Moral And Ethical Issues Facing Managers

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    Journal of Business Ethics (2007) 73:219–229 DOI 10.1007/s10551-006-9202-6 Ó Springer 2006 A Model of Ethical Decision Making: The Integration of Process and Content Roselie McDevitt Catherine Giapponi Cheryl Tromley ABSTRACT. We develop a model of ethical decision making that integrates the decision-making process and the content variables considered by individuals facing ethical dilemmas. The process described in the model is drawn from Janis and Mann’s [1977, Decision Making: A Psychological

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    training for business leaders and managers. It has evolved through ten years of experience with human resource development, where ethics has been an integral part of programs designed to help individuals to become excellent in their professional roles. The core element in our approach is The Navigation Wheel, a figure used to keep track of relevant decision factors. Feedback from participants indicates that dilemma training has helped them to recognise the ethical dimension of leadership. They respond

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    Ethical Issues in Management Whilst society is essentially based upon performance and profit, it is not unusual to find that ethical issues abound in the process of the performance review. Social, moral, and economic pressures can also influence the ethical issues which are bound up in the performance review. To further complicate matters, there are often legal aspects that have to be considered, along with the ethical issues, that are influenced by the social, moral, and economic pressures, that

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    ETHICAL CHALLENGES FOR BUSINESS IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM: CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND MODELS OF MANAGEMENT MORALITY Archie B. Carroll Abstract: As we transition to the 21 s« century, it is useful to think about some of the most impor tant challenges b u s i n e s s and other organizations will face as the new millennium begins. What will constitute "business as usualI" in the business ethics arena as we start andiiiuvc iniu intonew i^eiiiuiyr iviy uvciaii iiiijugiii I3 tiioi wethought

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    Managing Business Ethics

    Managing Business Ethics Ask business managers how to manage business ethics and they are bound to receive many answers or quizzical looks. How can managers educate employees about the importance of business ethics in the company? Integrating business ethics into an organization, one must first be able to understand business ethics. Trevino and Nelson’s textbook, “Managing Business Ethics Straight Talk About How To Do It Right” (2011), introduces students to this topic. As a result of many

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    Ethical Issues In Human Resource Management

    calls the ‘moral impulse’. His post-foundationalist approach to ethics endeavors to overcome some of the inevitable confusion created by empirical relativism and moral uncertainty by inviting individuals to transcend their egoistic moral understandings of the social self and consequently, act more caringly and responsibly towards others (Benhabib 1992; Legge 1998a, 1998b; Letiche 1998; Willmott 1998). In general, we are not ‘against ethics’ as such although all are

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    Blue Monday Case

    Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents ii 1 What are the business problem(s) involved in the case? 1 2 What are the ethical issues raised by the case? 2 2.1 Formalist Analysis 2 2.2 Utilitarian perspective 3 2.3 Virtue ethics perspective 4 2.4 Descriptive ethics framework 5 3 What would Alex Brown do? 6 4 Conclusion 7 Appendix 1: Scoring two courses of action based on Formalist Perspective 8 Appendix 2: Scoring two courses of action based on Utilitarian

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    Blue Spider Case

    accepted this project after the director stated that it would be his baby all the way? Despite Henry Gable’s very apparent shadiness I would probably have taken the project too due to the backing that the project has. Even though the project had issues, based on all we have learned in project management, it is rare that a project has the amount of attention and backing from top executives, as well as, strong resources from the functional team. Many of the cases we studied are problematic because

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    Ethics Game Simulation

    interactions of ethics and problematic dilemmas facing an organization through a game simulation. The simulation placed the role of quality control manager (QCM) as my title within an organization called “G-Bio Sport’s.” Additionally, I was tasked with two dilemmas involving ethical issues, and the various ethical perspectives that were used in my analysis and decision making to resolve the dilemmas. This journal will reflect the issues, steps, ethical perspective used to base decision on and influence

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    Ethics Gets Personal

    that reflect socially approved, purposive action hence they guide the perception and behavior of oneself. This implies that these preferences present cultural and contextual constraints that alter individual and organizational perspectives on social issues (Giacalone & Jurkiewicz, 2010). Studies indicate that if a personal need for job is an individual’s overriding value above all other, then conformance to organizational ethics is the likely response to the detriment of the individual (Giacalone

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