motivation and the standard of education has become a matter of debate and concern in educational systems and standards. In most developing countries of the world including Ghana, there has been a growing awareness about teacher motivation which is a key to quality assurance, quality outcomes/delivery and high standards in the educational system. It is acknowledged that any nation that is aspiring to maintain high and quality standards or achieve quality assurance in its educational system must take
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Wal-Mart Case study analysis Submitted by: Sarfaraj Heranja Roll No.: 33 Submitted to: Prof. Karan Shashtri VRIO framework of Wal-Mart Capabilities | Valuable? | Rare? | Hard to Imitate? | Support by organisation? | IT investments and systems | Y | N | N | Y | Economies of scale | Y | N | N | Y | Relationship with suppliers | Y | Y | Y | Y | Distribution system | Y | Y | Y | Y | Low price offerings | Y | Y | Y | Y | Culture | Y | Y | Y | Y | Core competencies: Relationship
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Professor I. K. Dontwi Dean, IDL ……………………………… Signature ………………………… Date ABSTRACT The success or failure of any business as a matter of fact depends largely on its employees; thus human resources are very essential to the organisation as they are the key to prosperity, productivity and performance. How employees are perceived, treated and how they feel about themselves and ultimately their output directly or indirectly has an impact on their performance and development of the organisation. De motivated
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Management Personal Selling involves the two way flow of communication between a buyer and the seller, often in a face to face encounter, designed to influence a person’s or group’s purchase decision’ (Roger A. etal). It is a highly human intensive activity. The tasks involved in managing personal selling include; Setting objectives, organizing the sales force, recruiting, selecting, training, compensating sales people and evaluating the performance of the sales people What does sales management
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SIENGTHAI (CHAIRPERSON) Dr. SUNDAR VENKATESH Dr. YUOSRE BADIR Agenda: Introduction of the study Snapshot of BB and its current situation on human resource management. Findings and discussion. Conclusion of the study and recommendations. Introduction Bangladesh Bank (BB), the central bank of Bangladesh, is the key player for the financial sector of Bangladesh as well as for the economy. An urgent need for supply of adequate professional manpower to cope with the emerging challenges.
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to improve on efficiency and of their operations. Recruitment is the process of generating a pool of capable candidates applying to an organisation for employment (Gold, 2007). Applicants with experience and qualifications most closely related to job specifications may eventually be selected. Organisations become concerned when the cost of a mistake in recruitment is high. According to Armstrong (2006) the aim is to obtain, at a minimum cost, the number of suitable and qualified candidates to satisfy
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Plans Retirement Plans Organizational Development Organizational Development RISEN RISEN Wage/Salary Administration Wage/Salary Administration Halogen Halogen MBTI MBTI HR Function Primary Activities and Roles within HSHS 1.) HRIS: Human Resource Information System – Oracle PeopleSoft * Producing electronic pay stubs * Inputting compensation and salary information * W-2, W-4, 1095C Electronic Consent/Forms * Uploading/downloading
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Henry Amm Fayol or Mintzberg – Who is right? Date: 11/12/2011 Student Number: 110369257 Version 1.0 The task: Henri Fayol presented his analysis of the management function in 1916 and it has largely been superseded by the more descriptive approaches of what managers actually do, such that favored by Henry Mintzberg. However, it could be argued that the image portrayed by Fayol is superior to that of Mintzberg, and the latter’s description is of rather ineffective management! Who do you think
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As we now know, Organizational Excellence is measured by success. The key to achieving excellence is knowing the science behind effectively managing the 3 main organizational aspects: structures and systems, cultures and relationships, and strategies. It is critical that all 3 aspects align to enhance the success of one another, but when it comes to prioritizing these aspects in order to achieve excellence, an organization should… …begin by developing a clear-cut STRATEGY for accomplishing its mission
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companies etc. This paper attempts to assess MICE venues and services of NCR region through a survey of hotels, travel agents, event management companies, conference venues and airlines as these are the prime players in the organization of MICE events. Key Words: Business Tourism, MICE, Event Management. ---------------------------------- Congress Tourism in North Cyprus: Analyzing Current Situation and Planning for the Future Kashif Hussain, Erdogan H. EKIZ Neethiahnathan Ari Ragavan and Evren ERK Abstract
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