In the novel Enders Game, written by Orson Scott Card, Andrew (Ender) Wiggin is the youngest child of three Wiggin brothers. Ender is the chosen one by the I.F. to command the fleet that will defeat the buggers and save all the human race in the Third Invasion. The qualities that make him the perfect candidate to command earth’s fleet against the buggers are that he ends all future battles, understands his enemies , he is a genius and a creative problem solver. Ender ends all future and present
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Most of chapter 11 is about Ender being unfairly treated when it comes to the rules of the game, first they have their first battle after only 3 weeks when most armies get their first battle after three months. Dragon army also carries a negative history since the last army they barely won a third of its games. Ender is always given the a challenge he does not want but instead of giving up he always accepts it. They also had 2 battles in one day and that had never happened. Ender has been sleeping
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Ender’s Game is the first book of a series of books by american novelist and Science fiction writer Orson Scott Card. This book focuses on the main protagonist Ender Wiggin as he faces struggles for individuality, to keep his relationships in tact, and his own humanity as a whole. In total, this is quite simply one of the best books I have ever read and I would highly recommend it to anyone into science fiction or just loves a good story. Ender Wiggin is an extraordinary boy with a mind like a supercomputer
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Reflection Paragraph Ender’s Shadow : 1 In the novel Ender’s Shadow, by Orson Scott Card I can reflect in the beginning that Bean is a tough kid that has learned quite quickly. He picked things up from the streets and learned how to not get bullied a lot and to stay away from certain people. He learned the essentials of living on the streets in a cruel world where nothing is nice and everyone is competitive. In the start he was about to die of starvation. He had mentally strengthened himself to survive
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Ender’s Game: Book or Movie? Kill it! Kill this bug with fire! Imagine if those bugs were huge, human like, size. That is what the buggers in the book and movie Ender’s Game would look like. Ender’s Game is about a little boy named, Andrew “Ender” Wiggin. He trained in battle school to prepare for the war against the buggers. He was promoted to go to command school where he was trained by Mazer Rackham. Ender ended up beating the buggers for good and made Commander Graff happy. While Ender was
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Andrew(Ender) Wiggin is the main character in the well known Ender’s Game book written by Orson Scott Card. He is first introduced as a kind, sweet Kindergartener who seems to be perfectly fine. A few pages later, he is said to had killed a little kid in what seems to be an act of self-defense. The author portrays the death to be accidental and makes it seems like it was necessary for Ender’s well being. Later on, we are introduced to Ender’s family, whom seem to be lovely with the exception of his brother
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in ender’s game, you would have thought six-year-olds would not know Arithmetic, Algebra or calculus. But Ender Wiggin can, a 1st grader that was pulled into the military because of his intelligence and his power of understanding and showing that he is introverted which are all factors of greens this essay will show the evidence that Ender Wiggin is a green. The attributes as a green ender has is his intelligence in complex things which is a green attribute. One of the examples in ender’s game
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Ender's Game vs A series of Unfortunate Events Ender's Game and Unfortunate Events, both seem as if they are so far away that there cannot possibly be similarities between the two, right? Incorrect, the two pieces of writing actually have more in common than meets the eye. Ender’s Game comes from the perspective and life of a young boy who gets chosen to go to a space academy to enlist in a kind of war. In Unfortunate Events it follows three orphans on a journey of miscommunication, confusion
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Science-Fiction novel, Ender’s Game was written by Orson Scott Card and published by Tor Books. This novel follows six-year-old Andrew(Ender) Wiggins’s entrance into a world of war, friendship, and buggers. Go ahead, try to imagine an anti-social boy-genius from Greensboro save the planet. Orson Scott Card seamlessly wove complexity with human nature to create a literary masterpiece. Ender’s Game is a suspenseful novel which entices readers with space travel, mind-boggling truths, and underlying
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What would it feel like to save the world at only eleven years old? Orson Scott Card’s novel Ender’s Game tells the story of an imperiled mankind after two wars with the buggers, an alien species. In preparation for an anticipated third invasion, Earth’s children, including Andrew “Ender” Wiggin, are trained to become future commanders for the third invasion. At the school, Ender's tactical smarts are revealed, which eventually lead him to become commander of the International Fleet. He ends the
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