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    Dnv Planning

    DNV planning IN A DECEPTIVELY simple essay entitled Earth Day and the War Against the Imagination, Pulitzer prize-winning poet and eco-essayist Gary Snyder says, "Real estate and business people like to argue that economic growth and development are inevitable." In what's become a landmark statement, he argues: "It is not selfish for any community or neighbourhood to try to find ways to check unwanted growth and expansion in its own backyard." And: "Those who try to shove growth down our throats

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    I. Introduction: A. Attention-getting device: "DID YOU TAKE OUT THE TRASH?" How many times have our parents asked us that question? Probably more than most of us care to remember. Well, one day many of you will have children and most of the basics of parenting will remain the same. However, one may be changing. Instead of asking if your son or daughter took out the trash, you will probably be asking if he or she sorted the trash. If you are wondering what I mean by sort the trash, listen

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    The Change in Literacy

    gang. People had different words that meant the same thing, for example the word ‘chick’ was used in place of girl. The word ‘bread’ is not the eatable cooked wheat, it actually meant money in the 1950s. In the 1960s, during the decade of the hippies, the meanings of some words changed. When someone said ‘that’s boss’, it meant something that was the best of or something that was great. During the 1960s America was in Vietnam fighting against communism. People back home in America did not like

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    1960’s- change and turmoil Kennedy- narrow victory in 1960 over Nixon- controversial because of his Catholic background- rebellious Congress defeated many of his proposals- alliance between Republicans and Southern Democrats New Frontier- advocated welfare expansion, namely in healthcare, education, and urban development- many proposals defeated Also advocated for a civil rights bill Military buildup-believer in the “missile gap”- USSR had more missiles than US, US needed to catch up Kept wages

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    Easy Rider

    Easy Riders, Raging Bulls Sex. Drugs. Rock and Roll. Three simple words that helped shaped an era that brought some of the greatest movies, such as The Godfather, Jaws, and The Taxi Driver. In the book Easy Riders, Raging Bulls, by Peter Biskind takes us on a bumpy and wild ride of the era that challenged new ideas to young filmmaker’s that stimulated an edgier movie industry. This book is compelled of hundreds of interviews, with directors, stars, agents, and even one night stands. It tells

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    teorie del quale ogni tatuaggio sarebbe stato in grado di aiutare le indagini identificative di un criminale. E' solo dagli anni 70 infatti che il tatuaggio cerca di recuperare la dignità culturale che merita, soprattutto grazie alle sottoculture hippy e biker. Nel 1985 Roma ospita la prima tattoo convention internazionale italiana, portando alla notorietà gli studi aperti nel nostro paese, da Milano alla capitale, nei primi anni di sperimentazione nostrana. Tantissima strada

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    Marijuana Should Be Legalized

    INTRO: Why is it that when you hear someone say “Marijuana should be legalized” you conjure of the image of a long-haired, red-eyed, burnt out hippy who loves nothing more than giggling at nothing. Yet, when you hear someone saying the legal drinking age should be lowered to 18, you couldn't agree more, even tough it wasn't the high kids you were stumbling around fighting that caused Riverboat to be a disaster. You think this because from the moment you understood English, the idea that drugs (mainly

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    Reel Injun

    When looking back at films in Hollywood, we often believe that the African Americans, the Jews, or the Chinese have been portrayed the worst however, when it comes to the Native Americans there is no comparison on how hateful and unwholesome the movie industry has been to them. Not only through films has this group been deteriorated but also throughout history, the Americans have fully taken over everything that they had from their land to their culture and reinvented it in a way in which we pleased

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    Legalization of Marijuana

    even listed on the United States Pharmacopeia from 1850 until 1942. During this time, using marijuana for recreational use was not illegal. In the 1950s it was an accessory of the beat generation; in the 1960s it was used by college students and "hippies" and became a symbol of rebellion against authority. It was being used by musicians and the people in show business. During this time clubs were opening in most major cities and these were tolerated by the community because the patrons did not disrupt

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    S.E. Hinton: That Was Then, This Is Now is about Bryon, the novel's sixteen-year-old narrator, and his friend Mark grow up in an American inner city district during the early seventies. Since Mark's parents have shot each other in a drunken argument when he was nine years old, Bryon's mother decided to take him home in order to take care of him. Bryon and Mark have been as close as brothers from this moment on, both living in a harsh world of gang fights, alcohol and drugs: "It was great, we were

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