‘C’mon PE (TE) it’s time to get changed for dance’ (Keyworth and Smith, 2003: 107). A small-scale investigation into the challenges faced by the teacher in teaching dance activities as part of the Physical Education National Curriculum, and the impact of the teaching upon the response of pupils in relation to learning. Use literature; autobiography, personal reflection, questionnaire and observation data; and unit materials to support your responses to the following: Some pupils are very
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theory is upon learning rather than teaching. The students’ attentions and learning styles dictate the path of the curriculum being taught. This model acclimates to students, rather than expecting students to adjust to it. As with my particular classroom practices, I believe that coaching and learning through the multiple intelligences helps solve many collective school problems and elevates the learning experience for students and teachers alike. Students begin to appreciate how they
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In the video Christopher’s Story inclusion seemed to be the best situation for Christopher. The reason that I state this is because being included and accepted by his classmates. This has helped particularly with his physical therapy. When his therapist would come to do therapy with him, he did want to do it, but later he would enjoy doing with his classmates. It has helped him feel more comfortable with things around him. This can be beneficial for everyone for the reason that children learn more
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Many children are treated with medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The study of alternative methods of behavior modification and treatment must be seriously considered because all medications prescribed for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have cumulative and damaging side effects. Many of these side effects are terribly dangerous for a child’s physical and mental health. Parents with children who are diagnosed
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below. You can also use readings from other courses that inform your thinking. Remember that a strong paper will have a clear focus that is carried throughout the paper and is supported by evidence from the readings, videos, class discussions, and classroom activities. I encourage you to discuss thoughts and ideas for crafting your paper with your colleagues; however, your writing must be your own. Everyone answers number 1 and 2 other questions from the following list of questions. 1. Describe
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home and 2.6 million of the have difficult speaking English” (Sarvavia-Sore, 2008). We as educators today have to learn to accept and embrace today’s new changing society and population as it continues to grow. Welcoming diversity inside of the classroom comes with changing a lot of old modern day rules and regulations. However in order for all students to succeed every education system has to design and creates ways to embrace diversity. As a Head Start teacher I found it very challenging when I
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder &ump; Autism in the Classroom When teaching it must be expected that there will be students that have behavioral disorders. These disorders must be taken into consideration when giving these students the best education possible. Teachers must accommodate to these children and incorporate them into the daily classroom. Every teacher has their own methods of doing this and can use their creativity to come up with these strategies for teaching. Some strategies
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In any classroom, there will be students of varying abilities, backgrounds, and experiences. Some students might have special educational needs or disabilities, while others might be gifted and require more advanced materials to stay challenged. By conducting thorough
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On the 31st of October, 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed into law the Community Mental Health Act, which was intended to improve mental health services and the lives of individuals with mental illness and/or intellectual disability (DiGravio, 2013). Also known as the Mental Retardation and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963, this law led to the establishment of comprehensive community mental health clinics throughout the country, improved delivery and quality of mental
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Unit 2: ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS IN LIFELONG LEARNING 1.1. Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice related to own role and responsibilities. It is important for all teaching staff and any educational establishment where teaching and training take place keep up to date with all relevant Legislations and Code of practice to ensure they are remaining current with their knowledge and skills, and with any relevant changes or updates
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