Alcohol Use/Abuse Assessment Alcohol has been found to be the most commonly misused substance in the United States. There is an estimated 8-16 million people who become physically dependent on alcohol (Doweiko, 2012). Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a term used to identify those individuals whose alcohol consumption has caused negative consequences for them socially, physically, emotionally, and vocationally. Successful treatment of an AUD includes creating a treatment plan for the individual to
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is a lot more about financial, the expenses when they get married, they’re respective partner doesn’t have a good job, or thinking about its hard to go out of the country when they get married. The third factor was social, under this factor was the family were disagreed to get married, they don’t accept the father/mother of the child and lot more like this. Being a single parent has an advantages and disadvantages, positive and negative parts. But the disadvantages weigh more than the advantage, like
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Journal of Transcultural Nursing Standards of Practice for Culturally Competent Nursing Care : 2011 Update Marilyn K. Douglas, Joan Uhl Pierce, Marlene Rosenkoetter, Dula Pacquiao, Lynn Clark Callister, Marianne Hattar-Pollara, Jana Lauderdale, Jeri Milstead, Deena Nardi and Larry Purnell J Transcult Nurs 2011 22: 317 DOI: 10.1177/1043659611412965 The online version of this article can be found at: Published by: http://www
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Annotated Bibliography: What the Literature Says About Juvenile Sex Offenders The following articles, factsheets, and studies have been compiled to assist attorneys and individuals working on behalf of youth charged with sexual offending. The information contained in these resources aim to help others realize the fundamental differences between adult sex offenders and juvenile sex offenders, which include positive responses of juveniles to treatment, low recidivism rates of juveniles and negative
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productive or not productive. Their environment such as the parent’s living states, the area they live in, and the way the family interacts with the child will play a big part in how they will be educated. According to Diana Fisklock (2011), “Children who were in the Harrisburg Preschool Program for at-risk children scored higher on Pennsylvania System of school Assessment literacy and math tests, even into the fifth grade, according to a study.” The case study followed 250 preschool program students
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Nursing Theorist: Ida Jean Orlando University of Phoenix Nursing 403 Nursing Theorist: Ida Jean Orlando Ida Jean Orlando was born in 1926, the first of her Italian family born in America. She received multiple degrees while pursuing her education. Orlando started with her nursing diploma in 1947 and achieved even greater success in her educational endeavors by eventually receiving her B.S. in public health, and her M.A. in mental health nursing. Orlando became an associate professor at
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Models of Health and Healing Two of the three models of health and healing discussed by Dossey (1999) were Era II Body/Mind Model of the 1950s and Era III Body/Mind/Spirit Model of the 1990s. According to Dossey (1999), post World War II the Medical Doctors noticed that there was proof that the functioning of the human body can be affected by other factors such as stress and emotions which, can lead to diseases such as ulcers and high blood pressure. This model brought to light
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assistants in the fall of the year; observations of the quality of classroom instructional, emotional, and organizational support were conducted in the middle of the year; and norm-referenced direct assessments of literacy, language, and mathematics skills were administered in the spring. Findings from multilevel models indicated that disruptive and disconnected peer play behaviors early in the preschool year were associated with lower literacy and language skills regardless of classroom quality. However,
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Falls are very common in the geriatric population. They are the leading cause of injury and death by injury in adults over the age of 65 years (Lee, 2013, p.37). Falls can have devastating results in the geriatric population. Fear of falling is a defined geriatric syndrome that may contribute to further functional decline in an already frail patient. When people experience something unpleasant, their natural response is an aversion to that experience. People may begin to limit their activities after
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404-601-4582 (cell) Therapist: Catherine Kleinschmit, LMFT Date of Assessment: February 3, 2015 REASON FOR TESTING: Kimberly came to Touch of Healing Counseling Center as a referral from Oak Park Church. She is being considered for the position of senior pastor at Oak Park Church. The leadership team of the church requested she be evaluated for suitableness for the position of senior pastor. ASSESSMENT METHODS: Assessments given to Kimberly Brown were as follows: Examinee Biography IPIP-NEO
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