arrange consumer spa trade trend into 10 trends. In addition, Consumers are concern more higher-end products, greener consumption if the price is proper suit to experience-based consumption they will purchase more. Brands need to tap into the on and offline cultural zeitgeist to best connect with their existing and potential customers. 1. DOLPHINS, YOUNG VALUE-SEEKERS AND OTHER FRESH TAKES ON THRIFT
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introduced to American homes. With the introduction of the digital format our telecommunications received a tremendous boost, and some of the early media outlets were replaced by more efficient ways of communication. This paper will describe some of the factors behind the recent loss of audience and sales in such media outlets as record music, movies, network TV, DVDs and video games. The introduction of the digital format changed the way we watch TV; high definition made
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Digital India Digital India is an initiative by the Government of India and it was launched on July 1, 2015 by Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi. From its very beginning there has been many contrary opinions regarding the usefulness and effectiveness of this initiative. One of the major positive aspect of this programme is that, Government services are made available to citizens electronically and people get all the latest information and benefits of technology. The programme targets at empowering
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The scope and concept of “Information Society” The term “Information Society” is now being extensively used by many when we talk about the digital world. As the quantum of information is expanding exponentially, we also need to realize how the meaning of an information society is changing. The information needs of the new age society are to be understood and catered to in order to empower the individual as well as the society. The concept has many social, political, technological and legal perspectives
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almost every industry. Electronic gadgets operate many machines, ships, aeroplanes, and industrial activities. Also they are used to identify conditions for the performance of any works. E.g. T.V., Computer, Laptops, Palmtops, Digital Camera, Mp3 Players, Mobiles, digital pens, printers etc. Hypothesis 1. Spending much time on electronic gadgets effect the academic performers of PMC students. 2. Mostly more male students spend time on electronic gadgets than female students. 3. Electronic gadgets
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Assignment 7 Siddhant Sharma 2013160 a) Division of Assignment In Assignment 6, we used an ADC to convert values that the LDR and NTC thermistor measured and make LEDs light up according to the particular threshold values. Here, we are required to take a user driven input from the terminal, check if the input is valid, and then see whether the LED light from the LDR or NTC is on or off. We do this using a UART library. We connect the MCU via a cable to a serial USB port, here : USB0. For taking
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Feedback specific to a criterion rather than compared to peers * Ongoing self-evaluation by students themselves | Teacher’s mobile device can serve to ensure feedback to all students and provide a record of the quality of their responses in class. Digital game environments provide instant corrective feedback, progressive skills acquisition and context for higher level thinking skills (problem-solving). Online rubric tools facilitate creating and distributing grading rubrics. | Nonlinguistic Representations
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Digital firm is an organization where nearly all significant business processes and relationships with customers, suppliers, and employees are digitally enabled, and key corporate assets are managed through digital means. This means that a firm communicates a lot of information through electronics. With technology expanding every day, it makes business communicate and do business electronically. This saves the company money by not having to send staff to meetings; the meetings can be done by phone
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