Poetic Justice

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    Workplace Ethics

    Discuss an organizational example of the use of ethical standards in management communications. The example may be from your own workplace or from a business situation with which you are familiar.  Support your answer by indicating why you believe it is an example of communicating in an ethical manner; use references to validate your analysis.  Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings by commenting on the examples they have given. Workplace ethics are codes of conduct that promote

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    Lobbying vs Bribery

    Lobbying VS Bribery Legal and Ethical Environment of Business BUSN150 Unit 1 IP 03/23/2012 Certification of Authorship: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas, words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me especially for this course. Student Signature: ____________________________________

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    Reporting Practices

    Reporting Practices and Ethics Reporting Practices and Ethics When writing this essay, first three articles that address financial reporting practices and ethical standards in healthcare had to be found. Finding god articles to use as reference was not an easy task. Upon reading the chosen articles, much thought about this topic began to enter my mind. The decision to keep reading even more articles and expand horizons before beginning to compose was a good choice. Because with

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    Code of Ethics After reading the rules for ethical decision making I like the Justice Rule, the Moral Rights Rule. The Justice Rule A rule stating that an ethical decision is one that distributes benefit and harms among people in a fair or impartial way. I like this rule because this is a fair rule. Employees who are similar in their levels of skill, performance, or responsibility should receive the same king of pay. It happens so much on jobs where managers give better raises to employees

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    Monitoring: Every established organization that wants to be ethically conditioned must have ground rules for operation and maintain certain monitoring standards. In a place where such does not exist, reckless lifestyle will become the order of the day in management and accountability will not be fostered. This assertion becomes so increasingly difficult when a company operates overseas. There can confusion as to the legal code upon which the company should operate. Should it operate by the

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    of people got benefits from the projects. Rights perspective: 权利角度 Justice Perspective: The justice in ethics is ensuring that all are treated fairly and equally. Unocal position can be examined from the three types of justice. i) Distributive justice: It is concerned with the fair distribution of benefits in the society. ii) Retributive Justice: Punishment is morally accepted for breaking a law or rule. iii)Compensatory Justice: the just way to compensate people for what they have lost when they

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    Legal and Ethical Issues

    Legal and Ethical Issues (GlaxoSmithKline in $3 billion fraud settlement) In cases like the GlaxoSmithKline fraud settlement there are legal and ethical issues affected. Ethically it was wrong for GlaxoSmithKline to put profit before the health of the public. Ethical issues do not have to be proven in court. Most individuals know and understand ethics as a basic human guideline for behavior. With thing legal issues it is a bit more difficult. In order to take action toward GlaxoSmithKline legally

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    Business Ethics

    The Three Ethical Principles: Individual Rights, Utilitarianism and Distributive Justice Timothy Sexton Timothy Sexton, Yahoo Contributor Network Jul 25, 2008 "Share your voice on Yahoo websites. Start Here." MORE:Individual RightsUtilitarianism FlagPost a comment Ethics is an enormous field of philosophic study, but basically it all boils down to three general principles that can then branch off into various sub-groupings and variations on the basic theme. Ethical conduct in society, therefore

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    Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues Simulation Summary

    Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues Simulation Summary Denny Harrold LAW/421 April 22, 2013 Kevin Hiatt Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues Simulation Summary What are the issues involved in resolving legal disputes in international transactions? Some of the issues that are involved in resolving legal disputes in international transactions would be lack of knowledge of the other countries laws, and government interference when it comes to the ruling

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    equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions… (and) when his own preservation comes not in competition, ought he, as much as he can, to preserve the rest of mankind, and may not, unless it be to do justice on an offender, take away, or impair the life, or what tends to the preservation of the life, the

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