Financial Case 1

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    Enron Case

    Global Perspectives on Accounting Education Volume 3, 2006, 27-48 ENRON AND ARTHUR ANDERSEN: THE CASE OF THE CROOKED E AND THE FALLEN A Gary M. Cunningham Visiting Professor Department of Business Administration Åbo Akademi University Turku, Finland Jean E. Harris Accounting Department Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg Campus School of Business Administration Middletown, Pennsylvania USA ABSTRACT Outside the US, the failures of Enron and Arthur Andersen remain puzzles. How could the accounting

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    Note on Pe Exits

    Case # 5-0022 Updated December 15, 2004 Note on Exits D O The number and dollar value of exits declined significantly during the economic downturn of 2000. In 1999, equity underwritings in the technology, health care, and consumer segments totaled 665 but by 2002, the total was just 151 transactions. Mergers and acquisitions for the same sectors totaled 988 in 1999 and just 388 in This document was written by Adjunct Assistant Professor Fred Wainwright and Research Assistant Angela Groeninger

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    Securitisation Act

    and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (Securitisation Act) was passed in order to regulate securitisation and reconstruction of financial assets and enforcement of security interest. There was an acute need for assistance to the banks and other financial institutions when it comes to the recovery of loans as heavy losses being were incurred on account of unpaid debts. Initially, the Act was considered to be a boon to financial institutions and banks

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    Marriage Law in Ghana

    * Publications Ghana LawsMATRIMONIAL CAUSES ACT1971 (ACT 367) Section 1-Petition for Divorce.(1) A petition for divorce may be presented to the court by either party to a marriage. (2) The sole ground for granting a petition for divorce shall be that the marriage has broken down beyond reconciliation.Section 2-Proof of Breakdown of Marriage.(1) For the purpose of showing that the marriage has broken down beyond reconciliation the petitioner shall satisfy the court of one or more of the following

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    Rate of Return

    years. We can solve for r as follows: 1 1 + r = a2000b6 = 1.1225 1000 Or, r = 0.1225. This rate is the rate of return of this investment opportunity. Making this investment is like earning 12.25% per year on your money for six years. When there are just two cash flows, as in the preceding example, it is straightforward to compute the rate of return. Consider the general case in which you invest an amount P today, and receive FV in N years: P * 11 + r2N = FV 1 + r = 1FV/P21/N That is, we take the

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    Diageo Case Study

    company wanted to rethink its financing mix. In this case, the tradeoff between the costs and benefits of different leverage policies will be discussed. A simulation model was created by Diageo’s director of Finance and Capital Markets, Ian Simpson, and Adrian Williams, the firm’s Treasury Research Manager, to understand the tax benefits of higher gearing and the cost of financial distress. In this report, I will discuss the historical financial policies in Diageo. The actions of selling Pillsbury

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    Case Preparation Questions (Note that questions sometimes continue on the next page) Use a spreadsheet program such as Excel for computations for all cases Riley Supply 1. Prepare one indirect cash flow statement (operating-investing-financing) for 2004-2005 and a second one for 2005-2006. Do not aggregate any accounts. 2. Calculate common-size income statement for each year. 3. Calculate all financial ratios (use “A Basis Set of Financial Ratios”) for each year. You will

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    Student Mba

    Wayne State University BA 6000 – Fall 2011 Case 1 ClearOne Communications, Inc. is a provider of end-to-end video and audio conferencing services, including the manufacture and sale of video and audio conferencing products. From its inception as a manufacturer of this equipment through 2001, ClearOne sold it products through a nationwide network of manufacturer's representatives. Sometime in early 2001, ClearOne decided to alter its business model and instead of using manufacturer's representatives

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    Case #11 Deutsche Brauerei Synopsis and Objectives A newly-appointed director of a small German beer brewer must prepare to vote on three issues coming before the board of directors the next day: (1) approval of the financial plan for 2001, (2) declaration of the quarterly dividend, and (3) adoption of an incentive compensation plan for the marketing manager. The task is to evaluate the past and prospective financial performance of the company and to critique its liberal credit and inventory

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    Economics of Banking

    page 1 Chapter 18 Capital Regulation and The Basel Accords 1. Introduction: why capital regulation? 2. Effects of capital regulation 2.2. A model where banks have equity in excess of regulatory demand. There is some empirical evidence that banks choose a composition of funding where the share of equity is larger than what is demanded by regulators. Below we consider a simple model of largely competitive financial markets, due to Allen, Carletti and Marquez (2011), where this is the case. We

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