Employees Satisfaction In The Private Sector Of Bangladesh

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    Organizational Conflict

    1.1 Introduction Jamuna Bank Ltd. is a third generation bank in Bangladesh. It provides commercial banking services in the Bangladesh. It is playing an important role to develop the business sector. The growth of this bank is very good. Its motto is to provide a prompt and quick service to the clients. Jamuna Bank Ltd. has implemented well structured online banking systems that make it easier to provide prompt services to the customer. The

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    UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCES (UITS) Term paper on Service Marketing in “BANGLALINK” Course Title: Service Marketing Course code: MGT441 Submitted To: Nazia Nabi Lecturer of school of Business Faculty Member of (UITS ) Date of Submission: August 08, 2010 Letter of Transmittal August 08, 2010 Mrs Nazia Nabi Senior Lecturer School of Business University of Information Technology and science Subject: Request for Approving the Term Paper Dear Sir, With due respect, we would

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    Hr Practice of Sebl

    plays a critical role in underpinning economic development of any country. On that view Southeast Bank Limited, Agargaon Branch was opened on December 29, 2002. Now they are one of the leading banks in Bangladesh. Actually the bank gets a good position in the market for their diversified services. Employees are the most valuable assets in the origination. Human Resource Department is responsible for the people dimension of the organization. The basic objective of this study should be analyzing the Human

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    Strategic Marketing

    Corporate Social Responsibility: ( Medicine Indutry In Bangladesh) Corporation:  the word corporation is widely used to describe large business organization. Specially, the multi-national nonprofit or profit seeking organizations such as Coca cola, IBM etc. are often termed as the corporation. Social responsibility: Social responsibility is an ethical theory that an entity, be it an organization or , has an obligation to act to benefit society at large. Social responsibility

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    Strategy Analysis of Huawei Technologies Bangladesh Ltd

    STRATEGY ANALYSIS Of HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES BANGLADESH LTD. Prepared for Dr. A. K. M. Saiful Majid Professor Institute of Business Administration University of Dhaka Prepared by Md. Ashraful Huq Roll No: ZR1301004, Batch: 15th Executive MBA Program Institute of Business Administration (IBA) University of Dhaka LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL June 14, 2014 Dr. A.K.M Saiful Majid Professor Institute of Business Administration University of Dhaka Subject: Letter of Transmittal

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    Public Finance

    Tax Base SUBMITTED TO Tanvir M H Arif, MIBM (UWL/TVU, UK); MBA (CU, BD) Assistant Professor, Department of Finance and Banking. University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Ex-Asst. Professor, FBA, USTC ; Ex-Lecturer, AUB, Dhaka. And CEO, Corporate Trainer and Consultant (CTC), Chittagong, Bangladesh. UK Experiences: Adjunct Faculty of BRIT College, London Ambassador College and Nelson College. SUBMITTED BY GROUP D Group Profile| SERIAL NO.|NAME DETAILS|CLASS ID|E-MAIL

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    Credit Risk Management

    implementing the Basel II framework. Throughout last five years securitization, rating and validation, credit approval processes and management, as well as credit risk mitigation techniques. Credit management is based on developments in the banking sectors is meant to provide readers with best practices AB bank would be well advised to implement regardless of the emergence of new regulatory capital requirements. AB Bank is to develop mutual understanding between regulatory authorities and banks with

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    Financial Growth of Square Pharma

    report. First of all I would like to thank Utpual for his contribution into this report. We would like to thank Kazal Pharmacy for their suggestion and ideas. Riaheen Farzana Senior Lecturer ULAB School of Business University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh Dhanmondi, Road- 4/A Satmosjid Road, Dhaka-1209 Subject: Submission of the Report. Dear Madam, Here is the Report on Performance of Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd based on the year 2006-2007 Which we the group members studied. We have tried

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    International Business

    “Standards and Effects of Employee Satisfaction I N T E R N S H I P R E P O R T A x i a t a L i m i t e d ” “Standards and Effects of Employee Satisfaction I N T E R N S H I P R E P O R T A x i a t a L i m i t e d ” I N T E R N S H I P R E P O R T ON “Standards and effects of Employee Satisfaction At A x i a t a L i m i t e

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    Fall of Communism

    SYSTEM OF BANGLADESH CIVIL SERVICE: AN ANALYSIS OF ITS EFFICACY Mohammad Ashraful Haque ABSTRACT Performance appraisal plays a crucial role in maintaining a high quality and competitive workforce, but has been ignored so far from the civil service reform agenda in Bangladesh. At present, an Annual Confidential Report (ACR) that was introduced in the Pakistan period and retained with minor modification is used to measure performance. The prevailing gross inefficiency of the Bangladesh Civil Service

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