Epic Poem

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    Role Of Pride In The Odyssey

    The Odyssey is an epic poem written by Homer telling the story of the King of Ithaca. Odysseus displays the traits of a true hero; strength, nobility, confidence, courage, and the love of glory. He gains fame through his journeys, victories and skill. As with all Homer created heroes, Odysseus possesses pride which causes him to do very unwise things. The Iliad is another epic poem written by Homer entertaining us with a story about Achilles. Achilles was the greatest warrior in the Achaean army

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    El Cid

    A copy-paste only El Cid (Epic of Spain) Introduction of the epic El Cid: The Cantar de mio Cid (El Cid) recounts the heroic deeds of the Cid, an exiled member of the lower nobility who wins back his king’s favor by battling the Islamic inhabitants of Spain. Based on the exploits of a historical personage, Rodrigo (Ruy) Diaz de Vivar, who lived from 1040-1099, this epic offers an important example of the interaction of history and literature in the Middle Ages. The

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    some controversies that jump out at me. At my first glance of the story in grade school, you really don't understand the depth of the epic. Being in a college level course we learned that the original author is an unknown man from pagan times written between the 600th and the 700th century, which is another debate all on its own.(The History of Beowulf) The epic poem Beowulf has deep roots in Paganism and was translated later in Christian times. Being a story from Anglo-Saxon England one has

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    Biographical Background of Homer

    .Homer’s life is a shadow in the mists of ancient history. All that we know for certain about him is that he composed two of the greatest epics in world literature, The Iliad and The Odyssey, as well as several hymns to the gods. The content, ideals, and style of his epics formed the basis of Greek education in the classical age of Socrates, Plato, Sophocles, and Aristotle and influenced the course of western literature for centuries to come. .......The Iliad and The Odyssey stand as two of the

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    Beowulf Self Sacrifice

    Beowulf is a character of unbelievable status.Beowulf is the protagonist of the short epic poem called Beowulf. Beowulf is the example of an epic hero. He as an epic hero makes sacrifices that puts in danger his own integrity to help others as he accomplishes feats that are another attempt. For instance, when he battles Grendel, he is suddenly cursed by God and creates havoc. He also went on his own to protect people. In doing so it shows that Beowulf’s character is self-sacrifice, courage and brave

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    Epistemological Perception (III): The Stoics

    4. Epistemological reception (III): The Stoics The basis of the Stoic interpretation of Homer’s and Hesiod’s epic poems is in many (although not in all) aspects an apology, meant as a response to the criticism of Xenophanes and Plato. Their point of view is based on a specific theory of transmission of knowledge and on a new reading of the common philosophical opposition of truth and opinion. The question about the possible allegorical status of these interpretations is heavily debated. On one hand

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    BEOWULF In reading the epic poem of Beowulf, he has the characteristics of an epic hero by showing skill and courage, enduring fame, and royal responsibility. 'Beowulf is considered an epic poem in that the main character is a historic hero who travels great distances to prove his strength at impossible odds against supernatural demons and beasts' (Wikipedia). He showed fairness to all he came across, including his enemies. He believed that everybody was equal and no one was greater or better

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    The Song Of Igor's Campaign Summary

    Igor’s Campaign” exemplifies the nationalist stereotypes of the Russian people through many lines of direct praise to the country of Russia, which is a strangely modern ideology. The poem is an epic song that sings of the conquests of Igor and his family, in which they attempt to take over pagan lands. Early on in the poem, it is stated that “O Russian land, you are already behind the culmen! (141-143).” Essentially this is saying that Russia is right at the top, only behind the actual beak of power

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    Trojan War And The Amphora In Homer's Iliad

    from a beautiful amphora portraying Achilles and Ajax playing a board game, created around 500 B.C. (Arts) and the epic poem, Homer’s Iliad describes in great details the last few weeks of the war, written in 800 B.C. A more modern take on the war is the famous movie Troy with actors Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom, released in 2004. Here we have three different mediums, an amphora, a long poem and a modern film, yet they all tell the tragic bloody tale of the Trojan War. I will discuss the overall theme

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    Beowulf And Ulysses Comparison

    Beowulf and Ulysses are both men of courage. In the epic poem of Beowulf whom is from the 7th century, volunteers to participate in an outstanding challenge to face Grendel, a fiend who feasts on the flesh of humanity. Later on in the poem Beowulf takes on yet another courageous challenge against Grendel's mother, who many wouldn't face, in which he defeats her but dies after. As for Ulysses who is from the 8th century; is exposed and determined to fight in the Trojan War. Both show their bravery

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