WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY IN AFRICA FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND GENDER DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Assignment Cover Sheet Department: MDS Intake: 10 Part A: Student Details Name of Student: PAIDAMOYO MAGAYA Student I.D No: W150180 Name of Course: ADVANCED QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS Code: MDS 113 Assignment Number: One Question: ‘The establishment of the IMF and the World Bank at the Bretton Woods Conference in July 1944 was mainly aimed at expanding and consolidating the Capitalist Mode of Production
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Computer Information Paper Accuracy of data input is important. What method of data input would be best for each of the following situations and explain why: •Printed Questionnaires – The mode of data input will be decided on the basis of model of printed questionnaire. If the questionnaire consists of multiple choices, optical scanner is the best choice. The keyboard typing or uploading the scanned version of written paper is suitable for theoretical a paper which requires description about the
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predicted the existence of radio waves (Bellis). James Maxwell formulated a set of equations, which explained light as one form of electromagnetic radiation and predicted that there should be many other forms, invisible to the human eye. Heinrich Hertz demonstrated that rapid variations of electric current could be projected into space (Bellis). Fortunately, other scientist and engineers saw the radio spectrum not as a curiosity but as a tool for a new kind of communication. Guglielmo Macroni proved
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DER STANDHAFTE ZINNSOLDAT Der standhafte Zinnsoldat ist von Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) geschrieben. Er ist als Künstler bekannt, und mit Scherenschnitt, Lieder und Gedichte beschäftigt. Aber er ist am meisten für seine Kunstmärchen bekannt. Zusammenfassung: Ein kleiner Junge hat Geburtstag und bekommt fünfundzwanzig Zinnsoldaten in Geschenk. Alle sind stattlich, nur eins ist andersartig. Er hat nur ein Bein, weil er als letztes geformt wurde und dann gab es nicht genug Zinn. In dem
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1.why is all data stored in a computer in binary form? Computers are only able to read and store data in binary form, 1 or 0, on or off, yes or no, voltage or none. Binary is the simplest way to manage information. 2. What are the four primary functions of hardware? input, output, PROCESS, and Storage 3. What are the two main input devices and two main output devices? the mouse, keyboard, printer, and monitor. 4. What three things do electronic hardware devices need in order to function?
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The Effects of Population Density (PSY460) The Effects of Population DensityThe term population density is described as little more than the ratio of organisms to the size of an area (Xpeditions, 2008). This ratio is determined by taking the number of people in a given area and dividing that number by the area they occupy. As of the last U.S. census, the average population density of the United States was 70 people per square mile (Xpeditions, 2008). This is just an objective fact though and has
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Introduction Hypnotherapy has often been associated with being strange and mysterious, curing people by unknown means. In order to explain what hypnosis is, this essay will be considering both the psychological and the physiological aspects of hypnosis. It will start with a brief history of hypnosis before explaining a person’s different states of mind and how these states of mind can be measured. It will then go on to discuss the importance of relaxation as a technique in order to establish
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Exploring efficiency and effectiveness in the supply chain A conceptual analysis Benedikte Borgström Jönköping International Business School P.O. Box 1026, SE- 551 11 Jönköping Sweden bobe@jibs.hj.se Abstract Firms struggle for efficiency and effectiveness. Strategies involving collaboration between actors and integration of activity chains are reliant of factors that firms do not have direct ownership and control over. This has implications for strategizing, setting the goals and measuring
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Physics EEI Contents Introduction 4 Astable Multivibrators 4 Overview of the 555 Timer 5 Integrated Circuit 5 Semiconductor material 7 Current and Resistance 9 Potentiometer 10 Calculation of the Voltages 11 Transistors 11 Light Emitting Diode (LED) 14 Capacitance 14 555 Timer Operations 15 Operation in the Astable State 17 Aim, Hypothesis, and Calculations 18 Aim 18 Hypothesis 19 Materials 20 Method 20
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Physics EEI Contents Introduction 4 Astable Multivibrators 4 Overview of the 555 Timer 5 Integrated Circuit 5 Semiconductor material 7 Current and Resistance 9 Potentiometer 10 Calculation of the Voltages 11 Transistors 11 Light Emitting Diode (LED) 14 Capacitance 14 555 Timer Operations 15 Operation in the Astable State 17 Aim, Hypothesis, and Calculations 18 Aim 18 Hypothesis 19 Materials 20 Method 20
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