Guns, Germs and Steel Page 1 GUNS, GERMS, AND STEEL: The Fates of Human Societies By Jared Diamond, 1997 About the Author: Jared Diamond is a professor of physiology at UCLA School of Medicine. He is a recipient of a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship and was awarded a 1999 National Medal of Science. He is also the author of The Third Chimpanzee. SUMMARY The book asks and attempts to answer the question, once humankind spread throughout the world, why did different populations in different locations
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How the Americas got started North American started to civilize about 35,000 years ago. There was a land mass that acted as a bridge like structure that connected Europe and Alaska. Many natives used this land mass to cross over to the Americas. When the Ice age ended the water level rose over the land mass which was submerged leaving the native that were here stranded with no way to go back across to their land. This is how the first descendants as well as their animal made it into North
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can't make it to their destination. The refugee crisis in central america is a huge problems because there are more push factors that make people flee their countries. The refugee crisis in central america has being a problem from a long time. In Central america there has being many conflicts. These conflicts make people wanna leave or be forced to leave their country for safety. One of the major problems in central america that cause people to flee is
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continually finding ways to ensure McCain products are as healthy as possible. McCain Foods Limited is an international leader in the frozen food industry, employing 19,000 people and operating 50 production facilities on six continents. A privately owned Canadian company, McCain generates annual sales in excess of CDN$6 billion. While potatoes are at the heart of our offering, we also produce many other food products, including pizza, appetizers, oven meals, juice and desserts. The company’s products
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Obesity in America Rochanda Robertson Kaplan University CM 220 Unit 6 Sean Froyd 5/22/2012 Americans are forgetting how important exercise and nutrition are needed in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. America has been plagued with “cheap eats,” or inexpensive food that is proving to me very, very unhealthy. Obesity is a very serious medical condition where excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on a person’s health. Obesity
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Genius The spirit of the American people is what truly makes America brilliant. It is our ambition, hard work, commitment, creativity, innovation, and generosity that have helped shape America into what it is today. We are a country that has been through seemingly insurmountable difficulties, but we have always managed to come out on top, learn from our mistakes, and advance ourselves toward the greater good of all. Since its founding, America has grown as a whole. We have fought to eliminate injustices
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or not fast food restaurants are the cause for the increase in diabetes and obesity by asking herself; “Are fast food chains the bad guys?”, “Are we all genetically pre-disposed to be “fat” or “skinny”?” and “Whether or not there is another factor contributing to the widespread obesity problem?”. The author explained that personal choices, lack of exercise, and genetic disposition all play a role in a person’s weight but there are other things that influence our weight like the fast food chains. She
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reminded of the voyages of Columbus, that and that he discovered America. When talking about Columbus, not much information is given about his arrival to the Americas, and much of the information that is given is incorrect or inaccurate. Howard Zinn's A People’s History and Charles C. Mann’s 1491 talk about the facts of the before and after of the voyages of Columbus and how they are misinterpreted. Zinn’s and Mann’s views of the Americas before and after Columbus compare to the traditional more vague
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There is controversy as to who the first people were that established in North America; however, history indicates that Paleo-Indians were the first people. It is believed by archaeologist that these people came to this area because they were hungry. These people hunted mammoths for food and clothing. On the other hand, the finding of “Kennewick man” whose remains proved that he was of a younger age of the Paleo-Indian hunter, shed light into the opinions of the North American Settlement (Schultz
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Valerie Moore of Holmes County, Mississippi. Valerie unfortunately lives in one of Mississippi’s poorest areas. Valerie weighs 241 lbs. and contributes her weight gain to eating unhealthy foods. Obesity is a major public health problem in the U.S. While all segments of population are affected, low-income and food insecure people are more vulnerable due to risks associated with poverty. In Valerie’s case that is what happened. Since having the stroke Valerie has lost 70lbs but says it’s a struggle
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