folktales generated in their culture. Culture can be acquired, shared and preserved through these short stories. Society has passed down folktales as a form of language, values and religion for many generations in hope to raise cultural awareness. Low-context cultures practice folktales as a method of acquiring a culture’s native language through presenting oral stories to children. Rob Pope notes that “virtually everybody learns to listen and speak before they learn to read and write, and every
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Queen – The Construction of Identity in Jackie Kay's ”Not the Queen” and Liz Lochhead's Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off In this essay, I will analyze the way identities are constructed in Jackie Kay's ”Not the Queen” and Liz Lochhead's Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off. I will focus on the idea of identity as something that is performed and constructed, not as something essential that is ready in us from the moment of our birth. The idea of identity as a performance is a prevalent
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How does language shape a person’s identity? * Matched-Guise Technique research methodology used to measure people’s attitudes towards a speaker based solely on speech style, it suggests that how speak can affect how others evaluate us * Ethno linguistic theory an application & extension of social identity theory that deals with language behaviour * Language and speech style is one of the most distinct and clear markers of ethnic identity * People will either accentuate or
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is speaking the Arabic language. The Arabic language for the majority of them isn’t actually their original one but the tongue enforced to their forefathers by the Arabian conquerors. The definition of the word “Arab” is ethnically improper, in the same way as it would be inappropriate to call “French” to all French speaking people. The result of annexation and the following wiping out of the original pre-Arabic culture is that Arab countries don’t only have the language in common, but cultural
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their works. Text within art can be projected, scrawled, painted, computerised and carved to the point that a work may be created of nothing but language. The art of typography is the technique of arranging type in such a way that makes language visible. It treats fonts as individual entities to be enjoyed by the audience. Some artists deal with language as a character on its own as opposed to a surface to draw upon. These artists place texts in ways that are intended to stimulate the way an audience
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diversity of Linguistic. The language that you are using gives you an identity. The foundation of language is the same. However, according to Noam Chomsky, the language is associate with philosophy, psychology, and epistemology. This implies that language is different from structure of the word. The life of language is very interesting and dramatic. The sound of language tells who we are. Also the use of language to communicate in our daily life. Although the language is popular, however people did
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political arena. One such case, and the focus of this essay, is the case of Basque nationalism in Spain. In order to tackle a subject of this complexity, this essay will review a brief history of the Basque people, including: historical ties to the land, language and literature. Furthermore, the political situation in both during the times of General Franco’s regime and post-Franco Spain are examined in order to analyze the politics of Basque Nationalism. The notion of nationalism plays a critical role in
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TRANSLATIONS-QUOTES “Quaint archaic tongue’ – referring to Gaelic language “A trivial little story no one in the parish remembers.” Owen “The good swine who cared most for his substance.” - Manus quoting, but it also refers to Hugh, his love for teaching and Irish Culture “Maypole” – Festival, implies spring, new beginnings, they will also not able to understand English “English couldn’t really express us.” Hugh “I will always be an outsider” Yolland “You can learn to decode” Owen to Yolland
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her feelings about identity in the poem? Dharker is able to present her feelings about identity significantly in this poem and she is able to do it in several ways. First is the structure of the poem. Dharker uses the first person in the poem to make a link between her opinions and the reader, this builds the various ideas that we may have about identity. As well as this is the varying sentence and stanza lengths. This suggests the uncertainty that Dharker may feel about identity and the uncertainty
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Using material from Item A and elsewhere, assess the claim that gender differences in educational achievement are primarily ‘the result of changes in wider society’ (30 marks) Girls have rapidly improved, compared to boys, in terms of educational achievement, as Item A states, since the 1980’s. In Key Stages 1-3, girls consistently do better than boys in writing subjects such as English; at GCSE, girls are 10 percentage more likely than boys to achieve five or more A*-C grades; at AS/A-level, girls
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