with many unknow pieces of the crime scene they need to analyze to determine the nature of each sample. Most Forensic Chemists work in a lab. It is rare for private labs to do this kind of work so most of the time these labs are associated with Local, State, or Federal law enforcement agencies. From local Medical Examiner’s labs to state of the art FBI labs, Forensics Chemists often provide the strongest evidence in court against the defendants. They have many different types of test and methods
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Madeline M. Westrick Unknown 2 Unknown Lab Report INTRODUCTION In this study, each student was assigned a different unknown bacterium, with the task of identifying it correctly. Unknown 2 was Streptococcus pyogenes. S. pyogenes is gram-positive cocci that can result in human ailments that are classified as Streptococcal A infections, such as impetigo, cellulitis, erysipelas, and scarlet fever. The allotted testing time given was a total of four laboratory periods, or two weeks total. MATERIALS
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so tests can be run without complications or confusion. Once all these tests are performed, the unknown bacteria in this lab will be one of the following: Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, or Salmonella typhimurium. This report included the results and details to these experiments which are discussed further on. Abstract Gram negative bacteria Unknown #12 was run through an array of tests which produced positive and negative results. The results
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Unknown Laboratory Report Sarah Mansfield Biology 203 Professor Lana November 19, 2014 INTRODUCTION Microorganisms are the earliest forms of life and most have thrived since the early birth of the planet. They have evolved into many different forms of life such as animals, humans, and plants. While some microorganisms impact life in a positive way by sustaining life, others cause disease and even death (Nester, et al. 2012). Prokaryotes are one of the earliest
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five years. Due to recent acquisitions, the company has had increasing operating costs, but stable profits. Notable financial risks of the company are their smaller product pipeline and smaller cash cushion compared to competitors. Abbott Labs marketing branch is what brings the company together through new emerging markets and ideas to reach out to their patients. As the company is splitting and branching off, this will give the company time and money to focus on each department individually
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Name: Your student Number: Faculty of Science and Engineering Faculty of Science and Engineering Practical Skills Practical Skills 4AB012/4BM005/4BM013/4PY008 Practical Session Laboratory Hand Book Basic Microbiology 2013-2014 Practical Sessions 1 – 5 Welcome and Some notes about this Hand book This booklet is your guide to the next 5 practical sessions. It contains all the methods that you need to complete each of the experiments you will carry out
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Negative impacts of Dinoflagellate algae: economic, ecologic, and human health hazards ABSTRACT Increasing pollution both atmospheric and oceanic are encouraging algal growth and increasing the frequency and geographic range of high density dinoflagellate blooms. Public health and economic impacts, as well as negative ecological effects of the aquatic environment are increasing the scientific research done on toxic dinoflagellate species. Contaminated bivalves are causing paralytic shellfish
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Unit 731, chemical weapon subject When Japanese Imperial Army took metal, they also took young female for their own purposes. First of all, high ranking officers of the Japanese Imperial army did biological experiments for their baleful chemical weapons like poison gas and burned the people in Manchuria. For example, Dissection of the person with reveal disease is to check how disease influence the person by seeing the stomachs, heart, and liver. Japanese soldiers cut the arms and legs
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I. 진단혈액 진단혈액 수련항목 (1) : 혈액학적검사 기본 술기 표준수련기간 : 1주 수련내용 : ◆ 용어정의 : • 혈액학적검사 : 혈액세포와 응고에 관련된 일련의 검사를 의미한다. 혈구의 체내분포, 구조, 기능에 관련된 검사, 골수에 분포하는 전구세포에 관한 검사, 혈구에 영향을 끼칠 수 있는 혈장 인자에 관한 검사 및 유전자 이상에 관련된 검사 등을 포괄적으로 포함한다. • 망상적혈구수 : 적혈구 성숙 단계 중 정염색성 적아구(orthochromatophilic normoblast) 바로 다음 단계의 세포로 핵이 빠져나간 직후부터를 의미한다. 미토콘드리아, 중심소체(centriole), 리보솜 등을 함유하고 있으며 말초혈액에서 24-48시간의 성숙과정을 거쳐서 성숙한 적혈구로 된다 (Ref. Williams 16th p373-374) ◆ 숙지할 필수 지식 : • 혈액학 검사에 사용되는 검체와 항응고제의 작용기전 및 종류
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2014-2015 Undergraduate Academic Calendar and Course Catalogue Published June 2014 The information contained within this document was accurate at the time of publication indicated above and is subject to change. Please consult your faculty or the Registrar’s office if you require clarification regarding the contents of this document. Note: Program map information located in the faculty sections of this document are relevant to students beginning their studies in 2014-2015, students commencing
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