exemplar development with houses built to high levels of sustainability. The buildings pictured were designed by Gale & Snowden Architects Ltd, who also acted as ecological design consultants for the site. http:/ /www.ecodesign.co.uk Good Practice Guidance: Sustainable Design and Construction The purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development ... ... To achieve sustainable development, economic, social and environmental gains should be sought jointly
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February 18, 2016 Research File Memorandum Prepared by: Certified Public Accountants Client: Smooth Sailing Subject: Fair Value Accounting – Asset Impairment Background: Smooth Sailing is a privately-held cruise operator. The company operates a sole cruise ship that was purchased using non-recourse debt from a bank. Nonrecourse debt is secured by the collateral. In the event of default, the lender can only seize the collateral and no further action can be taken against smooth sailing
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........................ 8 2012 -13 2 Introduction Tax agents and advisers play an important role in helping their clients to get their tax returns correct. This toolkit is aimed at helping and supporting tax agents and advisers by providing guidance on the errors we find commonly occur in relation to Income Tax Losses. It may also be helpful to anyone who is completing an Income Tax Self Assessment tax return. This version of the Toolkit was published in May 2013. The risks in this toolkit have
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for students to assist in their immediate and long-term educational objectives and career goals. Offer individual counselling, crisis intervention, vocational counselling. Life skill training, career/ college counselling administer and interpret guidance assessment instruments that measure interests, learning style, personality and personal awareness. Partner with teachers, parents, and students to mitigate academic concerns and ensure personal and educational success. CARIBBEAN EXAMINATION COUNCIL:
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Chapter 2 - Working With The Tax Law Three Sources of Tax Law * Statutory – the law * Administrative- guidance on the law * Judicial – courts Statutory Sources of Tax Law * Internal Revenue Code (2.6 million words) * Codification of the Federal tax law provisions in a logical sequence * Have had three codes: * 1939, 1954, 1986 * Committee Reports * Explain intent of the law Statutory Sources of Tax Law * Example of Code Citation:
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Background The objective of this project is to provide guidance to entities on how they should measure the fair value of assets and liabilities when required by other Standards. This project will not change when fair value measurement is required by IFRSs. Discussion at the September 2005 IASB Meeting At the September 2005 meeting, the IASB added the Fair Value Measurements topic to its agenda. The aim of the project is to provide guidance to entities on how they should measure the fair value of
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Standards Codification). “The new guidance responds to requests from investors and other financial statement users for a more faithful representation of an organization’s leasing activities,” stated FASB Chair Russell G. Golden. “It ends what the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and other stakeholders have identified as one of the largest forms of offbalance sheet accounting, while requiring more disclosures related to leasing transactions. “The guidance also reflects the input we received
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in cost of sales. D) The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) amended its guidance on accounting for business combinations to improve, simplify and converge internationally the accounting for business combinations. The new accounting guidance continues the movement toward the greater use of fair value in financial reporting and increased transparency through expanded disclosures. The new accounting guidance changes how business acquisitions are accounted for and will impact financial statements
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GAAP exist in the general approach. IFRS mostly provides the basic accounting principle with limited application guidance; while U.S. GAAP is more tend to rule based standard which contains a list of detailed rules that must be followed when preparing financial statements. In the KPMG, the author stated that the framework of the IFRS is a point of reference in the absence of guidance; Transactions should be accounted for in accordance with their substance, rather
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Inventory is usually conceptualized as the line item that represents goods or products that retail or manufacturing companies have to sell. Inventories include raw materials, work-in-process and finished goods in certain entities. Inventories usually have a corresponding cost of sales/services account that as an operating expense reduces net sales or revenue. According to FASB, ASC 330-10-05-2 “An inventory has financial significance because revenues may be obtained from its sale, or from the sale
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