Harvard Business School: Jextra Neighborhood Stores in Malaysia Introduction Tom Chong has several issues he needs to deal with in couple of weeks; however, some issues are more critical than others so he has to handle them accordingly. Chong has two major issues that must be resolved: one of the issues is a recent conversation between him and the mayor of Klang, a town in which Jextra would like to build a new store. The mayor informed Chong that Jextra's application approval process for
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ethics You may be wondering, “Why should I care about corporate social responsibility or managerial ethics or whether or not my employees have health care benefits? Aren’t these the types of issues philosophers worry about?” To answer this question, you only need to pick up a recent newspaper or business magazine. Everything from Wall Street trading scandals to accounting frauds at AIG, Lehman Brothers, Enron, Parmalat, Satyam, WorldCom, Tyco, and Global Crossing to corporate cover-ups and massive
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their culture and perspectives with those they visit or those that come to their borders. Today, with the widespread use of Internet, digital information, and focus on international business, the positive effect of globalization is much more apparent as well as the challenges it presents to countries with different ethical cultures. While most would assume that people in another land speaking a different language, following a different religion, and eating different food would more than likely perceive
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had a legal case that created controversy and raised ethical questions about the motives of the parties involved. The case of Tastries Bakery vs. Mireya and Eileen Rodriguez- Del Rios pertained to a bakery owner, Cathy Miller who refused to bake a custom order wedding cake for a same sex couple, the Rodriguez Del Rio’s. This case raised issues and concerns not only within the community of Bakersfield but across the nation in regards to business owners and their constitutional rights to refuse service
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201403007 Introduction The source of cost management ethical problems in any organization can be one or more of the following; 1. 2. 3. 4. Organisation’s management expectation Vs. professional ethics Personal desire for recognition / and promotion within the company Strife for quick money or cash Personal commitment or colleagues commitments In view of this, certain steps are required to be taken to ensure that strict adherence to business ethics is promoted within every organization. Several
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JDT2 Task 2 A. Ways to address the situation One of the ways to succeed in business is to make sure customers are satisfied. In this case, If the contaminated metal whistle in the toy collection is sold to the elementary school without any corrections, an ethical issue of non-disclosure or health risk would arise. As a result, the company’s reputation and integrity would be ruined and can deter customers. To address the situation at hand, a few alternatives can be considered. The first
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BUSINESS AND SOCIETY INTRODUCTON With increasing urgency, market and social forces are rewriting the roles and responsibilities of business as well as its strategies. Though the profit motive of business is understood and accepted, people do not accept it as an excuse for ignoring the basic norms, values, and standards of being a good citizen. Modern businesses are expected to be responsible towards the community resources working toward the growth and success of both their companies and their
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separate basic knowledge acquisition from the critical thinking and analytical skills necessary for making ethical decisions or judgments. Answering questions about business ethics requires knowledge from multiple disciplines, including philosophy, psychology, political science, sociology, economics, finance, organizational management, and law. Analyzing such a vast body of data in ethical frameworks requires the highest levels (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) of critical thinking as expressed
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Economics, Microeconomics - Other Microeconomic issue Consists of performing application-oriented exercises wherein the specific economic principles learned in this course are put to practical use. You must translate your ideas into economic analysis using the specific economic theory and economic terms. Choose of one topical microeconomic issue out of two possible alternatives. Choose one of the following two microeconomic issues: 1. Everyone's Gasoline Problem. We are all familiar
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Starbucks: Ethics and Compliance Business Ethics and Compliance is a platform that undergirds Starbucks operation and assists to safeguard its philosophy and name by supplying ways that help associates make moral judgments at work (Starbucks Corporation, 2012). Starbucks has been on the scene since 1971 and has continued to grow at a minimum rate of 20 percent annually. Starbucks is known as the collegiate meeting place and the patrons are as diverse as its employees. Business professionals, students, stay
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