the person who comforted you, the person who loved you unconditionally. Your mother. And the only thing you have to remember her by is the last thing she looked at. The Goldfinch is a tale about a boy named Theo Decker, who has to deal with change, grief, and facing his own inner demons. It’s a tale that is worthy of the Pulitzer awarded to it, and it will make you think differently about the people of the world. Before Theo’s mother died, he was just a normal eighth-grader living in a tiny Manhattan
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Caring for the Caregiver Paul Cobb Liberty University Abstract Those who provide are care in times of emergency, trauma, and grief are at great risk for developing health related issues and complications arising from providing services to those in need. The stress associated with professions such as doctors, nurses, clergy, and family member caregivers can prove disastrous to the emotional, physical and mental well-being of these responders. Depression, burnout, and compassion fatigue are
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Legionnaire’s Disease Unit 9 Manuel Ruiz 19 - Dec – 2011 Legionnaire’s disease is still a threat, and facility managers should have a plan to combat it. Legionnaire’s Disease does not make headlines the way it used to. But that does not mean the pneumonia caused by the bacteria, legionella, is no longer a risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control, between 8,000 and 10,000 people wind up in the hospital every year because of legionella. And those numbers may well underestimate the
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Obsidian is a naturally occurring dark, volcanic glass with a smooth glossy appearance. It is formed when felsic lava, which is extruded from a volcano cools rapidly, with minimal crystal growth. Obsidian has a high silica content and a low water content (typically lower than 1%), as by the time the magma reaches the surface, the majority of the water contained within it has evaporated as steam. When exposed to groundwater, obsidian becomes increasingly hydrated, finally forming perlite. Obsidian
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and just for you to get there and behold that person is long gone, taken away from you by one thing you hate so much and are scared of like hell, Death. I remembered that very day when Dave walked though that very door into our home, looking so healthy. So interested to know who he was seeing him for the very first time in my life, so I walked up to him and introduced myself to him as Halima and from that moment I made a new friend. We became so fond of each other and did everything together, so
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antidepersonalization by stressing one’s personality and uniqueness; c) elimination of frustration by expressing one’s dissatisfaction with the outside world and d) societal need to share one’s thoughts and feelings (Dvorak 257). Therefore, blogging represents a healthy way to relieve frustration for ones and share thoughts and pains for the others. Snider further enhanced this idea, concluding
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The limited use of medication caused the labor to be prolonged and was starting to put the fetus in distress. The nursing supervisor had to determine when to intervene so that mother and fetus would continue to safe, and the mother could have a healthy delivery. The fist steps were to determine whom the stakeholders were and how any decision made by the supervisor would affect each of them. Determining what ethical lens was being used and how to use that lens would ultimately determine how
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1. The Gift of the Magi "The Gift of the Magi" is a short story written by O. Henry (a pen name for William Sydney Porter), about a young married couple and how they deal with the challenge of buying secret Christmas gifts for each other with very little money. As a sentimental story with a moral lesson about gift-giving, it has been a popular one for adaptation, especially for presentation during the Christmas season. The plot and its "twist ending" are well-known, and the ending is generally
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categorized into anger, fear, sadness or happiness. The first three are most frequently associated with stress response. Anger allows us to fight and protect ourselves from perceived threat. Fear allows us to run and hide. Sadness enables us to go through a grief process and to come to terms with our losses. Happiness lets us become aware that our needs are being met. If happiness is sustained for a period of time, it allows us to experience inner peace. Anger in particular leads to many physiological changes
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Family Health Assessment The health of a family is a vital part of how that family interacts with one another and how each individual of the family will function in society, later teaching their children about a healthy lifestyle or lack thereof. The family health assessment helps to identify risk factors and potential dysfunction (Edelman, 2014) I interviewed a single parent family home about their health and how they perceive it. This family is an all-male family, an athletic seventeen year
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