Filipinos, who used their own terms to denote a place of worship. Thus the Tagalog and Cebuano use simbahan, the Ilocano, simbaan, and the Pampango, pisamban. This process of indigenization was to characterize much of Filipino construction during the more than three centuries of Spanish colonization. The Beginnings The history of Philippine architecture under the Spanish regime begins with the arrival of Miguel Lopez de Legaspi’s expedition in 1565. In Cebu, Legaspi’s men founded a city, built a chapel
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1. Chichimecas of northern Mexico 2. Pampas of Argentine grasslands 1. Semisedentary peoples 1. Often lived in forests 2. Relied on some agriculture as well as hunting 3. Built villages, but moved frequently 4. Employed “shifting cultivation” agriculture to take advantage of thin forest soil 5. Examples include Tupí people of Brazil 1. Fully sedentary 1. Permanent settlements
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African Americans it may seem ironic that The United States of America is known as “the land of the free” considering that majority of their ancestors entered the US as slaves. African Americans were brought to North America via the middle passage which originated during the fifteenth century. They were enslaved for approximately 400 hundred years until the end of the Civil War in 1865. Although African Americans were enslaved in America, they were determine to survive and one day be freed in this
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This causes people to cross illegally. The United States needs to make crossing the border and becoming a legal citizen easier and more achievable. The U.S. border control was created in 1924 to stop illegal transportation across the border into America. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection describes border control as the following: Since its inception in 1924, the U.S. Border Patrol has had a proud history of service to our nation. Although enormous changes have affected nearly every aspect of
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would allow customers to brew an exceptional cup of coffee at home. The Starbucks brand was regarded as one of the best known and most potent brand names in America and the company had firmly established itself as the dominant retailer, roaster, and brand of specialty coffee in North America. It already had over 1,500 stores in North America and the Pacific Rim and was opening new ones at a rate of more than one per day. Sales in fiscal year 1997 were a record $967 million and profits reached an
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According to Frederick Douglass, a nineteenth-century northern slave, “Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground.” Thomas Paine, a rebellious eighteenth-century Englishman, finishes and furthermore expands this thought, saying that “those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” While both of these men grew up in separate worlds, miles and years apart, their idealisms and
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The United States has a diverse and richly mixed population with many ethnicities. This country was founded on migrants coming to America for a better life and has been a beacon of hope and possibility, for hundreds of years. For those living just across the border in impoverished circumstances, subject to deplorable conditions, and or with no civil rights, the United States is a way out of a miserable existence and quite literally a means of survival. Willing to face almost certain danger, hundreds
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Katie Peers 4/10/2012 English comp 2 Courtney Mustoe Does Rap music Misrepresent African Americans? There are many genera’s in today’s music world. Depending on who a person is, and what their emotions may be, there will always be a song or genera that one can relate to. Some music helps us relax, while others help us to get pumped up. Other music helps us study while some get us ready to party. Music can create closeness with a significant other while sometimes it can relate to our sorrows
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workers all migrated to the united states to work in the gold mines, not only did they work in the gold mines they did a lot in agricultural, factory, and garment industry jobs. When the railroads were being built in the united states the Chinese immigrants were a key part for it being built, they were very successful doing that. By them being very successful by the end of them building the railroad a lot of Chinese immigrants became entrepreneurs, then the number of Chinese laborers went up and
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project I chose to interview a neighbor of mine, Edie Standorf. In this paper I will share some of the cultural norms that she shared with me and how life transitioning from a child growing up in Germany to an adult now living in the United States of America. I will also share with you some interesting facts that I was able to learn about while researching the German culture. Edie Standorf grew up in Germany as Edie Borret from 1927 to 1955. When she was 18 years old she chose to move to the U
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