When the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO Act) became federal law in 1970, it became a highly effective tool in prosecuting mobsters. It provides for extended criminal penalties for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. Violation of the act is punishable by up to 20 years in prison per count. The RICO Act has proven to be a very powerful weapon, because it attacks the entire corrupt entity instead of individuals who can easily be replaced with other organized
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drugs, people being murdered, raped and assaulted. According to the inter press services, in the last three decades people that are in prison have increased almost 790 percent, in the last 30 years the inmates count has risen from 25,000 to 219,000 and is still rising at a disrupting rate. The question that we need to ask ourselves is if the people that get out of prison deserve a second chance at a normal life. Everyone has a different opinion on this topic. Some people will agree that once a person
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Amendment rights because of criminals with illegally obtained firearms. Has the nation forgotten about the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, or does this country only care about the first and fifth amendments? The general census is anti-gun activists and the U.S. Government need to put the blame where it belongs, and stop punishing law-abiding citizens. The History of Firearms and the Crimes Committed Many believe it was Leonardo DiVinci who invented the firearm. The fact is, “the
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Welcoming the new immigrants? Leonel Camacho Regent University Professor Baugus Welcoming the new immigrants? Throughout American history, immigration has become a part of our nation’s dilemma which, began hundreds of years ago. It has become a daily argument in the US in recent years with illegal immigrants as the main focus. Illegal immigration is described as people entering a Country without the government permission. According to Preston Julia from the New York Times, in 2008, the Center
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care, education, employment and housing was severely limited. Aboriginals generally live in poor conditions and choose unhealthy lifestyle choices they also make up a disproportionate section in the prison population; this continues the negative attitudes that society has towards aboriginals today. History Aboriginals trace their creation back to the dreamtime, an era long past when they believe the earth was first formed by creatures. The dreamtime theory was that these creatures started human society
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deliberation will determine whether it’s cruel and unusual punishment to sentence a 13 year old and a 17 year old to life in prison without the possibility of parole for a crime that did not involve the taking of a life constitutional. His position is illustrated in a re-visit to his early childhood; he confesses to being on probation at the age of 17 for destroying federal property, yet reveals the admiration he had for the parole officer’s genuine concern expressed in his ability to listen.
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not only to an overcrowding of prisons in our country, but also to an increase in the number of death sentences handed down by the courts. Despite the fact that the number of inmates on death row is climbing, the number of death sentences actually carried out in any given year lags far behind. People simply aren’t fearful of the death penalty when it is not used the way it should be (Stewart 50). If the death penalty has been declared legal, then the federal and state governments must employ it to
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business should always comply with the employment laws in order to not get penalized with high unaffordable fines. Some of these are laws are specifically applied to businesses in Texas, and other laws are Federal which means that they are applied to any business located in the United States. The federal laws are known as The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, and The Occupational Safety and Health Act
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Turcotte Equal Employment Opportunity and Employee Right Over the course of history in the United States there have been many laws put in place to protect employees and employers. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 are two such acts signed into law. Each of the laws protects workers
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Marijuana Introduction The battle against illegal drugs is one of the most costly wars a country can venture on. This is because, apart from costs associated with the venture; when it comes to arrests, the prosecution process, and prison costs, the war denies a country’s medical sector a chance of exploiting the medicinal part of some illegalized drugs for example, marijuana. In addition, considering the amount of revenue, which a country can gain via taxes, the war has many associated
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