Indian M E Sector Analysis

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    Destination Branding

    the places within your budget, read hotel reviews and plan holiday as per your comfort. Globalization has resulted in options galore, be it entertainment, shopping or sightseeing, followed by global business expansion and revolutionizing of tourism sector. The world has transformed into a global village, it’s a crowded place where 250 countries are competing to woo holidaymakers of all kinds. In today’s rat race, it has become imperative for each nation to compete with other for their share of

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    ................................................................................................................ 2 2. PRE AND POST LIBERALIZATION ............................................................................................... 3 3. INDIAN LABOUR LAWS ............................................................................................................. 4 4. PRESENT SCENARIO OF LABOUR AND MNCs IN INDIA ........................................................... 8 5. PERCEPTION

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    Consumer Perception

    VOLUME NO. 3 (2013), ISSUE N O. 12 (DECEMBER ) ISSN 2231-1009 A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed (Refereed/Juried) Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, ProQuest, U.S.A., EBSCO Publishing, U.S.A., Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A., Open J-Gage, India [link of the same is duly available at Inflibnet of University Grants Commission (U.G.C.)], Index Copernicus Publishers

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    Customer Relationship Management

    CRM Best Practices: A Case Study of an Indian Private Bank Kallol Das* and Renuka Garg** The current study attempts to conduct a study of deployment of CRM Best Practices in the context of Indian retail banking, specific to an Indian private sector bank, one of the largest banks in the country with presence in 17 other countries.The research objective involves describing how the selected bank is deploying the CRM Best Practices toward building relationships with their retail customers. The case study

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    Final Year Project

    is 50,800 tons per annum. The master mind behind setting up of this factory was Late Sir. CP RamaswamiIyer, who was then Dewan of Travancore, and he realized the vital role of cement in the industrial development of Kerala. The company was made with M/s F.L Smidth& Co, Denmark. During 1959, the company diversified into the production of white Portland cement. The capacity for the

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    Accounting Information

    organizations have been surveyed with a structured questionnaire by using 5 point Likert Scale measurement from different categories of manufacturing organizations. Findings reveal that cash flow statement analysis, ratio analysis, budgetary control, CVP analysis, variance analysis and fund flow analysis have been frequently high-ranking techniques. Secondly, the authors have recognized five factors to calculate the variability in decision-making with the help of rotated component matrix which shows that

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    According to Shomos (2010), the country has been experiencing rising economic growth, as well as a rising working-age population that is illiterate. This has caused a problem in the Indian labor market, in that the general educational level of the labor force that lies between ages of 15 and 59 years is very low. In 2010, India had a working population of 431 million people out of which 29% were illiterate. Also, about 24% possessed an education below primary or only primary education and only about

    Words: 26599 - Pages: 107

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    January/February 2014 Volume 13, Number 1 The Monthly Barometer Of The Indian Stock Market Jayen B. Patel, Adelphi University, USA ABSTRACT The January Barometer or the Other January effect suggests that January returns can predict future performance of the stock market. In this study, it is examined if any particular calendar month return can effectively be used as a monthly barometer to accurately predict future direction of the Indian stock market. The results indicate none of the calendar month returns

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    ------------------------------------------------------- International Conference on Telecommunication Technology and Management (ICTTM 2015) April 11-12, 2015 ORGANIZED BY Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and Management Indian Institute of Technology Delhi ACADEMIC PARTNERS Telecom Ecole de Management, France GSM Association (GSMA) PUBLICATION PARTNER SPONSORS 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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    Power Politics

    Special articles Power Politics Process of Power Sector Reform in India Power sector policy in India appears to have locked itself into adverse arrangements at least twice in the recent period. The first was when agricultural consumption was de-metered and extensive subsidies were offered; the second when Independent Power Producer contracts with major fiscal implications were signed by the State Electricity Boards. A third set of circumstances, with the potential for equally powerful forms of

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