Effects Of Part Time Job To Academic Performance Among Fourth Year College Students

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    Factors Affecting Students Decision to Drop Out of School

    FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENTS’ DECISION TO DROP OUT OF SCHOOL A Research Paper Presented to Center for Social Development Research Cor Jesu College Digos City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For Academic Research by HERMOGENES C. ORION, JR, Ed.D ERIKKA JUNE D. FOROSUELO, DM-HRM JEAN M. CAVALIDA, MA, RGC March 2013 COR JESU COLLEGE Sacred Heart Ave., Digos City 8002 Davao del Sur Philippines APPROVAL SHEET -------------------------------------------------

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    Academic Performance as Influenced by Social Networking Sites and Other Online Activities

    STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AS INFLUENCED BY THE USE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES AND OTHER ONLINE ACTIVITIES Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study In this age of globalization, the advent of internet is something that has shaken almost all spheres of personal, social and professional human life. Wikipedia.org, 2012 cited that with the rapid growth of people who use or have access to the Internet, millions of people can stay connected together using the web provision called Social

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    Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Students in Nigeria

    NIGERIAN SECONDARY SCHOOL PUPILS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE By Dr. Olaniyi Bojuwoye ABSTRACT A ten-item questionnaire containing various descriptions of school-related characteristic which have been found to adversely affect pupils academic performance was administered on 809 teachers and 1012 students of secondary schools from ten randomly selected states in Nigeria. The respondents ranked the characteristics in terms of their degree of effect on pupil academic performance. The result showed that lack of

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    Many students around the world today focus mainly one thing while they are in school; Career and income, but how do you achieve that? How does one get the career they want and the income they yearn? The answer is education several countries are known for their exceptional performance in academics and the pressure related to their education. Among those countries are China, India and Japan. These three countries share a lot in common; exceptionally bright students and a very rigorous education system

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    Higher Education in Bangladesh

    Quality Assessment in Higher Education with Special Focus on AUIB PART 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 ORIGIN OF THE STUDY This research project, which is entitled as “Quality Assessment in Higher Education with Special Focus on AIUB” has been prepared to fulfill the requirement of the course RESEARCH METHODOLOGY under the Bachelors of Business Administration degree of American International University Bangladesh. The submission date of the report is 18th January 2003. 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The

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    Stressors and Stress Level of Third Year Nursing Students in Far Eastern University in the Year 2008

    STRESSORS AND STRESS LEVEL OF THIRD YEAR NURSING STUDENTS IN FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY IN THE YEAR 2008 In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirement for Nursing Research By: Agre, John Marco C. Angcao, Marice C. Angeles, Jessica Christy P. Arambulo, Allan Carlo L. Bandillo, Jemilyn V. Bañaga, Charlene May Y. Bañaga, Valerie Jane Y. Barbon, Lorraine Angelica Barquin, Jasmine C. Bartolome, Dexter C. Bautista, Erica

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    hyperactivity, and impulsivity are the core symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A student's academic success is often dependent on his/her ability to maintain a task, pay attention to the teacher and follow classroom expectations with minimal distraction. There are several ways of dealing with ADHD in the classroom that can make learning effective for these students. In order for teachers to understand ADHD they must a have knowledge about what it is and how to deal with children

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    Factors That Affects Career Preferences Among Grade 10 High School Student of Mt Moriah Christian Academy

    Factors that affects career Preferences among Grade 10 High school Student of Mt Moriah Christian Academy By: Angeles Jarvin Joseph L March 2014 ii ii Approval Sheet This thesis entitled “Factors that affects career Preferences among Grade 10 High school Student of Mt Moriah Christian Academy”, prepared and submitted by Jarvin Joseph L Angeles , in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements of Fourth Year students has been examined and is Recommended for the

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    Effect of Cellphones on Cellphone Users

    United States Students Lag in Math and Science United States high school seniors scored near or at the bottom of a multinational study of student performance in science and mathematics, according to results released on February 24, 1998. Final results from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), said to be the most comprehensive ever, also showed that U.S. students' aptitude for mathematics and science declines as they get older. Conducted in 1995, TIMSS tested student abilities

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    Peer Pressure

    1990’s, when a whole slew of school shooting began to occur across the United States, there have been numerous studies, centred around social rejection. These studies have shown that this type of rejection can lead to variety of negative psychological effects on the sufferer, including aggression and withdrawal. Humans are social creatures, by nature, and rejection is always emotionally painful. Some rejection is normal in life, and just about everyone has experienced, or will experience, some sort

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