about my goals before I die. I decided that my main goal before I die is to take a trip to a warm, tropical place with the people I love. One of the main aspects of this trip would be the people I choose to spend the time with. For example, I would mainly want my family there, including my parents, sister, and cousin. My parents played an important role in this trip since they have been very supportive and helpful throughout my life. Then, I would also invite my friends who have been by my side throughout
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and powerful things in my life. My life without melodies and harmonies would be totally empty. Listening to and playing different tunes helps me to stay calm, relax and it can also help to motivate me to get up and do certain things. Such as working out , cleaning up, and cooking. I love listening to music while on my way to school, and work, as I feel it helps me to prepare for the long day thats ahead of me. Although it may not be, I beleive music is the answer to all my life problems as it has
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Over the summer, I got the chance to go to disney with my family for the first time in years. My cousin, Makenzie, had a volleyball tournament in Orlando, Fl. My aunt asked my mom if my family wanted to go to down with them so we could stay with Molly, my other cousin, while she took Makenzie to her games. My mom, alexa, my sister, and I went to Florida with them. My mom told my aunt that she would take the three kids, Molly, Alexa,and I, to Disney World during the day for the 3 days we were there
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cheerios is in a bright yellow box, bright blue box for the frost cheerios. So not only do the bright colors attract your eye but associate with you choice of flavor. One of My favorite products in which you can find oats in is General Mills cereal products. Cascadian farms cereal which is an organic cereal is my favorite brand they distribute. The Cascadian farms are located in Rockport, WA. On there 28-arce farm they grow their own crops and protecting their local ecosystem by using organic methods
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My One Summer Highlight I had so many amazing memories this summer. However my favorite memory is when I caught sea bass on Catalina Island. So one day, my family and I decided to go fishing. We walked onto the extended, wooden bridge to get our vessel. It was a dingy that was made out of wood and it was painted tan. Once we were ready, we went out to the ocean that surrounded the island. We steered our boat for about seven minutes to a vast area of sea. We dropped our lines and waited, and waited
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in love with Japan, so much so that the practice of that love has become a culture in itself, otaku culture, if you will. Students of the Ateneo are wont to talk about their favorite anime and manga and display quite prominently how they love that small island country with events, clubs, gathering places, and what have you. Otaku culture is indeed one of many modern-day cultural phenomena that has taken a firm grip on Ateneo’s campus in terms of popularity. It hasn’t always
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One of my favorite parts in the book, Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, was Huck Finn. His mischievous ways throughout the story were one of the things that I constantly looked forward too. I could not help but thinking what he was going to do next. His humor was another one of my favorite parts about the book. I loved how he was rebellious to his father, Pap, and the Widow Douglas when they tried to change how he was acting and influence how he saw the world. At the beginning of the book he was just
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life was outta control. Ten minutes after buying a brand new $275,000.00 Lamborghini sports car, he realized that he still was not happy with his life and still feeling desperately empty; searching for all the answers that he could in all the wrong places. This would be in an
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Eriesha Artis November 15, 2012 Research Methods For my research proposal I will show how: food advertisers exploit children in ways in which negatively effects their eating habits. I choose to do this topic because according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity now affects 17% of all children and adolescents in the United States - triple the rate from just one generation ago. I feel like a big part of that 17% is influenced by food advertisers. When dealing with advertising
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right to own their own things and no torture. What does it mean to have your most beloved items deprived? To the Jewish it meant losing hope " The beloved objects that we had carried with us from place to place were now left behind in the wagon"(pg. 29). Imagine your favorite item taken away, and not ever knowing
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