1. Introduction: Financial accountancy (or financial accounting) is the field of accountancy concerned with the preparation of financial statements for decision makers, such as stockholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies, owners and other stakeholders. Financial capital maintenance can be measured in either nominal monetary units or units of constant purchasing power. The central need for financial accounting is to reduce the various principal-agent problems, by measuring and
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Issues in Accounting Research Prof. Allen J. Rubenfield Paper 2 The Jane, CPA Dilemma Independence is perhaps one of the most important attributes of the public accountant. Before pursuing a course of action to resolve ethical dilemmas, a CPA may want to consult with legal counsel, applicable professional bodies, and appropriate firm or employer personnel. The AICPA[1] provides an ethics hotline
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Practices and Ethics Raquel Heppner HCS405 January 23, 2013 Steve Linerode Financial management is a very important sector of any health care organization. Without proper financial management it would be impossible to keep the doors of any organization, but in health care where the sales equal an intangible good like a visit with the doctor it is even more critical. There are four elements in sound financial management. These include controlling, planning, organizing and decision making.
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MEMO To: CEO From: Accounting Manager Date: February 19, 2013 Re: Need for internal managerial accountant Dear Chief Executive Officer, This is a memo that will state the reasons why and benefits of hiring another managerial accountant. As we all know, the significance of a trustworthy accounting department is essential in any business. Accounting is specifically the most important department of a business for the simple fact that it deals with the company’s money statuses. This includes where
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Financial Reporting policies in healthcare are a commonly used set of standards that the company compiles by use of authoritative and accepted ways to record and report accounting. Corporate compliance is designed to prevent any violations of the law by those such as, agents, employees, of a business. The ethics are equally important these are a set of morals or moral principles set by a person or agency. Fraud can be described as a breach or deceit and abuse can be described as a misuse of authority
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Managerial Organization LDR/531 March 23, 2013 Managerial Organization One of the world’s leading electricity companies, Enron Corporation, suffered from a financial scandal, which involved the corporation and its accounting firm. The scandal happened during the 1990s and was a result of irregular accounting procedures. This scandal caused Enron to file bankruptcy in December 2001 (Thomas, 2002). The subject of this paper will discuss how organizational behavior theories could have predicted
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Enron’s officers and employees to be highly ethical in their decisions and actions. In addition, the Enron Code of Ethics specified that “An employee shall not conduct himself or herself in a manner which directly or indirectly would be detrimental to the best interests of the Company or in a manner which would bring to the employee financial gain separately derived as a direct consequence of his or her employment with the Company.” Enron’s ethics code was based on the values of respect, integrity, communication
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Ethics Ethics Society has been unfortunate enough to see what will occur when organizations and individuals who run them, do not include ethics and social responsibilities in their decision- making process. Because of detrimental events such as Arthur Anderson and Enron, organizations have had to change their manner of thinking and actions during strategic decision- making and planning processes. Organizations must take into account the impact the decision will have on every stakeholder and
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and finally provide recommendations that could have been implemented to prevent these issues. Overview, Issues, and Recommendations: The Arthur Anderson Scandal was mainly related to Enron’s scandal and fallout. The accounting firm was responsible for completing the audited financial statements of the company and was convicted of obstructing justice, after it shredded documents relating to Enron’s Audit and scandal. Many fiascos led to Andersen’s fallout. This included unethical practices, poor
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nothing could stop the growth and uprising price of shares. The downfall of Nortel began when the top executives were accused of falsifying reported earnings. Top-notch executives were buying and selling stock within their retirement plans and massive accounting discrepancies were discovered. These suspicious outcomes let the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to launch an investigation in April 2004. The company continued to plunge and deteriorate. In January 2009, Nortel filed Chapter
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