Human Body In Health And Disease

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    Community Health Task 2

    Application of Community Health & Population-Focused Nursing Western Governors University Introduction This paper is about an epidemic outbreak of tuberculosis in Haiti after January 2010’s 7.0-magnitude earthquake, which killed and injured about 600,000 people and left about 1.5 million displaced. This disease will be described; involved risk factors will be discussed. The following topics will also be discussed: how the outbreak could affect the community, reporting protocol if the outbreak

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    Ethical Issues In Health Care

    Whose responsibility is it when it comes to health? Is it a matter of individual choice, healthcare providers, or do governments have a role to play? Discussion of this issue can be a controversial topic. Different views can vary from considering individual liberty to desperately asking health professionals to tackle public-health problems. The ethical dilemma between public-health policy and individual liberty continue to receive attention surrounding topics such as vaccination requirements, legalization

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    Nutritional Status in Relation to Academic Performance

    PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Every individual in this community aims to have good health before any other wealth, when a person is healthy he is energetic at work of which he can acquire wealth. In the same way, socio-economic development depends on human development which can be obtained if the health and nutritional status of the community is well protected. If constituents are of deplorable health, the development of a country will fall behind. The nutritional status of a population is

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    own perspectives when it comes to their health and diseases. The different cultures believe in many ways. Some of the cultures believe in using traditional medicines, some believe in prayer, and some believe in herbal things for the healing, and there are more things that the different cultures may do in order to find the right cure. This can also cause a problem for the different cultures to receive the proper medical help that they may need. Health care providers must keep the basic concepts

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    11/04/2014 EBOLA VIRUS (EBOV)2 Ebola Virus (EBOV) The Ebola virus causes a serious illness, that causes haemorrhagic fever in humans and animals which, if it is not treated in time is often fatal. Diseases that are fatal like Ebola, affect the body's vascular system, which makes it hard for the blood to circulte through the body. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the first notification of the ebola virus was mentioned in the Ebola River valley in Zaire for the time of an outburst

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    Ebola Research Paper

    According to the World Health Organization, a 28 year old student nurse of Kakata University in Liberia suddenly ended up with the newly discovered Ebola virus. His name is Austin Jallah; Austin was at his day job working as a student nurse when the deadly virus hopped onto him. Austin stated, “‘I gave medication to a patient in the emergency room but I had no idea that he had the virus. I interacted with him, and later on I found out that he had died of Ebola.’” The hospital instantly put Austin

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    Fast Food

    In my opinion, fast food is bad food and unhealthy for humans. It is a combination of basic high content of some types of ingredients, and high consumption of fast food by people creates the health problems associated with fast food. First of all, fast food contains large amounts of fat. There are two types of fats like saturated fats and trans fats they can raise cholesterol and increase the risk of diseases. Because fats are very unhealthy, it’s a factor in rising obesity rates. Fats contain high

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    Polycystic Kidney Disease

    Polycystic Kidney Disease This paper is about polycystic kidney disease (PKD). It will describe a case scenario about a newly diagnose patient with end-stage kidney failure. The reader will learn about the kidney and function. What would happen if the kidneys stop working correctly? Continue to read to find the answer. A 40-year-old white well-nourished pleasant male presented with nausea, fatigue, shortness of breath has bilateral lower leg edema with chief complains of not urinating on two

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    Pasteur, Jenner, Eisen and You

    a while for a theory to be accepted in the scientific community, little was known about science or microbiology. It was believed that illnesses were caused by outside influences like bad air or divine punishment (Disease Warriors, 2006), when in actuality the rise of contagious diseases and infections were caused by many people crowded into a small area with little to no sanitation (Rhodes, 2014). Today, with the knowledge that was discovered in the 18th and 19th centuries and other technologies

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    Professional Presence and Influence

    and Influence ULT January 22, 2016 ULT A 1. Models of Health and Healing Everyone has their own belief when it comes to health and healing. Some people may believe in power of pray with no conventional medicine. Others believe western medicine can cure what ails them. Today I will discuss the difference between Era II and Era III models of health and healing relating to what it means to be human. Era II is known as the mind-body model. This model was developed in the 19th century. It is

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