profession of nursing has established its glory in human history through overcoming various challenges in last two centuries. Started as a small group of people with compassion and courage to care for sick during the dark ages of 19th century, nursing has come to a point where it is renowned as a profession having strong body of knowledge that integrated in day to day practice. During the process of natural evolution, nurses had to go through a series of transformations from mere ‘nursing job’ to distinguished
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University How has nursing evolved? What are the components that have turned nursing into what it is today? We all ask these questions at some point in our career of nursing. The history of nursing can all be traced back to the very first theorist, Florence Nightingale. She helped begin to formulate the nursing practice describing, predicting and formulating the basis of what nursing would become. Several others have researched and developed their own theories of nursing, some which lead us to
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trying one more time, when everything around us says give up. It is the driving force for all types of success. Personal Goal One of my personal goals is to slow down the process of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in my health. I have a very strong family history and background of DM. Diabetes is a disease in which a person has a high blood sugar. Diabetes is due to pancreas not producing enough insulin or the body does not respond properly to the insulin produced. Controlling the progression of diabetes in
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Spirituality: The Effect on Holistic Patient Care in Nursing Emily Engel, Kristy Ensley, Danielle Freeman, Sarah Gomez, Danica Graafstra, Nataliya James Skagit Valley College The United States is diversified in many ways including freedom of religion and spiritual practices. Spirituality does not only apply to practices held sacred within the religion but also how many people survive and cope with health and illness. Holistic nursing care embraces all that encompasses a person, including
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in health assessment has multiple parts to make it complete. An evaluation of a person’s health status consists of obtaining a full health history as well as a physical examination. The nurse must incorporate the use of inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation when performing a health assessment, all which are skills learned throughout the nursing education we obtained. However, we all need to improve on certain things in our practice. After reading the assigned chapters for this week
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Introduction Nursing informatics (NI) is the discipline that incorporates nursing science with many data management and systems sciences to ascertain, describe, manage, and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice. Nursing Informatics supports nurses, customers or patients, the Interprofessional healthcare team, and other stakeholders in their decision-making in each role and backgrounds to achieve anticipated results. This support is accomplished through the use of
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Dynamics NRS-430V January 4, 2013 Competency Differences Between RNs Prepared at ADN Versus BSN Level Nursing education in the United States offers many levels of competency falling under the licensed title of registered nurse (RN). These levels offered in a continuum, begin with nursing as a vocation in the form of licensed practical/vocational nurse (LPN/LVN) followed by an associate degree (ADN), baccalaureate of science degree (BSN), masters
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Health is both demanded and produced by individuals. Health is demanded because it affects the total time available for the production of income and wealth and because it is a source of utility itself. Ill health reduces both our happiness and our ability to earn (Dewar 2010).The medical and wellness models of health and healthcare in general have some similarities, but they also have some differences. The Medical model of health focuses on the eradication of illness through diagnosis and effective
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Introduction The ANA describes nursing as “the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations” (ANA). Nursing to me means helping a person achieve an optimal level of health in a positive environment. The nurse has a responsibility to teach the patients in a hospital as well as the people
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to discuss three nursing diagnoses related to AL and his family living in a suburban community in Staten Island, New York. Interventions and outcomes will be expected for each diagnosis and will be integrated into the care plan and educational program specially designed for the chosen family. Family Assessment AL is a 65 year old man with an Italian ethnic background. He is a smoker who has been recently diagnosed with Type II Diabetes Mellitus, mild obesity, and a history of coronary artery
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